Avalon App

001. — title your application with ❝ A V A L O N ❞ ▬ character name (stage name)
002. — make sure to use the source code and turn in at the right place
003. — make sure you've read the cheatsheet before starting, some notes of the application have been addressed there because they would be too long here
004. — some parts of the application, an enter is enough for a new line but sometimes a shift+enter is needed so that you don't mess up the application
005. — make sure to delete all notes
006. — replace first mirror with picture of your face-claim (200x260) and second mirror with that of your love interest
007. — delete everything above the pink line below and the pink line before you hand it in.

— Ahri (Ahriah:Ah-ree-ah) Rosario
Ace / Xacex13 / 9/10
NICKNAMES. — list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
♚ — Ari- is a short version of her name of both languages
♚ — Chiki-short for chikiquita meaning small or short in spanish
♚ — Riri -what her mother calls her

AGE — 21
BIRTHDAY — March 14, 1993

HEIGHT— must be between 157cm and 173cm
WEIGHT— kpop artists are mostly underweight but please at least have a BMI of 17, if you're making your character curvy that's also fabulous

BIRTH PLACE —  Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Daegu, South Korea

ETHNICITY — Korean/Puerto Rican
♚ — Korean; ) fluent/ Ahri grew up there most of her life. she can speak daegu dialect
♚ — English; ) fluent / her parents thought that it was importany for her to know since her mother and father had somewhat of a barrier speaking to each other the begining of their relationship
♚ — Spanish; ) can comprehend / Her father thought it was important to teach a part of his heritage. He speaks to her in spanish, but she cant write or speak proper spanish. Only slang.
APPEARANCE — She has a slight tan. Normally she keep her haired dyed orange. A little more meat on her body.

STYLE — Ahri usually like pair classic comfortables with heels to give a twist to her style. Off the shoulder tops, scarves, and shoes with a type heel to elongate her legs are usually in her arsenal.Her favorite accessory is her glasses, She likes looking chic and comfy. Her signature look to go along with her sunglasses is her orange wavy  hair. Due to her father being hispanic she was given wavy hair and  usually let her locks just be how they are making a messy look paired with a bang at times. 
♚ opinionated

Ahri has always been a drama queen ever since she was young. She demanded attention through her actions, and liked being center of people looks. She loved the thought of being unique and giving people entertainment.. She has always been bossy, something her father has said that she got from being short (jokingly). Being the middle child she loved to pull pranks on her siblings and as she got older the people involved her pranks expanded. She likes trolling people especially, and putting smiles on people's faces. She is a firm believer in justice and believes confronting problems are the best solution. She also believes that if you given something to do make comprimises to suit the needs you have because at the end the day you have to make yourself happy.If she finds something unfair she will call someone out on this, hence why the ceo calls ahri a handful. She may look mature and y this big flirt likes to be babied, and likes to snuggle. 

When it comes to her members Ahri would flips over baby carriages if she had to (of course no babies would be in them). She finds the girls as a part of her family, and see that if she is spending her life and career with them she might as well make it enjoyable for them as well. She likes helping members with her problems, and often like it when everyone get together and just talk. She often likes to talk informal and use sarcasm as a way to critisize her members in a way some what playful. She likes to make her comments as jokes that seem negative, but has advice along with it. The ceo often worries when Ahri is out and public and there's no script because of . In some way Ahri likes making the ceo worry, but view herself as  their little problem child at school.

PAST — Ahri grew up in a diverse household which made her opened minded to the world around her. She was a bit rowdy which worried her school teachers, but Ahri never payed heed, which ended in scoldings. She maintained average grades, and her only goal was to make it into a unversity for performing arts. She was never good at studying, and her mother worried for her future, but her father had faith she would do well. Ahri skipped extra lessons to do vocal activities. 
Ahri had very few friends. She wasn't interested in most students interests like studying and being the top student to please her parents. She usually was thick, something she was proud and never thought of herself as fat or ugly. She had matured in appearance wise early and was mistaken as a year older than what she really was.

♚afraid of zombies
♚heights are scary
♚insects are scary
♚she is allergic to shell fish
♚dislikes the fruit oranges but likes Sunny D
♚she hates watching her wait
♚members dubbed her theme song as troublemaker
♚she likes to compse music
♚her ideal type is woo bin
FAMILY — tell us all about your character's family whether they be her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and whatever else you think falls under this category. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many family members you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.

