Dedicated to...

Hello peoples! Night here! I just want to say, I have a friend, but I don't necessarily know her. I don't really talk with her much either, but I know what she looks like, and that she has a younger sister. Not only that, she has a hard life. I am writing this blog post for sungyeolbaekhyun87 because she always seems so happy on her blogs but there are those few posts, where she completely dreads her life. I know how she feels; I had to help my friend stop herself from suicide. I may not actually know how it feels to want to 'erase' myself from the world but I have been somewhat a part of it. The reason why I am writing this post is because she's always being nice and stuff and she has supporting people-even though she doesn't physically know them, they know her and they support her for who she is-she still has those stupid people in her life that make her feel... well... unwanted i guess? I couldn't be so sure... I don't know the whole real story to her life however. I think it's really brave of her to let all these things out-about her wanting the leave the world and her personal problems-into the public. I know how hard it is to do that, and I just want  to say, whenever you feel like you want to stop living, just know that you always have at least one person that cares for you. Even if you don't, you can always think better, and, what my dad always told me was, the best revenge is living a better life. So, show those stupid people that you can be better without them! Fighting sungyeolbaekhyun87!

Thanks for readin



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Thank you so much, I think I'm gonna cry. I really appreciate this. ^_^