Kim Aysa | After Shock M


⇒{ Hello little monster. }«

Username: sitiaisyah93
What should I call you: Sasha
Profile Link:
How often are you online?: 8
! After Shock !
"We are the shock that comes in the after math!"
Annyeong after shock [ Aysa] !


{ It's not how much you know, it's how much you do with what you know. }
Name: { Sasha Kim (English),Kim Aysa (김애사) ; Jin AiSa (沙)
Nickname: Aysa, A-Star, Elsa,Ice Queen, The Serious Maknae
Age: { 16 }
Birth date: { October / 7 / 1998/ }
Ethnicity: { Korean-Chinese } 
Place of Birth: { Woddlands, Singapore}
Hometown: { Singapore}  
Languages: English | Fluent | Her home country (Singapore)'s native language
Korean | Fluent | Her father's native lanaguage
Chinese | Fluent | Her mother's native language
Height: { 5'2"}
Weight: { 95 lbs }
Blood Type: AB
{ you're now a princess. }« 








her laptop,

her iPod,

snuggling with her cat ,

varsity jackets,

wearing her pajamas all day,

singing and dancing to the latest kpop song,

hanging out with her members and her friends

animes (especially Attack on Titan and Naruto)


being embarassed,

being woken up from her sleep,

waking up early,

being yelled at,

people underestimating her,

people agruing with her idea,

being rejected,

being uncomfortable,

staying in the studio for too long

her younger sister

selfies of herself

sasaengs and haters

Being embarassed in public
Being shunned
Thrill rides
To live in her sister's shadow
To fail in life

 Was one of the best english students at her old school, 

Has a pet cat named Taoris, 

Has been a trainee at SM for more than 4 years,

The eldest child of 2,

Has a younger sister who is a trainee at Cube Ent, 

Is a shikshin and former ulzzang

Can only cook frozen food and instant ramyeon

Allergic to dogs, but not to cats (oddly)

Loves playing with children and babies

Has never met all EXO members despite being in the same company

Hates vegetables since she was a kid and will refuse to eat any (including onions)

Keeps her nutrition balance by eating lots of vitamins

Gets along better with guys instead of girls sometimes

Is jokingly called the 'umma' of the group

Is inspereable from her laptop

Sang Elsa's "Let It Go" for her pre-debut teaser

Everyone kept calling her Elsa/Ice Queen after that

Heavily ships Yonghwa and Shinhye (Yongshin)

Her favorite drama so far is Heartstrings

Currently, her favorite song is Gone by JIN and INFINITE's Last Romeo

NBSB (No boyfriend since birth)

Wants to become a writer after her idol days are over

Is a huge anime/manga fan. Her biases in the anime world are Levi from Attack on Titan and Naruto


pacing when she's thinking,

biting the end of her pen/cil,

sitting with her legs crossed on her chair,

picky eater (will setaside any vegetable including onions),

lock herself up in her room during free days,

speaking in Chinese when she's upset,

fangirling when she sees her oppas on TV

taking random photos when she's bored

gives a long commentary when watching a movie/TV

Being bipolar


“I’m not antisocial, I just dislike being around people.”

On Stage

– Aysa is a somewhat shy, quiet, reserved and serious person to most - making her seem like an ice princess sometimes.  She normally doesn't talk much when she was still new to the industry, preferring to let her members to do the talking for her. This is because she has a fear of saying the wrong thing and being embarrassed in public. She was scared that she might do something wrong and tarnish After Shock's name.

As the months passed on since their debut, Aysa begins to open up and reveal her true personality. She became more playful and seems to be more comfortable being on variety shows, even to the point where she showed her cute side by doing an aegyo. She became more open during shows and promotional events, which is a relief to everyone as she was giving off a bad image . Soon after, Aysa becomes one of the people's favorite members in the group as they loved to see this new and improved, much cuter  Aysa. Though in secret, she's still quite reserved and quiet, unable to completely shake off her shyness.

