Promise (약속) Application: Choi AeBi [CF Queen, Actress, Lead Dancer]


 Hello, my name is  Choi AeBi 




─ Behind The Mask;

Username; Lexxiluvkpop
Profile link; h
Activeness; 8

What should I call you?; Lexi or Alex


─ I Was Born This Way;

Character name; Gabriella Davis (English Name)

                                    Choi AeBi (Korean Name)

Nickname;  Abby- family and friends close to her call her this. Its the shortened version.

Love- family can only call her this. Since the "Ae" in AeBi stands for love.

Ella- when she is called this, she knows one of the members wants something. actually when anybody calls her this its beacuse they  want something. Except JYP, he calls her that  when he is really frustrated as well as when he is happy. Creepy...but effective.

Toki Toki- her cousin gave her that nickname. whenever she would visit him at his house or studio she would be following him around  asking questions. The thing is she would look at him with a very calm expression and blinking eyes. his mom called her a toki or bunny, but since she had just returned to korea she didn't understand what it meant and repeated the word "toki  toki? What's a toki toki?" he called me that from then on and s and company staff call her that as well.

Date of Birth;  July  3, 1995
Age; 19
Ethnicity; Korean American
Languages spoken; 

                            English- Fluent. Dad is an american and an English Proffesor and lived in the states when younger.

                            Korean- Fluent. Mom is korean and moved back to korea at the age of 6.

                            Japanesse- Conversational. Had been learnig at previous agency. Stopped when  he left and began learning again at JYP.

Place of Birth; Seoul, South Korea
Hometown; Los Angeles, California, USA (Age 1-6) / Seoul, South Korea(Age 6-...)


─ They Say I'm Beautiful;

Face-claim; Min Hyo Rin
Pictures;X  X  X  X  X  X  X


Back-up; Sistar Bora
Pictures;X  X  X  X


Height; 167 cm
Weight; 53 kg



─ Let Me Tell You Something That You Already Know;

Personality;  (+) idealistic, open-minded, flexible, creative, passionate, energetic, dedicated, hardworking, enthusiastic, emphatetic, intuitive, curious, encouraging, tolerant, refined, well-mannered, caring, unique, cunning, prudent, tactful, humble, courageous, easy-going,

(-) self-conscious, dreamy, stubborn, insecure, vulnerable, easily discouraged, childish, reserved, shy, anxsious, emotional, naive, meticulous, perfectionist, frank, repressed anger, impulsive, lazy, self-sacrificing, quick tempered, clumsy


Growing Up:     Born on July 3, 1995 to a family of four. Those four being her mom, dad, brother, and sister. In August of 1996, age one, family moved to Los Angeles, CA, U.S. Her paternal grandfather had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and her dad thought it best to spend some time with him. At the age of three began learning piano and vocals from mother. At the age of four, a friend of her moms suggested she sing Abby and her sister in her cheerleading program. She did and so Abby began to cheer and tumble in the class and at home for grandpa. Grandma was a horse riding fanatic and took Abby to her first lesson on January of 2000, she became Abby's best friend. The children had really gotten close to their grandparents. They read stories and made snacks, they could not grasp the idea that their grandpa was sick, especially since they called him their best friend . So when the grandpa passed away in March of 2000, Abby couldn't understand what it meant and began holding in some of her thoughts and feelings. The family remaind with the grandma and helped her cope with the loss. Abby continued all her lessons together with her sibilings and her grandma wouldtake her horse back riding.   In February of 2002, moved back to Korea, but Grandma decided to remain in her home despitethe childrens efforts to take her along. 

            Returned to Korea, but now Abby had to struggle in improving her little Korean. Since her brother and sister remembered the language, Abby had to sorta start from the beginning. It doesn't help having an English proffesor as a father who only knows conversational Korean. The best solution her mom could think of was spending time with her older brothers family. That's how Abby met the oppa that would change her life forever, Choi Seughyun-oppa.

              Even though Abby, now AeBi for school, annoyed him at first, he really helped her learn the language. He was as childish as AeBi, but could switch to a protetive and caring brother in an instant. The vocal and piano lessons with your mom and sister continued, but not at home, now at your moms work. Dad wanted for the girls to continue cheer and AeBi convinced her parents to continue horse back riding as well. AeBi was not as quite anymore since meeting Seughyun, parents were happy for her change. Glad to know their daughter could fit in at school and the unfamiliar language.

        One day, a Sunday to be exact,  she stumbled upon a music show and this group of 13 guys came on stage. The young AeBi was amazed by their dancing and singing as one despite the huge group. She became an immediate fan and told her pabo-oppa about it. Since she wasn't familiar with popular music, Seunghyun explained they were an idol group called Super Junior. Questioned what and idol was, he replied a performer on stage who specializes in singing, dancing, and variety. He also told her he was going to try to be one as well. AeBi knew he could rap, since he would sometimes rap for her, but she never pictured him to be on tv or on a stage.

