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Personalitu (Less cheerful):
Yuet is a very clumsy person. You could call her accident-prone. She is also a very observant person. When you first meet her, she appears to be shy or dense. But actually, she is observing you. She does this to bring down your guard to see how you react and your flaws. She is an intelligent and determined person and will do anything to achieve her goals and ambitions. She also enjoys learning new things and does it very quickly. 
Yuet loves to paint or draw. When she paints, you could tell it is full of emotion. This is because, painting relieves her stress and is poured into her artwork. Yuet prefers the night than the day. Thus, she likes to stay up at night. At night is when she gets all her work done. Although she stays up at night, she can't sleep if there is any light. Even the littlest beam of light from an electronic device will make her frustrated. Usually, she would alternate sleeping and staying up. The reason behind his horrible sleeping pattern is due to his over-thinking. She may seem like a person with no problems or worries but you should never judge a book by it's cover. She is a very depressing and emotional person in the inside. There are many worries and thoughts that keep her awake and frightened. Her worst enemy would be her thoughts as they contain of failure, disappointment, and self-esteem issues. Yuet is a very cautious person and is very careful about letting someone into her life. She will be kind to you, just not open. You would have to get to know her very well for her to make any progress. She does have trust issues which makes it difficult for anyone to get close to her. To her, every new person that she meets will go behind her back and talk about her. 
She is an uptight of person but remains calm and composed. . You could also classify her as innocent or naive. For example, if someone tells a dirty joke, she probably wouldn't understand it. She can't swear at all. It makes her feel that she might go to hell for saying it. She also is nervous about skinship and hates people touching her. Although she never gets angry,(maybe dissapointed or annoyed), if you wake her up early, she would send you to your grave. She dosen't like bothering people such as, asking for help or even asking for a tissue. She would rather have the whole world on her shoulders instead of having her close ones feel her pain or help her. She will fake smile if she has to make sure no one notices her sadness. When shes tired, she starts acting very childish or very "drunk". She will rarely tell anybody her feelings and her sadness within
Long but descriptive genius?:

Yuet is one of those people that you would call accident-prone. She also is one of thoses people with very short-term memory and can never remember where she puts her stuff but oddly can remember her studies. She is also an observant person. When you first meet her, she appears to be shy or dense. But actually, she is observing you. She does this to bring down your guard to see how you react and your flaws. She is an intelligent and determined person. Although she can get lazy at time. She keeps his grades top of her class and is afraid of failure. 
She is a very creative person. She is very talented in art and loves painting. Her art work is usually different from other people's works. If you glance at her artwork, you can feel the emotion that was put into it. Creating art is a way for her to relieve her stress. It allows her to escape from reality and in her own little world. Rapping is another way for her to relieve her stress. She would write lyrics and rap them out. It makes her feel better that she expresses her feelings in a indirect way. Even though she is very talented in arts, she would never want to be an artist. She wants to have a career with a good paying job which is hard for artists. Her parents would like her to be a doctor (as usual) but she dreams of being in a idol group. 
Yuet prefers the night than the day. Thus, she likes to stay up at night. At night is when she gets all her work done. Although she stays up at night, she can't sleep if there is any light. Even the littlest beam of light from an electronic device will make her frustrated. Usually, she would alternate sleeping and staying up. The reason behind his horrible sleeping pattern is due to his over-thinking. She may seem like a person with no problems or worries but you should never judge a book by it's cover. She is a very depressing and emotional person in the inside. There are many worries and thoughts that keep her awake and frightened. Her worst enemy would be her thoughts as they contain of failure, disappointment, and self-esteem issues. Usually, studies shown that intelligant people are more prone to depression and stress due to their knowledge and problems about the world. This is slightly true for Yuet. Her stress came from her parents which gave her pressure to be the best adn the lack of social activities. Even if her grades slightly drop, she will freakout and cry (secretly). Is she doesn't relieve her stress and her stree level hits its limit, she will become crazy. Actually she'll just be extreamly angry for no absolute reason and may yell constantly or give temper tantrums.
Yuet loves to read books. If she is reading a book, she would not let it down and read it till she is finished. If it is a really good book, she will read it again.
Yuet is a very cautious person and is very careful about letting someone into her life. She will be kind to you when you first met her. But like the first paragraph said, she is observing your every movement. You would have to get to know her very well for her to make any progress. She does have trust issues which makes it difficult for anyone to get close to her. To her, every new person that she
meets will go behind her back and talk about her. 
If you take all the stress and overthinking awayk, She is actually a very "chill" person with a mellow personality. You could also classify her as innocent or naive. For example, if someone tells a dirty joke, she probably wouldn't understand it. You can tell that she doesn't go out very often. She can't swear at all. It makes her feel that she might go to hell for saying it. Due to the fact that she is quite laid-back, she doesn't enjoy competition but rather to just "try your best" since she doesn't like doing extra work that she already is. She also is nervous about skinship and hates people touching her. Although she never gets angry,(maybe dissapointed or annoyed), if you wake her up early, she would send you to your grave. She will only smile with her closest friends, to give a good first impression, or to bring your guard down.  If she were to hang out with friends, she would rather hang in a small group than large. She will rarely show her emotional side and is wary to not let anyone know. It makes her feel weak having these types emotions but she can't control it. She dosen't like bothering people. Such as, asking for help or even asking for a tissue. She would rather have the whole world on her shoulders instead of having her close ones feel her pain or help her. She will fake smile if she has to make sure no one notices her sadness. 
Usually she is a calm person and acts "shy" around strangers. If she is with her friends, she more likely to be outgoing. She is the mature one in her group of friends but when shes tired, she starts acting very childish or very "drunk". If you are her closest friend, be prepared for her to pour out her emotions.. 
Cheerful personality:
Yuet is the most accident-prone you would ever meet. Every single day, she will at least trip around 1 - 5 times. You could say that bad luck also follows her. It seems like she has to carry extra charms just to make sure she makes it through the day. Either than that, she is an outgoing girl. You could call her the lazy hyper kid. You can always find her jumping or skipping away. She is a carefree person who loves to smile. You can see her trip and get right up smiling. If someone is unhappy, she would try to cheer them up. Although, they might find her very annoying. She doesn't know that.
She loves to be entertained or entertain people. Once in a while, she might do something very crazy. Sometimes she may say weird facts such as, horses can't puke. She may seem like a stupid dense girl but actually shes being smart. She like to lower people's defense to observe them. She like finding out if that person is either acting fake and their weaknesses. She has a lot of blackmail but it careful and is almost never caught. She also observes people because she needs to know if they can be trusted or not. Although she may seem like it, she is very cautious making very close friends. She also has trust issues. Only her closest friends will know her true self. She doesn't mind making friends but she will keep a good eye on them.
She loves to eat. Eating could be one of her "passions". Gladly she has a fast metabolism or else she'd be very obese. She is also a very lazy girl. She can sleep around 14 hours before waking up. She hates the sunlight because it bothers her in her sleep. She tend to enjoy the night more. She enjoys it so much that she rather stay up. Which then makes her grumpy in the morning because of the sunlight. If she were to sleep at night, there cannot be any beam of light. No even for electronics. She'll become grumpier in the morning. Be wary of her when she is grumpy. She will yell and say things she  doesn't mean. Usually people are scared of her grumpy nature. Pranks seems to be another passion seems it's fun for her. Of course, they are harmless.
This bubbly girl may seem very carefree with no problems but do not judge a book by its cover. She has many deep depression emotions inside of her. It is rare for people to see her cry or show any sadness either than her positive additude on the outside. She hates showing her emotional side because she thinks it's weak. She stays happy and positive to make sure no one finds out. Even when she is depressed, she will fake smile and get away with it. She is also scared of being alone. She needs to have people around her. Maybe not paying attention to her but awknowledge her at least. 
She loves to read books which is why she knows such random facts. Her love for books lead her to read textbooks. You could say that she is quite naturally intelligent due to her good memory. Just that she doesn't act like a genius. She hates to brag and braggers especially. They annoy her to death. Although, she is very fail are painting or anykind of art. Her stickman looks like blobs. She hates it when people on her artwork. Eitherwise, she is okay with people teaseing her or pranking her general. She finds it hilarious. Then again, its hard for people to prank her because she usually finds out an pranks them instead. She also loves skinship with her friends. If strangers touch her, she hates it. In her mind, any older man is a ert although usually that is not the case. She may seem innocent but in her mind she isn't. She knows many things that innocent girl like her shouldn't know. She likes to laugh at dirty jokes but never recite them. She also hates to swear and feels like it makes her closer to going to hell.
Cheerful History:
As a young girl, she was a very lonely child. Her parents were always working and she never got to see them. Her parents loved her dearly and always tried to give her what she wanted. The only thing she wanted was her parents and they couldn't give her that. When she began to go to school, she would befriend kids of her age. She began to become less lonely and more happy. Even when she was young, she loved to sing. She saw idols on t.v. and wanted to be like them. Sadly, she had no talents for it. She began to practice everyday and everywhere. She did get better but not good enough. She asked her parents in exchange of help in the resturant, that she could take singing lessons. Her singing improved dramatically and she began to feel confident. She entered her town's competition and came out with second place. For someone with no singing talent to come out of second place, she was extreamly proud of herself.
No Idol Background: 
At a young age, Sang Ki was taught discipline. Each day, his parent would lecture him about grades. They also taught him to be a kind and helpful person. They would tell him what to do and when to do it. His parents may seem like good parents but they controlled his whole life. They controlled what he ate and what he wore. He really didn't have any freedom was he was younger. At the age of seven, he stayed at home to help do chores such as cleaning, laundry, and doing dishes. Most kids of his age should be playing and enjoying the day but he had to stay home and help his family.His family was middle class. He continued to maintain his high grades but became discontent with his life. He started to secretly work for a resturant at the age of 12 to gain money. He wanted to take dancing lessons. His parents would give the same answer to him when he asked to take lessons. They replied "no" and told him it was a waste of time. They wanted him to be a doctor which would gain a lot of money. Sang Ki feel in love with dancing and continued to secretly take lessons. His parents found out a year later. They observed him and found that he was beginning to sleep in late. Sang Ki begged them for him to take this kind of route. They had no choice but to alllow their son to continue since he had been doing it for three years. Although, they are dissapointed and shuns him from time to time. Dancing for him became another way to escape the world and all his stress. He loved it but he still felt depress since his parents didn't really support him. He felt that they only wanted him to be a doctor so he could share his sucess. 