Off Stage

– Aysa’s reserved personality continues when she’s off stage as well. She’s always rejects when any of her friends or her members invites her to hang together or go out. She prefers to stay cooped up all alone in her room for the entire day, only going out to use the bathroom or when she’s hungry. Her unnies often joke that she was like a vampire, only coming out at night when she’s looking for food.

The main reason why she likes to keep to herself is because she was always used to being alone back home. She had no close friends before and her parents are always busy so spends most of her time by herself. Aysa likes it when she has company but she prefers solitude and being let to her own thoughts because it has been her way of life for a long time and old habits die hard.

Though, sometimes, the remains of her former personality can be seen through the cracks in the cold front that she built as her image. These events includes the time where she giggled loudly and did a Minnie mouse impersonation for a variety show (everyone was shocked, including members because they never saw her aegyo before), the time where she actually did an aegyo and pouty face to convince her unnie to buy her food (again, first time this happened), and when she actually volunteered to do the Gwiyomi dance in front of a stage full of people.

“Impatient? Controlling? I guess you could say that.”

Aysa is also the 'bossy ahjumma' and the 'dictator' of the group - as called by some members. Raised as the eldest child, she is used to taking responsibility and things done her way. It was a bit hard for her, the transition from being the eldest to one of the younger members. She sometimes argues with the members when they're not doing something she specifically asked them to do correctly. Aysa realizes that this is a problem and tries to tone it down as much as she can.

Aysa is also quite temperamental, inheriting her short temper from her father. She easily gets annoyed with things and is sometimes a bit too impatient. Her members continuously complain that she’s like a ninja by how she manages to disappear so quickly. She’s not the type of person who would wait around for someone and usually just leaves them when she got tired of waiting, around 2 minutes later. (This includes her manager and her group members when they had just finished performing for Music Bank. Everyone was congratulating everybody and chatting around after the show. She got tired and went back to the dorms by taxi, which makes their manager crazy trying to find their missing maknae.)

“Books are my life. They’re my only escape out of the harsh reality that is my life.”

Aysa is also a very avid reader. She could spend her entire day lost in the world of her books, leaving everything behind. She sometimes gets too absorbed in the story that she doesn't even notice when someone is calling her. That’s how focused she was. It didn’t matter what kind of book she was reading. Romance, science-fiction, fantasy…. She loved them all and would spend her entire day in the library or the bookstore, reading her day away.

Aysa gets pretty peeved when her members are being loud when she is trying to read and often tells them off for doing so, embarrassing them in the process. Lately, she’s become quite taken with the world of fan fiction and is surprised by how talented the writers and impressed by the way they managed to think of the plotline for their stories. She especially likes the ones about her fellow Kpop idols, impressed at how these people had placed her fellow idol in such outrageous yet ultimately sweet stories. She, herself, aspires to be a writer someday.

“I thought that ‘the imagination was more important than learning’?”

Aysa also has a very active imagination, which helps her immensely as she also loves to write. Give her a random title or scenario, and she can twist it around in her head to form an awesome story. Her unnies are impressed by her writing skills and have often asked her to write fan fictions about them and their biases (yes, idols have biases too), to which she will roll her eyes but will write them anyway as she loves them.

Aysa will also occasionally write lyrics for songs that she made up herself. A few times, she submitted her songs to the creative director for consideration. The Director confirmed that the lyrics were beautifully written and the melody was just as sweet but since most of the songs are not exactly ‘in the market’ type of stuff, they are shelved and sidelined for later.

Unfortunately, her creative thinking also means that she has a short attention span. She daydreams or falls asleep during meetings, long speeches, and sometimes, when people are talking to her which usually annoys them (especially her manager and CEO). She easily gets bored and will use sleep to escape such boredom. She even fell asleep on the stage once during a hosting job while waiting for the groups to perform (her fellow MCs had to slap her head to wake her up).

“My Taoris (her laptop) is my life. I can’t live a day without it…”

Aysa is also the computer tech/geek of the group. Her expertise with computers far outrivaled those of her members, managers, and pretty much most of the idol population. Her members usually go to her if they wanted to get their computer fixed, jailbreak their new phones or downloading the software they want online *ehemtorrentehem*.

