[141122]Boys Republic x APink Moments - Music Core

I spotted BoysrePink Moments!!!!I'm happy~~

1:26 - Suwoong bow to Apink/Onejunn and Minsu looked at Apink

1:27 - Onejunn bow to Apink/Minsu looked at Apink

1:29 - 1:32 - You can see Hayoung & Naeun near the three of them

1:33 - If you look carefully,Minsu secretly glance at Apink direction(more likely to be HaNaJoo) and quickly looked back at the front

1:41 - Apink is near Onejunn,Suwoong & Minsu

1:58 - Naeun is looking at Minsu??

(Minsu is standing on the same line as Naeun~)


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