           The next time she went to visit, he looked down, AeBi thought he would be happy and give her news of getting in to the company. Seunghyun told her what happened and though she didn't really understand how the audition worked she got mad. "Oppa, prove to that YG guy or thing what ever, wrong. Your an amazing rapper just don't eat a lot of rice any more and excercise a bit. I'll help you and I promise to be your number one fan. But you need to promise me you'll get Super Junior oppas to sign an album for me!" He smiled at AeBi's innocent support and took her word for it. Once he got accepted  after losing a good amount of weight, she began visiting him at the company.

           There AeBi got close to most of the staff, trainees, and even YG himself. They really helped little AeBy understand how the idol system and training system worked. With the help from her umma and her pabo-oppas trainee friends AeBi learned about the history of gayo and k pop. she grew interested in the possibility of being a star on tv and meeting Super Junior or working with your oppa. But she also knew that wouldn't happened since she wasn't that talented. AeBi continued her visits to her now oppas even after they debuted. They would also teach her their new songs and dances, as well as the other company artist and some of their training routines.Big Bang began igniting AeBi's desire to perform.  VIP's new AeBi as Toki Toki and would be seen in many pictures taken by the members, dancers and staff would take and mention her as such. They treated her kindly and some would treat AeBi as a bridge to have their gifts and letters be received by Big Bang. They found out about  AeBi's connection to TOP and some began to encourage her debut, which she had not once considered.

Training at Cube:          The singing and piano lessons continued and were encouraged by AeBi's mother, who convinced her to  performe at the academy's winter showcase. That day she played a piano piece and performed a song as well. The next day after the performance, a Cube casting agent gave his card to AeBi and two other girls from the academy. He asked for the three girls to audition later that week. AeBi told her family about it, her mother and sibilings said she should tryout. With some convincing AeBi's dad agreed, he believed it be a great way for her to lose her shyness and gain some needed courage and confidence.

        Auditioned and in February of 2008 began her training. AeBi had to give up the lessons with her mom and cheerleading. She would still visit the cheer team every now and then to not forget routines. Horse back riding was a hobby now and she enjoyed doing it when stressed. At Cube, Hyunseng oppa and his friends helped her feel welcomed and in her training. The singing, acting and variety lessons went smoothly, but dancing was a whole other story. Sure AeBi did cheer, but that meant she had precise and straight moves. No matter the music genre,her face would automatically smile. Hyuna, Hyunseng, and Kikwang were given the job of helping AeBi fix that. Yoseob, Chansub, and Hyunshik helped teaching high notes, but she failed to hit them as effortlessly as them. Sohyun would spend the same amount of hours training with AeBi, resulting in the two becoming close friends. This guy called Dojoon would help AeBi  treat her sprains and encourage her to practice, she couldn't help but developed a small fan girl crush.

       AeBi was really enjoying training at Cube and was actually looking forward to debut. Her visits to YG building decreased, but she made sure to visit once a week, go to a or concert or two and attend a few music shows. They made sure to test her training and give advice on how to improve. VIPs found out about AeBi's training and would send her snacks and notes as encouragement. A year had passed and her dancing had greatly improved, though her facial expressions still needed work.  But every other lesson went smoothly, the company discovered her natural acting ability and were considering acting debut.

    One day in March of 2009, the  VP called both AeBi and Sohyun out to inform that one of them would get the chance to join Hyuna's group and debut. Granted them time to think if they wanted to take this opportunity. AeBi went  home to dinner and excitedly told her famil, they said to go for it, but her dad burst in anger. He did not want that future for his daughter, but for her to study and get a real job. The only reason he agreed to the training was because he belived AeBi was going thru a phase. According to him, AeBi had nothing special to make her standout and being an idol would be a waste of time. These words crushed AeBi and crying believed every word her dad said. He pulled AeBi out of the company in mid-March of 2009 and she changed her attitude towards her dad.

Period of Loss:           AeBi fell into depression, her family including, grandma and cousin, were angered at her dad. Big Bang, 2NE1, and your friends at Cube tried to bring AeBi back to life so to speak. She lost her smile and would speak unless spoken too, she lost the will to do anything.  Conversations with her dad became one word responses and greetings became hand waves. She began skipping meals and almost developed an eating disorder after losing too much weight. But after seeing 4minutes debut on tv, she picked up piano and horse back riding again. Seeing Sohyun and the others on stage made her happy. AeBi wanted to be happy again, she wanted those around her to feel happy too. She began eating little meals thruout the day to regain and maintain a healthy weight. She resumed being the smiling bunny following her cousin around. She still avoided being alone with her dad, but began treating him in a friendlier manner, slowly becoming the happy AeBi again.