 She and her laptop are practically inseparable. She brings it EVERYWHERE and cannot act normally when her laptop isn't nearby. Her members are sometime worried about her computer 'addiction', but she waves them off, just like the stubborn girl that she is.

On free days, she would spend hours in her room surfing the internet, only coming out for food and not bathing (her members would often scold her for this slightly disgusting habit). The members once tried to get her out of the room by plugging the wifi modem in their modem but their plan failed when they saw her switch from surfing the web to playing computer games on her laptop. Sigh.

“The members are everything to me. I couldn’t ask for better sisters to go through all this with me.”

Aysa is also a very caring and loyal person. She loves her members like her own sisters and would never allow anything bad to happen to them. She always defends her members from haters and sasaengs, either up front or online. Whenever a member is sick, she would be the one to take care of them and even sleep beside their bed to make sure that they were okay. She’s also the one who often treats the members whenever they wanted food, and whenever she DOES go out for dinner or shopping etc., she would also buy stuff for her members.

Aysa really appreciates the love she received from her group members as ahe misses having a sister and secretly really wants to reconcile with Saera. But unfortunately, both her and Saera's prides and egos are keeping them from mending their sister bond again. Both girls swore to defeat each other no matter what.

“I don’t believe that I’m pretty or when someone compliments me about my looks. Why? Because looks can only get you so far in life. And these so-called ‘fans’ of yours will just ditch you once something newer and hotter comes up.”

Aysa is a very insecure person. She’s not confident of her own looks because; let’s face it, who would look at her compared to her sister? – or so she thinks. This is due to the fact that she had been shunned and put to the side ever since her sister was born. She doesn’t believe it when someone tells her that she is beautiful or if a guy confesses that he loves her because in her opinion, these people would just leave her the second something better comes their way. 

This is also one of the main factors of her ice-queen personality. She closed up her heart a long time ago and build walls around them to guard her heart from being broken. So far, the only people that she let see her true personality – the true Aysa who’s been hiding all this while – are her fellow group members, her family and her close friends.

Her laptop (Taoris)
Her favourite sneakers (Converse)
Her iPhone
Her iPad
Her Canon DSLR Camera
Her iPod
What she usually brings in her bag
Her baby Apple Watch
Her favourite charm bracelet (given by Wendy)
Freindship bracelt (given by Kris)
Heart necklace (given by her parents)
{ this is the life }
Kim Ah Min | 46 | Father | Strict, hot tempered, religious, dedicated, visionary, stubborn. | Aysa's father wants his daughter to involve herself in an IT career because of her skills with a computer. He doesn't really support his daughter's career as an idol but lets her go because she promised to enroll in a tech collegeafter everything is over. 
Ha Lindae | 43 | Mother |  Loving, caring, fair, spoiler, stubborn.| Lin Dae is an amazing woman and Aysa loves her very much, though she sometimes wish that her mom would stop spoiling Saera that much since it's not good for her. Lin Dae is also very stubborn. Whenever she and her husband fight, she will refuse to apologize and he has to make the first move first.
Kim Saera | 12 | Sister |  Vivacious, pretty, spoiled, diva-like, talented. | Saera is what most girls dreamed to be. She was beautiful, talented and had a bright future in front of her. She seems to be nice to everyone except for her sister, whom she treaetd with no respect at all. She considers her sister her main rival and swears to seize the spotlight. 
Life Background:

Early Life

Kim Aysa was born to Kim Ah Min and Ha Lin Dae on the 7th of October 1998. Her father was working as a business entrepreneurship speaker at the National University of Singapore when he met her mother, Singaporean-born-Chinese Ha Lin Dae, who was also a speaker but for Finance instead. They got married in 1997 and had their eldest child, Aysa a year later.

When Aysa was a little girl, her parents decided to increase her co-curricular skills by sending her to violin lessons. It was harsh as the music teachers were really strict but to please her parents, she went through the pain. However, her love for music really began to develop when she accidentally saw the daughter of one of her music teachers practicing in one of the dance rooms. The daughter was a very popular singer in Singapore and Aysa couldn't help but to gape in awe at the way she performed and the sound of her lovely voice. From that day on, she promised herself to be just like her.

