Adrenaline Application


Asianfanfics info

Username : brave_purple

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Basic Info

Name : Moon Ji Hye

Nickname :  Minji

Date of birth : 09/11/1989

Age : 22

Ethnicity : Half Korean, Half Black

Hometown : Houston, Texas

Blood Type : B

Height : 168 cm

Weight : 47 kg

Appearance : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Ulzzang Name : Lee Mi Hyeon/Hyun

Clothes :


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

In dorm-

Lounge: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 || Sleep/lounge: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


Personal Info

Personality : 

          Ji hye excels at most things she is interested in. She likes to keep things in line with her personal values and what she believes is right. She has a problem with completing what she started. If you start a puzzle with her, you can expect for that unfinished puzzle to collect dust. This is because she easily becomes excited about things, so she moves from possibility to possibility. If there is a prospect that she is absolutely interested in, and that sets along with her values, she will successfully complete it and feel accomplished. She's surrounded by opportunities, so she is not used to a structured lifestyle with routines. She pays no concern to details of everyday life and ignores detailed, maintenance-type tasks. However, when they do need to be performed, she will not enjoy herself and will make a fuss and/or complain about it. She becomes uncomfortable when she is put in strict schedules and routines. She works best in situations where she has a lot of flexibility and can work with people and ideas. She has a strong need to be independent and is productive without supervision. She herself doesn't like dependence, but likes to look over others and doesn't believe in controlling others.
          Ji Hye is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. She's a spontaneous individual and tends to place importance on immediate satisfaction and gratification. She contains an animate sense of humor, drama, energy, and optimism. Because she's a fun-loving person, she becomes bored easily and will strive for something exciting to do in life.
          Ji Hye doesn't do so well with books and theories. She avoids situations that involve theoretical thinking and are complex. She had difficulty in school and doesn't plan on going to college either. But she does learn by doing and interacting with people. She doesn't handle criticism or dislike well. She'll take criticism personally and can become angered and harsh towards the person. She becomes irritated and emotional in front of judgment, mainly because she feels criticism and judgments are a stab at her character. She doesn't approach the conflict head-on, and will either hold it in, or she'll just give up to end the conflict, not matter her uncomfortable she is. Ji Hye can actually be a tough girl when she needs to be. She usually acts like this when she feels somebody is trying to take advantage of her or do something bad. She's not afraid to fight against anybody for what she believes is right, especially if its against her friends and family. Overall, Ji Hye is an individual who is warm, generous, fun-oriented, energetic, straight-forward.
          She's a confident woman and she's not afraid to show it. She keeps her head held high and walks around like she owns the world. She doesn't bother with what other people think of her. Either way she's works hard at keeping her figure and staying pretty with occasional diets and keeping up with the latest trends in cosmetics and fashion. To keep her S-line, she goes to the gym and least three times a week. To keep herself motivated and her ego high, she surrounds her self with positive messages. It will be things like listening to songs that keep her ego up like Wonder Girl's So Hot and SNSD's The Boys English Version. Basically she acquires a positive attitude towards life. She's confident enough to where she can laugh at her own failures. She loves to get full make-overs, along with her diets, every now and then. This also helps boost her ego. She's likes to pamper herself every now and then because she's a person who pays more attention to the needs of others than their owns. This is her way of connecting with her inner self. When she's put under stress, she becomes filled with negative thoughts. In order to get over these negative thoughts, she'll come up with simple solution, or sometimes excuses, to explain the problem. She does this so the stress won't affect her as much and will get over the problem, even if the explanation doesn't involve the nature of the issue. She's a bit flirtatious with men and most of the time she doesn't try to be subtle. When she sees a guy she thinks is cute, she'll easily approach him and start conversation. Other than exchanging ages, birthdays, and marital statuses, she'll ask about their income. She doesn't want to end up with a guy who still lives with his mom and has no money and no way to support himself. If he meets her expectations, the flirting begins. She's not shy to show off her S-line and her legs, especially because she works hard to maintain her figure.
          Ji Hye is a warm and enthusiastic person. She easily feels motivated by interaction with people around her. Her enthusiasm ostensibly influences others to become inspired and motivated as well. She genuinely likes people and likes to build close and intimate relationships with people. She's a generous and indulgent person and generally treats everyone like her friend. She values relationships and they are a great importance in her life. Because of this, she naturally has great people skills. She makes decision based on her personal values and she is a sympathetic and concerning person; she looks out for other's well beings. Not only does she have a strong interest in people, but she has a strong interest to be liked simultaneously. Sometimes, when meeting new people, she will become insincere with herself and gushy to gain another person's interest or acceptance. She will usually act like this because she feels somebody is not comfortable with her or somebody is timid. When she becomes close to people, she will slowly reveal her true self, which sometimes people will notice. When they do notice she'll try to play off their judgments coolly by saying she always acts the same. She has an astounding ability to intuitively understand a person after a short amount of time, especially because she's very observant about people. She uses this intuition to relate to others and can sense when a person is in need. Being the warm person she is, she'll respond to that person warmly with a solution. She's not great at giving advice but she does love to give a helping hand.  She may be able to analyze a person or a situation, but she's awful at applying judgments to her perceptions. This also causes her to jump to the wrong conclusion about things and people. She's usually a benevolent person, but if you cross her or come off on the wrong foot, she is capable of extreme dislike. She will make a strong, stubborn judgment of that person in the situation. She's a loyal and dedicated person and is driven to meet the needs of others. 