        On her birthday that year, grandma came to visit and cheer her up. TOP oppas gift tha year reignited AeBi's passion for debut again. He gave her two boxes, one white and one black. The black one contained a signed 4minute album, accessories from the s and YG family and staff. But the greates gift for AeBi were the Super Junior album's signed to her. Seunghyun explained he was going to give them to her as a debut gift, but felt she needed them now. AeBi couldn't hold back tears of great fullness and disbelief, Seunghyun actually kept the innocent promise from years back. He promised AeBi their new signed albums once she debuts. The white box contained encouraging letters and gifts from VIPs , her friends back at Cube, and YG family and staff. Her grandmother took the chance to pull her aside. Told AeBi to follow her heart and try again. Her father might want something else for AeBi, but this is her life and her dream. That she was as strong and talented as the people who believe in her, and there are many since that box contained many letters.

           Asked mom to  resume vocal lessons and instead of taking cheer again she began hip hop lessons. She informed her dad about her intention to try again thru a meal with the family, and did not wait for his consent. With new found strenght in  August of 2009, performed at the music academy's summer showcase and at the dance studio's showcase as well. A week after both showcases, AeBi noticed that her mom would record her lesson and the dance instructor did the same. A man would come in and watch the dance lesson for a whole week. And a woman would come in to AeBi's vocal and piano lesson  three times that week. As she got home one day with her mom and sister (brother had gone to college in the states), theye encountered two people waiting out side the home. They were the man and woman that had been observing her lessons. They introduced themselves as JYP agents, inform AeBi they had turned in the casting videos her instructors had recorded and was granted a private audition for the company. They gave AeBi their cards and the papers to fill in before the audition later that week on Saturday.  Mother and dance instructor said they were asked to record AeBi by both of them because they enjoyed her showcase performance.

Training at JYP:    With family support, excluding father and including YG family and Cube friends, AeBi went to the audition. Out of the five that auditioned three, AeBi included, were given a month of training to determine who was passionate enough. For that whole month AeBi would spend her after school time and weekends training, learning, and practicing. Her effort paid off and was granted training at JYP.

          She spent a full year coming and going from home to the company as a precaution due to her depression and to make sure she had her meals. As soon as a year passed, moved in to a dorm with some of the girl trainees. She continued to treat her dad as a distant friend, couldn't get pass the whole lack of talent thing. ThankfullyAeBi had met Amber and Suzy, so she now had someone to understand her and someone to cheer her up. Attended school and would visit the YG building every weekend. TOP and YG thought it best to tell JYP of their connection to each other in case a misunderstanding could occur. JYP and the staff understood and allowed AeBi to visit the company freely and spend time with her cousin when needed.

         The company noticed her acting skills were great and began searching for little parts as an extra in dramas, music videos, and CFs. She was always an extra or a one line character. Participated in most idol or big school dramas as a student or groupie of the female lead, mostly with Suzy. It also helps having a top notch actor as a cousin and her bestie to help give acting pointers. 

          She now smiled freely and became rather silly and clumsy around her friends, well that's when she's not too stressed on a routine, song, or script. Very protective of her friends, but if they get hurt by any body or all her suppressed anger burst, then venom comes out of and lasers out of her eyes. So to not  explode she walks around the park listening to music or goes horse back riding. 

               There were many trainees that were older or younger than AeBi and had been training longer. They obviously treated her as a newbie, but she quicky made friends with those that started training around the same time as. If she learned anything from being a veteran trainee it was that friends come in handy to practice and to relax. AeBi felt more confident about wanting to debut, but she knew she still lacked in skills. But that didn't stop her from taking charge in group assignments and helpings others. Her dancing had improved from taking the hip hop lessons and your cheerleading experience helped make her performances standout. Became know as a dancing machine in the making by the cxompany choreographers. Her singing was clear and natural, but her high notes and power needed a few improvements. Acting really helped in song immerssion and face control in dancing. She had a natural leading ability and was a mom to many of the younger trainees and immature ones as well. Many of the older trainees saw her talent in performance development and staging [attention to choreography, outfits, music sound, and lyric distrubution] that they would ask AeBi for help and advice for their group projects. AeBi had earned the respect from many older trainees, admiration from the donsengs, as well as interest from the company sunbeas.

           When pulled out from her previous group to be part of the nine girls to debut, AeBi was excited and happy her determination and passion paid off.  As a respected idea and dancing machine, she can't wait to finally be on stage. AeBi knows she might be young, but is ready give her leader a hand in controlling and suggesting ideas for the group. She has to be careful in managing her health and sleep so she doesn't relapse into depression. She worries that there are people who think like her father and will crush her dreams with their words. You made many friends at JYP, Cube, and YG that have already debuted, you can't wait to share the same stage as them and have fun. Hope to prove father wrong and shine as an artist on stage. 