As a child, Aysa was always at the center of attention of her family, being the little star as she loved performing and singing for her family members ever since she was little. She often put on little recitals and holiday performances with her cousins during family gatherings.

Her younger sister, Saera was born when she was 4 and loved performing just as much as her older sister did. The two were famous in the family as the Kim sisters, and many of their family members remarked that Aysa and Saera might just be idols one day if they worked hard enough.

As the years passed, her rivalry with her younger sister began to increase. Aysa is a natural beauty with her own unique look and features by even she had to admit that Saera's beauty is one that rivaled hers. Saera gained more attention from people as she was younger, more charming and more beautiful than her older sister. This makes Aysa feel left out and shunned by those around her. They often argued with one another, their sisterly bond getting weaker as they got older.

Aysa tolerated her sister's behavior but her last straw came when Saera had 'accidentally' tripped her during a Christmas play that they were starring in, knocking her flat on her face. That event was the most embarrassing moment of her life and will haunt her forever.

As Saera was only 7 years old at the time, nobody blamed or punished her for the incident. Instead, everyone seemed to blame Aysa for 'ruining' the play for everyone there. That was when she decided that she had enough. She wasn't too bold to run away from home or anything but she promised to herself that she would be an even bigger star than Saera will ever be.

Her best friends had recently introduced her to Kpop which she found very unique. She never bothered with Korean music before, despite being half-Korean herself. She was immediately intrigued by Kpop music, especially with groups like Girls Generation, 2NE1, Big Bang and Super Junior. She was determined to enter the Korean music industry and started prepping for her audition.

She had auditioned for a few smaller entertainment agencies in Korea such as Starship Entertainment and Big Hit Entertainment but her heart was always drawn to SM Entertainment. She had been accepted as a trainee for Starship Entertainment and had appeared as a background dancer/actress for some of the company's songs. An SM scout had seen her hanging out with the other trainees at a youghurt shop and gave her the calling card, asking her if she wanted to become an idol. She austioned and eventually, got accepted as a trainee.

Trainee Days

She loved her life as a trainee at SM. Sure, it was hard. But if this is what was required for her to achieve her dream, then it was all worth it. After 4 painstaking years of training, she was finally put into a team called After Shockthat was set to debut very soon. She was also shocked to find out that her sister Saera had also passed her audition and was currently a trainee under Cube Entertainment. This fueled her determination to suceed as a member of After Shock and to bring SM Entertainment's name to the top once again.

It was during her trainee days that she decided that she wanted to change. Ever since she was little, she was often outshined by her sisters in both looks and talent. Well not anymore. She was determined to shine and she started it off by spending more effort on her appearance and working doubly hard during practice.

She ditched her old tomboy look with her messy unkempt hair for something more cute yet y at the same time. Aysa was born with good looks but she never showed it to anybody, because honestly, who would look at her compared to her way more beautiful younger sister? She started out small by going to salon and fixing/coloring her hair a lighter shade and putting on light makeup.

But even these little changes had big effects on her as more people began to notice her natural beauty. By the end of the week, Aysa had gained many admirers and had received many invitations for dates. Despite all this attention, she still couldn't help but feel insecure about herself, her mind telling her that as soon as someone prettier comes along, all these people would shun her and she'd go back to being a nobody again.

Aysa also decided to work harder on her singing, dancing and rapping skills as she feel that it would be harder to topple if she were a triple threat instead of a regular idol that focused on one aspect only. She stayed in the practice room after everyone else went home so she had more time to focus on her performing skills and even stayed up till late at night. This led to the other trainees nicknaming her 'A-Star' as she tried too hard to become the best.

Aysa's own future group mates didn't understand why she overworked herself too hard. She already one of the prettiest trainees in the agency and her performing skills were already top notch. They started to get worried when they realized how pale and tired she looked all the time and how she had lost tons of weight so rapidly. Eventually, the CEO got wind of her abusing her own body and working too hard that he decided to put a stop to it, in fear that she would overwork her body and fall ill.

