❝SMILE❞ ↔ Kang Aecha ↔ The Surprise


yixingslittlebish — Dubbliez — 10

I am Kang Aecha

Character Name— Kang Aecha

Other Names

— Ariele Kang


— Miss Techy ( She's a computer freak. She knows everything and anything about computers, plus—she's a legit hacker )
— Awkward Butterfly ( the exact oposite of the social butterfly. She says some weird stupid things that sound better in her brain than when it actually comes into )

Birthday— December 25, 1996

Age— 17

Birthplace & Hometown— Kyungsangdo, South Korea ; Queens, New York

Ethnicity— Korean

Blood Type— B+

Height— 156 

Weight— 50kg


— English ( Main Language )
— Korean ( Fluent ; Home language )
— French ( Level 3 ; School Taught )

Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
like you're less than perfect

Face ClaimSoyu

Backup Face ClaimLee Geumhee

Style— She has a girly—yet mature—style of dressing. Usually wearing skirts at the most, pencil skirt, flowy, dresses of all that kind. She does wear pants, but when she does, she has a top that cascades like a mermaid styled dress, but shorter. (Open pictures in a new tab to see fully)

Appearance— She has two peircings on her left ear, and one on her right. She also has an arrow tattoo on the back of her neck. She oftem wears the glasses seen on her style, at school, not at school, at home. The only time she doesn't wear the glasses is when she's performing with the band.

That's just the way I am
I can't change, I can't hide it

Personality— ( + ) Smart, Funny, Loyal Friend, ( / ) Awkward, Able to take care of herself ( - ) Nosy, Bottled up annoyance and anger, Insecure

"Yes, I may be smart. But I'm science smart—tech smart—, not math, reading, writing, or book smart like our lovely drummer. Do you get that?" Aecha is an intelligent, ambitious, hard-working, and tech-savvy woman who is highly confident in her computer skills. She's not exactly as smart as the drummer of the band, but she is certainly advanced in all typed of science and tech-y things. If you have a problem and a few electronics, she can modify to do anything possible to fix that problem. Although she doesn't actually go seeking for trouble, she isn't someone who backs away from it when her, or her friends are involved. However, she has a slightly sarcastic and comedy relief mood that always diffuses tension during awkward situations. Although it makes bystanders laugh, it makes her even more embarrassed and the scene more awkward. She commentates on certain things and says the words that come straight from her brain that will immediately turn heads and make people look at her like she's crazy. She tends to be skeptical about many things, but is willing to try new things out. In terms of friends, she has a circle of them, but it's not a huge circle. She has a few, but she chooses them carefully. So once she does consider you a friend, she stands by you, defends you and protects you as much as she can. 

"Darling I'm a nightmare dressed as a—YAH! So what if I'm stealing that from Taylor Swift?!"  Aecha is also portrayed as a jocular, socially-awkward weirdo. She has a habit of babbling without censoring herself, and usually does so using innuendos with ual connotation. This happens when she is nervous, particularly in the presence of those she finds attractive (as in every single guy she has ever had a crush on, or Youngjae). Her trademark babbling often results in her feeling embarrassed, so she tries to backtrack and explain herself, which only contributes to her rambling. The exception to her embarrassment seems to be Youngjae, though neither of them seem to notice when she does it. But despite her tendency to babble, she isn't afraid to give voice to her opinions, and she always stands her ground unwavering when she knows she's in the right. Aecha uses humor in any type of situation, especially darker ones where her comical yet positive outlook on life usually relieves the tension.

Although she may not seem like it, she's a girl who can take care of herself. Because of her fragile build and her love for music, her parents thought that their daughter would become a frail, helpless fragile women. At the time they thought they would stay in America, so they made her do multiple self defense classes. Like teacher her how to use a bow and arrow (her most advanced skill) swords/bamboo sticks, guns, and hand to hand combat. When people underestimate her, she does get easily annoyed (explained in the next paragraph) and has a tendency to prove herself with demonstrations on a person, or on something that feels like a person. She is very confident in her skills, but still tends to keep quiet on them

"I may be a but I'm a with many skills of self defense, try me honey." Aecha can be very insecure, especially when it comes down to Youngjae, a close friend of her. She tends to get all talkative, and her palms get sweaty, and she likes to babble. Because she's a girl who bottles up her negative feelings, it's horrible to see her burst. She has a certain look in her eyes when she gets annoyed or angry, then her lip quivers, then—she bursts. She rants, not babbles, but rants. Using every insult she had inside her finally coming out into the air in "actual word form" she would say. She has a tendency to hold grudges, and when she releases them, she starts shouting and insults fly, and she tells that person everything she thought about them until she's over, immediately apologizing, if it's someone she likes or is her friend. As for the nosy, it ties in with being loyal. She wants to know if her friends are okay, and if they don't want to talk about it, she hawks over them trying to know what happened.