  • bunnies, dogs, horses,butterflies,bears 
  • walking around the park or city listening to music
  • riding the bus to de stress and listen to music
  • loves pizza, hamburger, spagetti, lasangnia, mexican food, fried chiken, dumplings, MEAT!, coke, sprit,  lemonade 
  • loves bibimbap, sangyupsal, sangyetang, jajangmyon, rice noodles, street food, snacks, gatorade
  • chocolate chip , mint chocolate chip, cookies 'n cream,vanilla, green tea, hazel nut ice creams
  • cookies, iced americano, caramel machiato, hot/ice chocolate.
  • scarves, beanies, snapbacks (please note some are YG Family gifts)
  • shoes [boots, converse, nike, reebok,toms,sandals, heels] (please note some are YG Family gifts)
  • jeans [skinny, straight], jeggins
  • coats, pull overs, blazers (please note some are YG Family gifts)
  • accesories (rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bags)
  • Sales!!
  • Thrift stores anf flea markets
  • Farmers markets (free samples!)
  • All colors are fine, but prefers lighter shades
  • listening to Latin music (stumbled on it thru YouTube and liked the songs and dances)


  • unnecessary noise- [usually members "loud" talking.]
  • animal print [unless she has too:(]
  • hot weather
  • synthetic fur [little amounts is fine]
  • fedoras (thinks they look bad on her)
  • ham, liver, live octopus or squid, apple juice
  • two-faced people
  • arguments
  •  messes [be it food, clothes, or furniture]
  • neon greeen, neon yellow, dark brown, purple,  [in other words not too bright or too dark color]
  • machos/ist [please!]
  • standards [personality, life, education, beauty...]
  • messing up [choreo, singing, lines, stage out fit, make up, everything has to be exact!]
  • people who put others down [sometimes despises JYP himself, but knows its for her own good;)]


1. Playing Piano - be it a piano piece/song/random/request  

2. composing - with piano or computer  

3. dancing- enjoys learning idol group dances and online crew routines back ridding- she can't go often, but when she does she goes to relive stress, worries, or sadness.

5. acting- allows her to convey the right emotion in both singing and dancing. good way to control and hide her emotions.


  • Korean American
  • Dad is an English proffessor at Seoul national University
  • Mom is a vocal and piano instructor for a music academy.
  • Older brother is in the State studying as a Med-Student at NYU
  • Older sister is a rookie musical actress and is studying at Seoul Institute of the Arts.
  • Korean name means "love rain"
  • Have had vocal and piano lessons from mom since age 3.
  • Began cheerleading at age 4 and stopped when training.
  • Knows how to horse back ride.
  • Born in Korea, but lived in the states until age 6 (international age).
  • Did cheerleading and horse back riding until 2008, still practice during free time.
  • Interest in being and idol sparked after seeing Super Junior perform on TV. Have been a die hard fan for them since 2005.
  • Was street casted and became  a traineee at Cube Entertainment for about a year. Feb. 2008- March 2009.
  • Went thru depression for a few months after being out of training and led to her skipping meals and to almost develop an eating disorder.
  • Grandmother from America was the one to give the last push of encouragement to try again.
  • Joined a hip hop dance class. Being a former cheerleader you were a little stiff and rigid you hoped the class would help lossen you up. And it did, now you have smooth yet precise body movement.
  • Being a former cheerleader allowed her to learn routines aster and precisely,  also help her facial expressions.
  • Was street casted by two different agent, for two different reasons, and given a private audition for JYP.
  • Given a month to train in the company and then was re-auditioned in front of select company artists and other trainees. Passed and became an Official JYP trainee September of 2009.
  • Is one of the few trainees to come from another label and add tothat the fact that she is from Cube. Since it's usually the opposite that JYP trainees go to Cube.
  • Choi Seughyun a.k.a  T.O.P of Big Bang is her cousin. Everyone at YG and some VIPs know, as well as the heads and staff at JYP. Only close friends, members, and company sunbeas know as well.
  • Want to keep the family relation fact a secret for now, as to not bring down her cousin or herself.
  • Does not want to beknown as T.O.P's cousin, but as herself before openly stating kinship. 
  • Have two cards, one her dad gave her to use and one Seunghyun-oppa gave her as well. Treats members very often.
  • As a trainee known, for hard work and determined attitude and for her caring and helpful nature to dongsengs.
  • Appears cold, but is a very silly and easy going girl. Ready to make others smile.
  • Tends to hide emotions, but her eyes give it away.
  • When given group or duo assignment many would ask to work with her.
  • Enjoy being part of the performance directing of the group, likes to personally approve what will go on durring the performance and why. Pays special attention to detail.
  • Has a talent for composing music and has helped her GD-oppa finish some of his songs as well as some other artist from YG and  JYP. But she unfortunately at writting lyrics.
  • Discovered latin music thru YouTube and enjoys listening to it. Wishes to learn Spanish and is teaching herself thru the music.
  • Has been preparing for official acting debut and has been modeling for an online mall.
  • participated in the cosmetic commercial with EXO-K for the Nature Republic Nose Pack
  • Was one of the girls talking to JR in Got7's "Stop Stop It" MV and the main girl in 2PM's Junho solo "FEEL" MV. Was also the girl for Got7's "A" story teasers. 
  • Loves skinship, enjoys hugging her members and close friends. Doesn't mind holding hands and back hugs. Enjoys leaning on someone when sitting down.
  • Her go to idol bands are: Super Junior, BoA, SHINee, f(x), EXO, Big Bang, 2NE1, B2ST, Infinite, Teen Top, CNBLUE, Sistar, Apink, BTS, Block B, AOA, AkMu, MissA, Got7, Tasty, B.A.P, VIXX, UKiss, LUNAFLY, After School, T-ara, Ailee, Lee Hi (music with beats, clean vocals, groups with amazing dances, beautiful song lyrics, unique concepts)
  • Its easier for her to learn intense and y dance routines rather than cute and lovely dance routines.
  • Have good vocalization, but lack power when singing.  Good and clear rapping.  
  • Excellent control of body movement, grove, and presice in dancing. Company chorographers deem her a dance machine.
  • Wishes to be a good actress like Ha Ji Won and Kim Te Hee. And a good singer and performer like BoA.
  • Wants to work with Kim Soo Hyun or Kim Woo Bin.
  • Wants a collaboration with Super Junior as a whole oor with a member, hapy either way.
  • Ideal type is B2ST Yoon Doojoon; some one with expressive eyes and comforting smile. Has a manly yet quirky charm. is not afraid to be silly or expres his thoughts and if very caring. Tall, clean, and healthy. That always makes sure to ask about me before he goes to sleep...

