My opinion about a lot of people are saying that EXO didn't deserve to win because they don't sing live..

My opinion is they sing love though, I mean vocal line killed it during Tell me what is love and they do this thing where as they have pre-recorded SOME parts of a song, but sing a lot of it live.. That’s what they do most of the time. EXO has really complicated dances sometimes and it’s not easy to sing live and dance all the time. They’re not as proffesionally good with combinding the two as for example SHINee yet. EXO sometimes do sing live, they sometimes don’t. Like today they did sing live for most of the parts of their songs.

No matter if it’s live or not, it’s still their voices, its them who recorded the songs. And since when did ‘singing live’ determind if someone should be worthy a price or not? EXO had a ty year and they deserved to win.

Everyone who’s nominated for an award deserve to win that award, I wouldn’t have been sad if anyone else than EXO won for example Album of the year because the other artists’ albums were kick this year as well.. People need to stop having their heads so far up their favorites asses and realise that EVERYONE that’s nominated for something has worked their asses of. I want to literally congratulate EVERYONE who won something today because man! THESE PEOPLE ARE TALENTED AS ! It was a great MAMA 2014! (Although we never got a 2PM performance or that Kiss we were promised lmao)


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True. They actually do sing live, sometimes they don't show it through the sound, but you can tell by the popping veins in their necks. The MR is just too loud.

Though with the complicated dance part I beg to differ cuz whatever you say BTS beats any group's choreography hands down and still gives full live performances. Good ones.

And vocal line rocked it with 'Tell Me What Is Love'. It's so 'opera(?)'-ish

And they actually do deserve that award. The haters can't deny that fact cuz despite whatever you're gonna pursue with their not-100%-live stages, they at least still sang the songs in the album. And that isn't judged on live singing, it's based on album records and votes and some other idk.

And yes the performances this year were somewhat good. Not the best, but nice to watch anyway. #BlockBandBTSCollabRocks & #EpikHighBornHaterWithTheYGBoys~
(P.S apparently Jo Seho and Lee Gukjoo were supposed to do it but Seho couldn't do it even if it's for MAMA OTL XD)

Khun was so adorable when Fany went up to collect the prize though haha the cam kept focusing on him and he was just smiling cutely and all
As for me as an artist packaged to sing and dance, they have to deliver what is expected of them.

Most cases they lipsynch which to me is an indicator that they still need to develop their voice more amd that the awards should be given to those who can and does perform live.

In the end, pre recorded tracks can be be enhanced and modified but to be able to pull off singing and dancing live is trully an award worthy task
joytotheworld16 #3
I know some people are arguing that because EXO has had such a tough year, they deserve their awards more. But how does that have anything to do with the quality of their music? While I like EXO and I know they've worked extremely hard (just like everyone else who was nominated), I don't think the fact that they lost two members means they make better music.

And about what you said about their live singing (or lack thereof) - I have watched many EXO performances, and more often than not they do lipsync, either to playback or to prerecorded vocals. When they DO sing live (which is rare, but not unheard of), it becomes quite clear to me why they lipsync so often. Pretty much everyone except for Baekhyun, Chen, and Kyungsoo could use a lot of work - and even those three aren't always consistently performing well. However, to me this just means that they have room to grow and improve as a group. But I do think that live performances are very important because they reveal the true ability of the artists to sing, and that may be why some people are upset. Sorry for the uber-long comment!
MAMA2014 in general was not that good at all
I only liked EPIK HIGH ft Double B & Mino and GDYB stage
and about EXO not deserving some awards
I just felt like this MAMA was rather an Exo pity party than anything else ._.
I'm agree that people's talent is not determined only by their singing live. But actually that proves how good you are at singing. Pre-recorded things can be edited so they sounded better than the real singing. That's what people in Korea look for, real talent and real singing live. And it saddens my heart when people diss Exo for not have enough ability to sing live.
But actually I really want to hear Exo's live singing more. They can do it but SM just not allow it. Maybe they don't want to risk it if their voice suddenly crack. Do you remember when Wolf comeback stage. I was so disappointed back then. I thought they couldn't sing live. But after their comeback stage, they could pull the live version well although sometimes Baekhyun's voice wasn't really stable. And I'm sure of that talent but SM is just the one who prevent it. Sorry for ranting though