FRIENDS — like above, this is for your character's friends and only those! if your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, etc that goes below. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! maximum of 5
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.

OTHERS — and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! Are they enemies, rivals, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends?
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.


(if your character is biual/lesbian and you want her to end up with another applicant, that is also acceptable, please state that up there however still create a personality for someone else ie. idol)
— at least two paragraphs, this should be as in-depth as your own so don't give them a shoddy few sentences. You're basically creating an OC here. Include a list of traits before you start elaborating
FIRST MEETINGDon't give me a 'they gave each other a one millisecond look across a crowded room and now they know each other and will be able to recognise each other's faces. If that's how they first see that's fine but I need a meeting, where they interact in someway please no spilling coffee on each other, if they were childhood friends or friends, they tell me how they met as friends. was it love at first sight? hate at first sight?

RELATIONSHIP — explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION — are they still together? not everyonoe will be but because I'm a er for happy endings, perhaps they will. Or maybe they're just friends again?
— L.O.V.E.
STAGE NAME EXPLANATION — L.O.V.E stands for L.ady O. f  V.ocal E.xcellance. Ahri wanted her stage name to be Storm, meaning her voice carried the notes she sung in a strong force. However the CEO thought that L.O.V.E represented her better. Love overall is what the passion and strong connection she has with her voice she potrays. Her voice is very expressive and she is good with her notes, and a stable voice. She was reluctant to accept the name because she didn't want to sound cocky, but the ceo reminded her there's names that hold meanings that potray greatness like Donghae, T.O.P, and even GD which stands for genious dragron. 

TRAINEE LIFE — Ahri had became a trainee at Cube  at age 15 through auditions and as a requirment became a back dancer. She had done a few back up performaces in Hyuna's solo Bubble PoP, and even almost fell during live show along with her.Ahri felt as if she was going no where with becoming a vocalist seeing as though all she was going to be was a visual for the group Cube wanted to make. Due to her not liking how some people treated her and felt as though she was dramatically changing herself she left when she was 16. She had refused to loose more weight and didnt want to get plastic surgery. She figured a push up brace would be enough to fix what she lacked in. Seeing as though JYP had taken her in due to her trying multiple times, and barely winning a spot to be a trainee, she had worked hard, practicing late and trying to ask for more critisism from her vocal teacher. Normally she looked up ways to take care of her voice, and tried to be good at singing. At 18 JYP traded her with Jelly fish Entertainment for a rapper. 
Ahri had thought Cube would be good for since she seem to like how the idols there could compose and add there own uniqueness to their group. As a trainee she was constantly told that she was "fat" and needed to stop eating so much. It annoyed her how it seem like the females had be very skinny to be pretty since her family always said she looked pretty and healthy. Most never knew that she was mixed and seem to have accepted her. When she had went to JYP she didn't feel the need to be ashamed of herself so she openly told people of her mix background. Her tan skin and wavy hair was already what made her stand out, and she somewhat was a bit self concious of it until she remembered how Bi was the prime example of being not the normal standard and still being famous. This caused her to be inspired and embrace herself. At Jellyfish many thought she was stuck up since she voiced how she felt brazenly, and didnt fit into the box of an aegyo or ice girl. 

ON-STAGE PERSONA — Ahri potrays a confident sassy visual who has appeal and isnt afraid to show it. She is expressive in her body language and often make hand signals that matches what shes singing about. Just like her name is pronounced she spreads her love to the fans throwing hearts and kisses. Most her signatures she ends with kisses on the paper to which the make up team complains waste lipstick. She likes being active with the crowd and enjoys doing skinship with members and her some fans.

OTHER ACTIVITIES — Cube has a policy in which most trainees are back up dancers, and prove their worth by working their way up the ranks. This is exactly what Ahri went through, and had done a few dance performances such as Bubble Pop. 
FAMOUS LAST WORDS — Im surprise you knew about An Su Kyung. Alot don't really use her or know her, most use lee dasom or if they can hyori for a mature character. Good to know someone knew her~ ^.^ Oh yeah I will help with the story.I like the chance of coauthouring, Havent tried and wanna give it a chance.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — Creation of Avalon. Running Man. A teaser of the main + lead dancer doing a dance (eun young and hyeran dance. The remaining 4 does Lookk At Me by Jewlry The Teasers say The girls just wanna say "Look At Us Now"

PASSWORD — Kodocha!~ (Ima go rewatch this now XD join me~) 
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