─ Ohana Means Family;  || That includes friends, because friends are like family ||


Dad- Richard Davis- DOB: June 1,1965-English Proffesor at  Seoul National University- relationship:6- AeBi was once very close  to her dad. So close that she would always call him daddy instead of appa and say'love you" instead of good bye or good night. But after what happened with her training in Cube. AeBi  became distant from him. Now calling him dad or abonim and good night and bye. He has now seen AeBi sing and dance and he realized hi daughter's passion and gift. He regrets his actions that led to AeBi to be hurt and misses her love. AeBi finds it akward with her father, now in  friendlier terms with him, she still finds it hard to be left alone with him.

Mom-Choi EunSung- DOB: September 25,1968- Vocal and piano  instructor for a music academy- Relationship: 9- She encouraged AeBi's training and was mad and her husbad for pulling her daughter away from her dream. Suffered when AeBi was thru depression and is her daughter's #1 supporter. Talks to AeBi thru the phone and AeBi visit her at work when she can. Hopes the relationship between SeBi and her husband can be fixed.

Brother-Leo Davis- Choi Leo- DOB: January 4, 1990- Med Student at NYU- Relationship: 8- After his father's outburst, he became AeBi's father figure along with his cousin, Seunghyun. Keep contact thru skype, text and whenever he visit from break. Supports AeBi's dream and is the bridge between AeBi and his father.Wishes to see his sister on stage happily performing and his father watching proudly in the audience.

Sister- Diana Davis-Choi DamBi-August 17,1993- Student at Seoul Institute of the Arts in the Theather Department- Relationship: 9- Wants to be a musical actress has already had small parts in big productions. Understands AeBi's discontent with her dad, since she went thru it when she decided to be a musical actress. Gives AeBi advice on improvement when she sends her clips of vocal practices. Hopes to one day share the same stage with her siter and seeing her dad in the audience. 

Cousin- Choi Seunghyun- DOB; November 4, 1987- Big Bang's T.O.P- Relationship:9- After returnig to Korea from the states, Aebi's umma believed it best to perfect her korean by spending time with her cousin. So AeBi obeyed and stuck by his side whenever the family would visit his home. She wittnessed when he began rapping and writting and encouraged  him to try again and prove to YG he was idol material. Told himshe'd be his #1 fan and to promise to give her a signed Super Junior album.He treats AeBi like a sister and was there to pick her up from her distress after beign pulled out of Cube. He became another dad to AeBi and would do anything to keep her smiling. hopes to work with her as a musician, but especially as an actor.


Best Friend;  

f(x) Amber- Relationship:9- She helped AeBi fit in and introduced her to many places and food. Met each other thru a badmiton match with Bambam and others. She is always ready to listen and really helps liftAeBi's mood up. Like a second mom to her. Amber undrstands AeBi's situation with her dad the most. Amber her self was not supported by her father with her dream to be a singer. She is always a phone call away and the best person for AeBi to cry on. Thanks to Amber, AeBi know almost all the English speaking idols in the industry.

