Day 01

Day 01

Brand new blog post ayy? I never blog before so this shall be my first time  /wink wink/ I'm going to introduce myself okay? here we go!

Name: Pinktaemin (not going to reveal my name yet but who knows~)

Country: Singapore

Age: 15 this year (still young for rated m fanfic but I still author Rated fanfic hehe)

Bias Group: SHINee

Ultimate bias: Choi Minho (so much love for the choi)

Ultimate OTP: I have no ultimate otp but the one I love the most is 2min 

Multi fandom?: No I'm not. I can't help it but only support one group and that is SHINee !!

Social media account: Twitter: Pinktaemin

That's it I think? I don't know how to do the intro part ergh /sigh sigh/

I'll give you my 5 facts about me:

1) I have a weaker spot for guys with a charismatic smile (eep)

2) I don't like sweet food

3) I only like to watch Historical K-dramas rather than those modern kind of drama (is that weird ??)

4) I love love love American Horror Story

5) Jamie Dornan

I'm not good at these kind of introduction, I'm sorry to waste your time /crey/

Please read my authored Fanfic~~~


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