Her members decided to step up to their roles as her sisters by taking care of her and giving her the comfort that she needed. Aysa decides to let go of her grudge and jealousy against her little sister and focus on enjoying herself as an idol.

How you became a trainee: 

Her best friends had recently introduced her to Kpop which she found very unique. She never bothered with Korean music before, despite being half-Korean herself. She was immediately intrigued by Kpop music, especially with groups like Girls Generation, 2NE1, Big Bang and Super Junior. She was determined to enter the Korean music industry and started prepping for her audition.

She had auditioned for a few smaller entertainment agencies in Korea such as Starship Entertainment and Big Hit Entertainment but her heart was always drawn to SM Entertainment. She had been accepted as a trainee for Starship Entertainment and had appeared as a background dancer/actress for some of the company's songs. An SM scout had seen her hanging out with the other trainees at a youghurt shop and gave her the calling card, asking her if she wanted to become an idol.

At first, she was hesitant because even though SM Entertainment was her dream company, she was already a trainee at Starship Entertainment. The other trainees told her to go for it as Starship Entertainment's management was far worse than SM's. So she did and whha you know? She got accepted.

Trainee Years: 5 years
Stage Name: Aysa
link to what your singing sounds like:
link to what your dancing looks like: {Yoona SNSD }
link to what you rapping sounds like: {Yubin}
Super power: Ice
Position: { the number is how many can be in the group, remember this group will be divided like EXO in K AND M : D } 
{ 1 } lead vocal & lead dancer
{ 1 } lead rapper & main dancer
{ 1 } maknae & main rapper  (M)
{ 2 } Visual & jack of all trades 
Talents: singinging, dancing, rapping, acting, rapid reader, computer whiz, writer
Fanclub Name: Star 
Fanclub Color: Royal yellow #FADA5E
{ you are beautiful } 
Ulzzang Name: Juniel
clothing style: 
{ inside this heart of mine } 
tumblr_ma1owgjokn1re1tsco1_500.png               thumb.jpg
(Matching Friendship Bracelets)
Your lover : Kris Wu
Relationship status: Best Friends/Frenemies
How you met?:  SM decided to promote their upcoming girl group with the company's hottest band, EXO. The girls were nervous, of course, since they're finally meeting their famous sunbaes in poerson.


Both groups combined and produced an EP together which was titled 'Fantasy' with a fantasy/fairy tale themed concept but with an angstier and more realistic approach about how ahrd it is to reach true love and how you should never let it go once you found it. Their newly formed combined unit 'EXO Shock' released three music videos for the lead single. A prince version featuring the vocals of only the EXO boys, a princess version featuring only the girls and a fairy tale version where the two groups combine in the end.


The 10 princesses of After Shock were paired up with their respective partners. Aysa was originally supposed to be paired up with Sehun (since both of them are maknaes and all) but the younger boy was admitted to the hospital after a minor car accident, unable to shoot the prince scenes for the Fairy Tale version of the song. In the end, one of the single boys with no partner had to fill in his shoes and SM chose Kris since he was the only one left without a partner. The two of them didn't really get along well since they both have very strong personalities and often clashed with each other.

Aysa couldn't believe that a man could be so diva-like and so damn annoying to the point where she nearly ripped her own hair out. Kris had trouble doing the romantic scenes with a girl who was the complete opposite of his ideal type. He wanted a sweet, innocent, demure and cute girl, not a serious, reserved and tomboy-like girl like Aysa.

Their turning point happened when Kris nearly got hit by a car after being harassed by sasaeng fans at the filming site and Aysa managed to pull him away. The both of them were shellshocked but still alive. Kris grudgingly thanks her and promised to be more nicer to her.

The two then set their differences aside and became close friends afetr realizing how their personalities were more similar to each other than they thought. However, Kris and Aysa became the closest after they were both casted as resident members for the new and improved Family Outing 3, along with comedian Shin Bong Sun and Lee Gwangsoo, actors Kim Soohyun and Kim Wonhee, idols 2NE1's Sandara and 2AM's Jokwon and also SM Trainee, Kim Taeyong.