Confident personality SHOORRTt:
Sang Ki is an accident-prone and usually trips multiple times a day. You could classify him as a genuis for his vast knowledge. He does not have to work hard for grades since he has a good memorization. Usually he is a lazy and messy person who loves to eat.
He enjoys being a smart person and likes to show it off. He likes to show off his knowledge which might come across as obnoxious to some people. He doesn't realize that he is viewed that way since he actually has a laid-back personality. He is a socially awkward person due to the fact that he only studied during his childhood.
He may seem confident on the outside but is secretly emotional in the inside. He hates showing his emotional side because it makes him feel weak.
He likes to observe your every movement to find your flaws or true personality (if they are being fake). He loves to sleep and will murder (or give them glares) anyone who wakes him up. When he is tired, he acts more childish or seems "drunk".

Short background:
He was born in Busan. His parents owned a bakery which made him experienced in baking. As a young kid, his parents made (forced) him to study when he got home till he had to sleep. The only exception was when he has to help out the shop. People would praise him because of his grades and called him a genius. He thought that smarts = superior and lived with that mindset. 

Girl Lover:
 She is a kind person who understands people
s feelings.. She is a great listener and supporter. She is slightly short tempered but can be serious and understanding. She teases a lot of people. A very cheerful girl who can make a person smile. She is a competitive person and always strive for the best. She always tries her best but gets annoyed when people bug her and . She is always full of energy. When you meet her, she looks like a very calm, cool and composed girl. When you get closer to her, she is as dorky as she is cool.


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