MissA Suzy- Relationship: 9- She might be a year older andAeBi and they might have met thru Min, but the two just clicked. Add to that the fact that both of  them attended the same high school, Seoul Arts High School, they were inseperable despite her being the sunbe. When training, Suzy and AeBi would always work toget her in acting lessons. Sure Suzy was busy promoting and filming, but she still found time to text AeBi. Having same aged friends who are experiencing the same struggles is hard, but the two have been there for each other thru thick and thin. They prefer talking face to face, but with all the schedules Suzy has, texting has become the pair's best option. Enjoy eating and shopping together. 



Big Bang: R;9. Being the cousin of the charismatic rapper of this group,  AeBi eventually got close to the rest of the members. What she  didn't know was that they would treat her as a little sister too. The members encourage AeBi to do her best and teach her their know how. GD especially encourages AeBi to keep composing, since she has helped him complete some of his songs. Taeyang and Seungri help with vocals and dance. Desung with presence and variety. They're the reason why AeBi is not too camera shy and why she began to get interested in learning to rap. The only down side to being Big Bang's "little sister", the  pressure of being fashionable and presentable  when visiting or poor AeBi wont hear the end of it. 

B2ST: R:7. AeBi knows Hyuenseng from his training with Big Bang. When she began training at Cube, he took care of her in Seunghyun's place. AeBi got close with Yesob and Kikwang because they enjoyed making her laugh and would help in her dancing. Doojoon would help AeBi with sprains and became she couldn't help , but develop a crush on the guy. Its akward with Junhyun and Dongwoon since  they gave off a chic aura, but they are nice to talk to once in a while. She might not contanct them as often, but the guys make sure to check up on her when they can.

2NE1: R;8. AeBi's bad unnies, who take care of her fashion lessons and taught her what star attitude is. Well they gave her lessons on how to stay composed and take care of her body and voice (BOM!). Keep AeBi up to date in fashion and are great listeners and dorks;) They seem to know when you need what kind of food. Always ready to cheer AeBi up and practice with her. Minzy had a great influence in her dancing and Dara influenced her variety sense.

4Minute's Hyuna & Sohyun: R;8. Had the same training period as Sohyun and got pretty close. Hyuna helped both of them in dance and saw potential in AeBi's dancing. Would go out and eat together when training. They both helped in bring AeBi out of her reserved and shy shell. When she just wants to chill just give them a call and are there in a jiffy.AeBi is always thankfull towards the two for helping her to not give up her dream. 

BTOB: R:7. Hyunshik and Changsub took care of her while training and would help AeBi in singing.  AeBi befriended Peniel when he was still a trainee at JYP, she was dissapointed when he was dropped, but glad to know he would debut with her friends. Sungje is her high school friend who had the same class as  AeBi. Both of them togther is a time bomb. Thanks to him she has met many of the 95 line idols. She is friendly with the rest of the members, but not as close, still fun when all together.

MissA: R: 9. The remaining three members are AeBi;s friends as well. There is litte akwardness with the  group. especially, since they all seem to have a similar sense of humor. Enjoy messing with Suzy by having AeBi and Min speak in english and Fei and Jia speak in chinese. Eat, hangout, and sometimes shop together. Always seem to pop in when AeBi needs to relax or needs to focus the most.  Always encourag her and help her when she needs it.

Exo-K: R:7.She knew Kai and Sehun from high School. Worked on a dance assingment with both of them once. A contemporary piece with Kai and a hip hop piece with Sehun. Didn't think much of them then and don't think much off them now. Sure their good looking, but their just normal guys to her. Really got close to those two When visiting Seungri at a music show at his waiting room and he shared it with exo. Got friendly eith the rest of exo-k thru a cf filming and hanging out with Amber.

WINNER:R:8. Due to AeBi's  frequent visits to YG,  she met these adorable dorks. Sure Sengyoon and Mino make it their point to to no end. And Jinwoo and Taehyun are in their respective worlds.  Seunghoon just plain gave up in trying to help her deal with the two. But she knows they've got each others backs. They keep contact thru text so AeBi doesn't risk yelling at them thru the phone,  but she thankful they can make her forget her troubles for a bit. Happy her dorks can finally express their art.

IKON: R: 9.AeBi loves all the members and they all love her. She has been their shoulder to cry on and their encouragment thru their training. They will do anything to help her and she them. A nice sibiling relationship. They all have AeBi's number on speed dial and text you everyday. Sang some guides for B.I and helped them in composing some songs. Teach her some of their choreographies. Shared the news about their debut with AeBi upon confirmation. They can't wait to collaborate with her.

