My Time To Rant

Before I rant,I want to say to this "special" person that I wish you to have a bad day and realize what did you do that make your life miserable.Anyway,the story goes like this.I was so into Winner that I want to find any oneshot so I can imagine.And then I found this decent famous oneshot maker which I subscribed.I did request her about my oneshot at Nov 9.And I waited patiently cause she maybe take turns to finished the fanfic.And then she still didnt make mine and I was like 'why is it so long?' And I saw the comment section and I was mad.Why? Because I saw this girl request the oneshot recently and she got it first.I was like 'what the heck?' And then I try to request again maybe because I request it wrong.And she still didnt make mine and make everybody else's first.I was furious.What the heck I requested 2 times and you son of a just make other people's first? I hopr you enjoy writing your oneshot you ! I was srsly angry.If you request first and then the people who request recently gets the story before you,what would you do? you would get angry right? I decided to just unsubscribe and never read her fanfic again!


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you didn't ask her? s/he owes you an explanation on that.
she didn't give you an explanation either? :/