Likes :

  • Theater arts
  • Cosmetics/Masks
  • Shopping/Fashion
  • Spas
  • Parties/Clubs
  • Exercising
  • High heels/Stilettos
  • Wine/Champagne
  • Amusement parks
  • Movies
  • Gymnastics
  • Beauty pageants
  • Magazines
  • Money
  • Beats by Dr. Dre 
  • Waking up early
  • Daydreaming
  • Cute phone charms
  • High heel foot pain reducers/Anti-heels

Dislikes :

  • Criticism
  • Scolding others
  • Small laptops
  • Chores
  • Routines
  • Cold weather
  • Slow/ Boring days
  • People who chew gum stupidly
  • Slow texters 
  • Green Tea
  • Losing her train of thought
  • Instant coffee
  • Aegyo

Habits :

  • She talks fast in English when she becomes very excited or angry
  • Place her hand on her abdomen when she feels she's gaining weight
  • She will cross her legs when she's flirting/talking with a guy - only if she's sitting down
  • She walks around her house in anti-heels instead of actual slippers
  • She breathes loudly through her nose when she's slowly becoming angry
  • Taps her foot when she's nervous
  • Bobs her head to music unless she's fully dancing

Hobbies :

  • Flirting
  • Texting
  • Going to clubs
  • Going to the gym to work out or do gymnastics
  • Going shopping with her friends
  • Writing a blog post on her Cyworld page before she goes to sleep
  • Listening to her iPod
  • Searching through Daum Cafe and Daum Blog
  • Goes shoe shopping online
  • Going to karaoke clubs in Hongdae with her friends

Trivia :

  • She was involved in child beauty pageants when she was younger
  • She records music shows such as Music Bank and Music Core and watched them when she has time
  • She seems like she spends a lot of money, but she's actually a frugal person
  • Learned Korean when she was five, then later moved to Seoul when she was thirteen
  • She likes to watch the Japanese cartoon, Keroro Gunsu
  • She doesn't like aegyo if she feels it's fake or forced - she believes it should show your true innonence

Specialties :

  • She's very flexible
  • She can easily imitate Tomama


Relationship Info

Family Background : She was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Her family wasn't poor but they weren't exactly middle-class and had to watch the way they spent their money. Her mother taught her early on how to be frugal. She was a curious child and sometimes got on her parents nerve. Her dad, who is full Korean, started to teach her the Korean language. He felt he needed to be in touch with the other side of her culture. Her mother is also an independent woman. She started to run her own business when her husband got a raise in his job. He used to be a waitor at a restarant but was then promoted to head manager. This gave her the idea to start her own cafe, like a small restaurant. Ji Hye father also helps as a co-manager in the business. They moved the business as well as their household to Seoul when she turned thirteen. Once again, it was her dad's decision to move them. But it also boosted her mother's business as cafes are a great craze in Seoul. Ji Hye adapted well to the new culture, but she still hated history class. She started taking gymnastics when she was fourteen. Her mother felt her daughter had the personality and spirit of a performer and she already knew her daughter wasn't well in school so she entered her in the classes. When she was fifteen, her mother enrolled her in dance classes that taught her Pop Jazz and Hip Hop.

Parents :

Moon HyunJae | 46 | Co-Manager at Sensation Cafe Moon Brittney | 44 | Owner and Head of Advertisement of Sensation Cafe

Siblings : N/A

Best friends :

  1. Seohyun - SNSD
  2. Suzy - Miss A

Friends :

  1. Tiffany - SNSD
  2. Jonghyun - Shinee
  3. Sunyeol - Infinite
  4. Hyorin - Sistar
  5. G.Na

Rival :

  1. Goo Hara - KARA
  2. Son Dambi 

boyfriend\girlfriend :

  1. Woohyun - Infinite
  2. Lee Joon - MBLAQ (ex)
  3. Jang Wooyoung (ex)


Career Info

Trainee Years : 4

Previous Job : G.Na's backup dancer - her last performance was the Top Girl goodbye stage.


Band Info

Stage name : Minji

Fanclub name : Mintastics

Fanclub Colour: Silver

Persona : Chivalrous Spirit

Position : Main Dancer

Back up Position : Lead Dancer


Password Please! : PeterPeterPumpkinEater


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