— Action Movies : She loves having a rush, and action is the only way she gets that.
— Hunger Games : It is an amazing plot of a dystopian world andshe loves how the main character can use a bow and arrow 
— Bubble Tea : Ummm... the best drink in the whole wide world. Even aliens drink it, that's how good it is.
— Superheros : The thought of someone, either really strong or someone who has supernatural powers, just to bring justice to their area amazes her.
— Catwoman : One of the most amazing comic book characters that shift from being a hero to a villan, EVAR
— Movie Scores (OST's) : Her life has always been a musical life, so she always pays attention to the music in what she watches, it's the best feature in her opinion.
— Shoes : They provide protection from any type of damage to your feet while looking cute at the same time! Um, awesome much?
— Fire : Fire interests her. She always had an attraction to heat, and she played with it a lot. If she had a super power, she would control power.
— Musicals : Theatere is one of her many passions, and music scores for musicals is amazing.


— Eggplant : The most disgusting vegetables in all of vegetables
— Super lovey dovey couples : Like, seriously? Kepp it at home, or get yourself a room. Stahp, I'm jealous.
— Frozen : The movie got way too much hype. Yes,t he music is good, and the storyline is nice, but it's not amazing.
— The color orange : It's is just such a disgusting color!
— Action movies with love : Ummmm.... You guys are trying to kill each other, and you two are kissing? I hope you both get stabbed in your intimate moments.
— People bashing on her friends : The anger is real. She'll smack you so hard you'll become albino


— Guitar
— Story Writing
— Singing


— Bites her lips
— Crosses her legs
— Bounces either leg when it's not crossed
— Ears turn read when she's embarrassed
— Saying the first thing that comes to her mind/word vomit
— Calling out in class when she really knows a subject
— Talks about computers


— Clowns : She had a traumatizing expirience when she was a kid, and they're also super creepy
— Getting something important of hers taken away
— Her step-father : He always scared her after a certain encounter when she was younger.


— She is an anime freak. She loves it, and she thinks anime is the best thing invented
— She loves EDM/Electronic Dance Music
— She watches every single movie and TV show about super heros. Her favorites are Arrow, The Flash, and Gotham
— She prefers to wear sneakers over heels
— She always wears her glasses, unless it's time to perform
— She loves Boyfriend (Her bias is Minwoo)
— She's been trained in multiple martial arts, and self defence skills.
— She's a tech freak and knows how to handle computers.
— She calls hacking an "Art" that she is the queen in
— The song Aecha wrote mentioned in the background, she translated it for into Korean and had help composing it so that Youngjae could use it for a girl he had a crush on.
— When she gets angry or annoyed, she starts cursing in english.

Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the sky

Background— She spent most of her life in America, however, she was born in Korea. Her father died when she was only 3 years old, and her mother met a man who was a "foreigner" (as in a Korean man, who lived in America). Her mother fell in love with him, and so they got married, and Aecha moved to America with her mother and her step-father. She spent majority of her time alone, with only a few circle of friends. She was into a lot of technology education. She learned a lot from her friends and teachers in that category, and developed skills from that. However, her family maintained a love for music. She learned how to play the guitar out of many request, and she finally got her wish when she was 10 years old. Most of the time, she'd be at home, on a computer, or playing guitar, taking lessons that her parents wanted her to do (martial arts, weaponary usage, singing lessons) Although she was moderate in singing, she didn't have much of a passion for it as she did with rapping. She started to learn how to freestyle, and started writing lyrics she was really proud of ( Pretend she wrote this song ).

A few months after turning 15, she entered her house, and no one was there. Or so she thought. But, in all actuallity, her step-dad was in there. With another woman. When she saw it, her step-dad threatened her that he would do horrible things if she were tell this to her mother. Having this traumatized her, she said nothing of it. But a few months after the cheating father did his work, her mother found out, ordering a divorce, filed a restraining order so that Aecha's step-dad had to stay away from Aecha and the mother. Aecha's mom and herself went back to Korea, and the rest is history.