Got7: R:9. She has trained with all of them and worked with them at some point in the trainig. AeBi and the guys are very close. Closest to JJ Project and BamBam, since you met then first. She enjoys hanging out with Jackson and Mark to just chill and have a fun talk. She openly adores Yugyeom and firmly claims he is the cutest and most hard working, leading the others to get mad. AeBi helped Youngjae to adapt and encourages him to reach his potential. To them AeBi is their go to girl when they want to talk and is a really special sister that is their #3 on speed dial.

           The "R:"stand for retionship level.


─ Love You Like A Love Song  ;

Love interest;  Got7's JB

How did you meet?      Joined JYP after JB did. AeBi was let in to the company thru a private audition, but had given her a one month trial period to test her passion as a trainee. While using one of practices rooms AeBi had reserved, she got caught up in the moment and forgot about the time limit she had and the next dancing session she had. JB had reserved the smae room and was to use it after her,he arrived early to the room and opened the door abit. He noticed a girl was passionatly in the room practicing her singing and playing the keyboard. JB was amazed by the trance and focus AeBi was in. AeBi finished her song and was startled by JB's clapping and cheer. Bowed in thanks and apoligized for taking up too much time. Introduced each other and AeBi rushed out to her dancing session leaving a smiling JB in the room. Once AeBi was a confirmed trainee, the two began seeing each other often and would seek each other for help and confidement. They were often paired up for their acting lessons and AeBi improved in the smoothness of her dancing due JB's one on one tutoring. When JB told AeBi of his acting and idol debut, she was beyond happy for him. But as AeBi began seeing less of him, she slowly realised her feelings for JB could be more than a friends love. AeBi is not sure if he feels the same, eventhough those around them tell her other wise. They don't see each other as often, but still keep in frequent touch thru phone and when he's not promoting they hangout to talk.

Current relationship; friends/one sided love

His love rival; IKON's Bobby

How did you meet?;         While visiting her cousin, TOP, at the recording studio where he was working on the Alive album. AeBi got bored and frustrated of listening to Seungri sing his parts in different tones over and over, she just walked out. So she decided to walk around the YG building and stumbled upon YG's monthly evaluation at the basement practice room. Apologizing and about to close the door, Yg called her in to listen and give a fan's opinion on the trainees and especially the new trainees. Obeying and wanting to meet the three new trainees, AeBi sat down next to him and evaluated all of the traineesperformances as a fan. Filled out papers and answered YG's questions regarding their appearance and presence. After it ended, AeBi was left to talk to the trainees. She automaticly clicked with the three new trainees since they were around her age, especially Bobby. AeBi and Bobby got along pretty well and kept in touch thru phone. AeBi has been there for Bobby whenever he needed someone to listen. AeBi found in Bobby a friend to joke around with and forget her problems with her dad. They both have very natural skinship and enjoy each others company. Bobby began to develop other feelings for AeBi, but being her friend he knew about her feelings for JB. He belived it was just a crush or gratitude AeBi had towards JB. And eventually, AeBi would see how he cares for her more. Bobby is willing to wait for AeBi, but if he has to he is willing to fight for her heart and mind.




Back up love interest; Got7's Mark

How did you meet?          While using one of practices rooms AeBi had reserved, she got caught up in the moment and forgot about the time limit on using the room. Mark was next in using the room, but noticed a girl was still in there focused with a song when he opened the door. He was amazed  by the trance she was in. When AeBi finished, Mark could help, but clapped and startled her. She bowed in thanks and apoligized for taking up his time. Introduced each other and she rushed out realizing she had an acting lesson starting soon. Leaving Mark with a smile and a nice impression of the sweet AeBi. The two began seeing each other often and would  seek each other for help and confidement. He would make you laugh despite his cool exterior and helped her begin rapping, while she helped with his dancing and korean. When news of Mark's debut reached AeBi, she was happy for him. But as he began seeing less of  AeBi, he realised his feelings for her were more than a friend. He's not sure if she feel the same. He doesn't see doesn't meet her as often but still keeps in touch thru phone and when he practices for new songs or on break. Mark worries he will lose AeBi, but knows he is willing to fight for your heart.

Current relationship; friends/ one sided love

Back up love rival;  IKON's Yunhyeong


─  Meant To Be Famous;

Company before JYP: Cube Entertainment

How did you become a trainee at your first company?;        An agent waited for her and about two other girls outside the vocal academy AeBi's mother works at. He said they were having auditions and suggested they should go.  She auditioned and in February  of 2008 began training in the company. 

Trainee years (or time) there; One year amd a month.

Reason for leaving that company:        In the begining of March 2009, AeBi and Sohyun were called out and told one spot was open for a group for potential debut. Both were interested in the opportunity of the position and asked to think about about it. Went home and told family the news . AeBi's father got mad and told her to refuse the position. To make matters whose the next day and for then rest of that week her father went to the company to request for AeBi to be pulled out from the both the project group and as a trainee. 