Their close friendship makes the other Family Outing members tease them and ask them to date already. The two always deny that their dating and that their just friends but nobody wants to hear it. This gets Aysa into trouble with EXO's many sasaengs and the amount of hate she received had tripled within 2 weeks of filming the show.

It became even worse when other variety shows keep bringing up their friendship and starting a new 'scandal' when a variety show revealed that the two of them wore couple bracelets (they were actually friendship bracelets). This causes a rift in their friendship, and made it nearly impossible for them to hang out without paparazzi trailing them.


Your lovers personality?: 

Kris is a really interesting person, and everyone doubts that they’ll ever get to know a lot about him. It’s clear that despite some occasional teasing, the members respect Kris dearly, since he always seems so in control. He’s a confident spokesman and a reliable leader, although seems to forget that he’s still a leader, due to not getting much of a leadership role during the OT12 promotions. It’s clear that he is so soulful and has a great heart. Kris shows great concern for his fans, especially in crowded airports, and really seems to value and respect all people, and does fanservice in his own special way.

Like Sehun, however, he’s known for having a ‘ face’ a lot of the time, which sometimes makes people cast assumptions about his personality. As we know though, Kris is quietly affectionate, and his blank expressions definitely don’t mean that he’s cold or soulless. Kris’s multicultural background and uncool beginnings make him as someone who accepts everyone.

Despite the fact that the dorky Wu Fan that has recently been revealed , Kris is still such a respectable and inspirational figure. He holds a certain air of authority, coming across as a protective and guiding force. It definitely seems like Kris has been through some pretty difficult family circumstances, and has had to be the rock for his mother. He’s a sentimental and soulful guy, evident through how emotional and/or defensive he gets sometimes, like when Tao said that he was inspired by him, when fans make touching tributes for the group.

He has gone through a lot emotionally when he was younger, and that has changed his outlook on life. He has always loved his mom, no matter what, but I think he didn’t realize how much he loved her until he moved to Korea.  Kris is extremely professional. He makes sure that nothing from his personal life mixes in with his work life. He is also very patient and mature, in fact, he’s the most mature out of all the members. He is a somewhat serious person and though he can be quite quirky and funny, he very serious in private.

He’s a person who never forgets. When someone does or says something that’s remotely worth remembering, Kris will remember it and he will hold it against that person, though he will not show it. He is not close to any of the members (except Tao) and the skinship you see on camera is him appealing to the public. That dorky persona you see on EXO showtime is also him appealing to the public.

He is like an onion. (or a cake, whichever you prefer) he has many many many layers, and it takes a lot for him to open up. He does not trust people. He is very calculative, and knows how to keep someone “close” without actually being close with that person. When first meeting a person, he will be very cautious of that person. He will observe this person and decide whether he/she is worthy of his approval.

He is a very independent person, and will take matters into his own hands if nobody else does. He will care for another individual before himself and that’s why he’s such a good leader. He steps in when the other members need someone to depend on, and steps back when they don’t. Kris is an open minded person but at the same time, also really stubborn.He doesn’t care what people think of him, and he doesn’t care how he looks.(if he does, he covers it up really well).

He knows how to approach people and knows how to get what he wants. He cares very much for the people that mean alot to him, but even then, he doesn’t open up to them. He seems like a person who has a lot on his mind, but will still tend to someone else’s needs before his own.

Being in a relationship with him would be emotionally draining and he/she will need to have a strong state of mind in order for him to open up. Kris will care deeply for his significant other very much, but he will not stop his partner if he/she wants to leave him. Being in a relationship with Kris will be difficult at first, but once you get past his “layers”, it will be rewarding.

He hates being seen as “weak” and will do anything to cover that up. He wants to be a person someone can lean on and dote on. This may tied to his hinted father-son problems as a kid. He needs to learn that it’s okay to be weak and to lean on someone for once, and that he doesn’t need to be strong all the time. He’s also the type of person who is distant at first, but as time goes on (keep in mind, this would probably take years) he will begin to open up, and that itself is worth the wait.