— father | Kang Jungho | 43 (deceased) | Was a businessman | He was a bright, funny, and caring father who would do anything for the women of his family | He didn't have much expirience with his daughter, since he died when she was three, but he did give her a necklace that he gave her at a young age (which she almost never takes off BTW)
— mother | Lee Minhee | 40 | Nurse | A woman who was like a sister to her daughter. She's a loving, caring woman who would die for her daughter. | Minhee always tok care of Aecha when she was sick, she taught her ome guitar skills as well.
— step father | Johnathan Kim | 40 | Math teacher | Besides being a dirty, cheating, sleezebag, he played a good part as a father. He provided for the family, and acted as a fther very well. | He was a mathmitician, so he always heklped with her struggle-math


— best friend | Choi Youngjae | 18 | Student | Funny, "black-hole", joking guy| They do everything together, they spend a lot of their time talking about what happens, jokes with each toher, and spends time just talking about nonsense in their lives/
— friend | Kim Myungsoo | However old author makes him~ | Student | 4D, Weirdo, Lightens moods  | Myungsoo tutored Aecha a few times, and he also helped her out with her photography project she did in art
— best friend | BamBam | 17 | Student | This bright, funny guy who tries to make himself look manyly, but he just looks like a five year old trying to be daddy, it makes Aecha laugh | They're both in the same homeroom, and their both really close. Mostly because BamBam always requests Aecha to tutor him with science, history and english. They hung out after a few tutor sessions and really got close. (Slight love rival)

It's just a little crush
not like I faint, everytime we touch

Love Interest— Choi Youngjae

Nicknames— "Ttokki" It means bunny. There was this one time Youngjae and Aecha both did the chubby bunny challenge, and Aecha looked like a hamster, and Youngjae actually legitimately looked like a bunny, so the nickname stuck/

Birthday— September 17, 1996

Age— 18

Personality— Youngjae is a very funny, joking and cute guy. He cares for his friends and he's a joker. He likes exaggerating things, and he likes being loud. He's a "black-hole" kind of guy, and people say he can't do many things correctly, especially when it comes to playing games. Youngjae is a guy who is often ignored, for almost everything. He's slightly misunderstood, but that doesn't stop him from being the best he can be. To Aecha he's someone who matters to many people and someone who is a loyal, good and amazing friend.

First Meeting— She was the new girl at school, from America. Youngjae was assigned to be her tour guide, since he was the best english student of his grade. And by "best" I mean he could speak a few words with pretty good pronounciation. So, while Youngjae struggled to talk toAecha in english, she finally was able to speak, in Korean. He was super surprised and really embarrassed.

Interactions— Youngjae and Aecha is this one sided love. They're best friends, she likes him, he's oblivious. The cliche, typical love story that is unfortunate. Aecha and Youngaje do everything with each other and know everything about each other, like the fact that Youngjae has a crush on Bae Sooji for years now. Aecha helps Youngjae out with Suzy, even though it hurts her heart. Often, Aecha does the "embarrassing talk" with random words that have to do something with ual activity. But amazingly, Youngjae seems to not notice it. For about a year, Aecha's friends have been trying to hint at Youngjae that Aecha likes her, but he always ends up confused, or oblivious. Aecha doesn't mind, she hushes about her liking for Youngjae, as a fear of losing him, or him thinking she's weird.

I'm in a place where there's music
Music is my life

Stage Name— Quxxn (Pronounced "queen" Because she calls herself the hacking queen, so ya know...)

Plotline— The Surprise [ The Nerd ]

CameraCanon EOS 100D

Vocal Twin— n/a

Rapping TwinHyuna (bae)

Favorite Music Genre— Pop

Favorite Music Artists— Taylor Swift, Nicki Manaj, Echosmith, IU

Least Liked Genres— Scremo

Least Liked Artists— Juniel

Extra Features On Her Instrument— Her acoustic guitar is a purple ombre guitar

Her Opinions About SMILE— She considered it. She liked it, she thought it was a great idea. She didn't really think about making the band, and she applauds the younger for having the idea.

Hey! teachers! leave the kids alone

Alll in all you're just another brick in the wall

Average Grade— Majrity of her grades are A's but she has occasional B's

Nicknames At School— The Tech Queen

Favorite Subjects— Science

Least Liked Subject—Math

How Much Does She Care About Grades?— Any other grade, no, she doesn't care. Science has a bad grade, she acts like the world is ending

How Is Her Behavior At Class?— She participates a lot, she loves school, and she needs knowledge. She thirsty for da knowledge.

Clubs— Technology Education Club

Part-Time Jobs— She works at a music store

Plans For The Future— When she goes to college, she wants to go back to America and go to the "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" and becaome an I.T (Information Technology) or a graphic designer.

Comments— Just incase you didn't know, the slash in her personality meant that it wasn't bad nor good, or can be seen in both ways.

The Awkward Butterfly

Filled with emotions that she can't express due to lack of human interaction, this girl is one of the most awkward girls you'll ever meet. Although she may not be the best person to start a conversation, she's still a girl who has dreams, like to find her prince charminfg, be happily ever after. She always says that you're never too young to listen to a good fairytail, but never too old to actually live it. She may be a babbler and totally unsocial, but she's loyal, friendly, and ready for anything that hits her.

I based her heavily off of Felicity Smoak from Arrow, just a heads up.

Scene Requests— I have writer's block for scene suggestions. :(

PasswordDon't Forget To Smile

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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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