Reason to joining JYP:      With family support and encouragement from your friends in your previous agency, you tried again after . This time got casted by two JYP agents outside your house. They programmed a private audition with 5 others and began training at JYP September of 2009. Your father made you realize what your dream was and he took it away. This time you weren't going to let him take your dream away again.

Total trainee years; about 5-6 years



TheWorld Is My Stage;

Stage Name; AeBi

Singing Twin; MissA Suzy / Apink Naeun
Rapping Twin; Sistar Bora/ SNSD Tiffany
Dancing Twin; SNSD Yuri /Sistar Bora

Position in the group; 

[  #] Leader, Lead Vocal

[  #] Main Vocal

[  ] Main Rapper/Lead Dancer

[  ] Face of the Group/Visual 

[  ] Main Dancer, Lead Rapper

[ X] CF Queen, Actress, Lead Dancer

[  ] Variety Queen

[  ] Jack of all Trades

[  ] Maknae, Lead Vocal


Personal fan club name; Toki Tokis

Rival;        Girl's Day Minha- They met each other during an ikigayo recording during Big Bang's Tonight promotions. She was in the groups waiting room when Girl's Day came and greeted them. She seemed nice and cheerful like their concept. they left a good impression on her and their sunbeas. AeBi walked out of the room to go to the ladies room without anyone noticing except both group managers and a Big Bang cordi-unnie. Finding her way back to the waiting room she accidently bumped into Sojin and Hyeri as the group walked to their room. AeBi quickly apoligizes and helps them up, Minha, believing she were an anti-fan who barged in, yelled at her to leave. The managers saw this and so does the cordi-unnie. The two members say its okay and try to calm Minha down. Big Bang's manager rushes over and explains who AeBi is as the cordi-unnie takes her away to her oppas. Big Bang see her eeyes b with tears and, being the protective oppas they are, they demand to know what happened. Their manager comes to explain the situation and they can't believe the nice girl who greeted them treated their "little sister" like that.

                    Years have passed, but Minha still doesn't like AeBi. Doesn't believe her relation to TOP. They have encountered each other at many other music shows since then. When visit her friends whom have debuted already, Minha greets her nicely infront of them, but if AeBi is alone she makes sure to push her out of the way and glare at her.  It's not in AeBi's nature to be mean or rude, but Minha has pushed her buttons enough to dislike her. AeBi does not want Minha to like her per say, just to admit to her mistakes and to treat her with respect especially since their going to be seeing each other more often and possibly share the same wainting room.  (Sorry if I made her seem horrible, but she reminds me of someone from school that would talk behind my back, but still claimed to be a friend.)


 Tell Me, Tell Me; 

Comments;  Hi! Here it is...but i'm not too sure what position she should be. I just marked ones I belived fit her best. i apoligize for maybe writting too much, but I felt you could use the info somehow. Feel free to sugest new position or changes. The leader could really be anyone right? Does she just have to lead vocal? Just a curious^^. Umm..i hope you like her and I really couldn't think of an good fan club name you can change that too. Thank you for taking the time to read my app. And once again I'm very sorry for writing too much and for any grammar mistakes or miss spellings!! If you need me to shortn it in any way please feel free to tell or if you are  confused about somethig don't hesitate to ask. NEW NOTE: Hey...I fixed what you sugested,  but I hope I can keep her age the same. I made her that age because because there are some idols, example being f(x) Amber, whose father did not support their dream of working in music. Or idols , like Got7's Jackson,  who managed to convince their parents to support them. These were some of the things I thought of as I created her, but if its an issue i can cchang her age.;)


Scene request?; (a)casted in drama with cousin.

b) music festival collaboration stage with love interest and love rival.        

   (c)company date 

d)breakdown from all the pressure and love interest goes arrives to comfort

   (e)do the same to him as above

(f) love rival company date (his company)

    (g) a talk betwee love rival and love interest about their feelings for AeBi. Both determined to fight for you.

(h) have to call Seughyun for a show to prove he is family end up having all of Big Bang talk thru speaker phone and they completely embarrassed you.


Scandals in mind?:  (a) Caught on an outing with T.O.P and reports claim you two are dating. Prove family relationship due to evidence provided by VIPs.

(b) Seasangs break into dorm

[i grant you freedom to create more scandals if you need some;)]

Password; What are passwords for?






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its okay take your time ^^. I should have asked how you wanted it written, sorry. Its my first try at an apply fic , so i wasnt to sure how to write it. zzlame excuse I know;0.
I'm having a real hard time reading this since it's in the First Person Point of View, so it will take me a little bit to have your review up. I'm so sorry.