Bestfriend: Wendy Son
First meeting: Wendy and Aysa both first met when they were in line auditioning for SM Entertainment. Aysa had come to the audition alone and cold, as she had forgotten her sweater. Wendy saw the young girl freezing and immediately felt sorry for her. Wendy was a few years older than her but she treated Aysa like a younger sister and friend even when they had only first met. She gave her spare jacket to Aysa, claiming that she felt too warm despite the fact that she herself was shivering. In the end, they ended up sharing the jacket together.
In the end, both of them made it past the audtions and got accepted as trainees for SM. They even got to share the same dorm as trainees. Even after Wendy debuted in Red Velvet, they still remained good friends.
How close they are: The two have been friends since they were 12 and 16 respectively. They were amonst the youngest in the batch so they always stuck to each other like glue. The other trainees even joked that they were like sisters.Aysa could tell Wendy ANYTHING and vice versa. They're both are used to each others' traits, both the good and the bad. Wendy also knew all about Aysa's rivalry with Saera and had even met the younger sister a few times, finding her very unpleasant. 
Wendy could tell that Aysa was sad when she debuted without her so Wendy told Aysa that one day, when she finally reached her debut date, she would give it her best and prove to everyone how much of a star she truly was, showing her support to her best friend. Aysa was also the one who consoled Wendy after the scandal broke out where netizens were dissing Wendy because she had accidentally offended the international netizens by imitating them, which made her sound quite racist.
red-velvet-wendy.jpg             sm_rookies_wendy.jpg

Best Friend : Kim Sunggyu (INFINITE) - The leader of Infinte is her oppa and favorite sunbae who always gives advice and spends time with her when she's stressed. They both have a very close hoobae-sunbae relationship ever since their trainee days.


Best Friend : Yoon Hayi - a trainee at Woolim entertainment. They were both accepted into the agency on the same day though Hayi's debut date is still unknown. The two of them were originally part of the line-up for Lovelyz but they didn't make the cut. Hayi is often sad at her unknown future as an idol.


Best Friend : Kris (EXO) - The two of them met when EXO and After Shock were doing a joint promotion for an EP that they were both making. Their strong personalities always clashed together, leading them to hate each other at first. But after she saved his life from a would-be fatal car accident, they've been inspereable ever since.


Close Friend: Kim Taehyung [V] (BTS) - Aysa and him have been close friends after he saved her from falling off Namsan Tower when they were doing a CF. They have also acted in a few dramas together, though not as the main leads but many people ship them together. Taehyung as a secret crush on Aysa but her doesn't want to tell her in fear it would ruin their friendship.


Close Friend: Lay Zhang Yi Xing (EXO) - The fact that they share the same birthday and various similar personality traits brings these two friends even closer together. Aysa considers Lay her blood-brother as he is her 'same-birthday' oppa..


Friend : Park Sooyeong (Joy ) Red Velvet -They've been friends ever since they went on a joint-company retreat together. They were grouped together since they were around the same age and have a lot in common with each other.

Rivals, Why are you guys rivals:

Kim Saera - Aysa's younger sister have been rivals with her older sister ever since they were kids. This mostly happened because Saera felt shunned by her father who prided his elder daughter the most and nearly ignored Saera's existence. She is also a die-hard EXO-L and her bias is Kris oppa.


Lee Mei Ling - Kris's first love and ex-girlfriend from his hometwon. She came to Seoul to work as a manager-in-training and was furious to learn about you and Kris. She vowed to make Kris fall in love iwth her again.

{ Extra }
anything I forgot: -
Scene suggestions: 

Shooting a CF with EXO (or any boyband)

Become embassadors of a product

Rejected member

Love triangles! 

Acting in a dram with Jungkook

Win a music award for comeback


We Got Married with EXO's Sehun (The Maknae couple)

Becomes resident member on Family Outing3

World tour

Her relationship with Kris revealed

Hate messages and sasaengs attack

Fight with Kris/Taehyung

Being a guest on Running Man

Starring in a Hollywood movie

Predebut training

comments, questions, concerns: Hey there! Hoped you like Aysa and feel free to tell me if there's anything wrong with my app :)


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