[ The Sinners Leash ] ✖ Mai Park ▬ { Patience }


BACKGROUND : Mai is the only daughter of a mafia boss, born to the Park family Mai grew up with a strange code to life. Family was of the upmost importance and one's role in how that family functions. Mai always knew she wasn't cut out for the 'family' life, to brutal, to wrong for her. So she took up the one thing she could to contribute to the family. She became a doctor. She was helping, she could see to her 'family' members, and she felt she was evening her fathers and families sins.

At a young age Mai's mother died, leaving Mai the only female in a very male dominate world. This led her to develop strange 'quirks' to her personality. Always the mother figure to five younger brothers she seemed born for male stubbornness and ego.

When Mai left to study in America she felt it was her one way out of the life her family had lived for generations, but being alone solidified one things. Family means everything. So Mai retuned to Korea to work as an ER doctor to be near her family. Cleaning up her families mess when they had it and simply getting by. Until the night she came face to face with Wrath.
The night Mai met Jin it had been busy, Mai had almost by passed him as she rushed about the ER. He came in with one of his friends, yelling and freaking out. It's funny how men freak out the most over small things like knife wounds or something. A bit of blood and out goes the tough guy and in comes Mr. . Mai was called because he was yelling at some doctor about something and getting mad at his friend, Mai being legendary with how she handed her patents. Well seeing him she laughed walked over, with a calm voice and hand to his shoulder she calmed him.

It was love at first sight, Mai thought her world had aligned and placed the perfect man in front of her, a bit temperamental but hey not all men are perfect men from drama's. He waited around until after what had to be the longest and worst shift of Mai's life, waiting outside in the cold he walked home with her making her laugh at his strange way he saw the world. Black and Black was how he saw it. It didn't take Mai long to introduce him to her father, but it seemed with finding Mr. Perfect meant loosing her family.

Mai's life fell apart around her, her brothers dying, gang related activities, car accidents. It was horrible. On top of that another gang was moving in killing off 'family' members. Through it all though Jin was there, ever present and always standing with her when time came to lay another to rest. It seemed all the sins had finally caught up to her family. Or the world, work had been worse than Mai ever recalled and it wasn't just the overflow of ER patents.

The night she met Jin was the first night it happened, the night Mai exploded at a nurse for fumbling. She NEVER did that. It seemed to Mai that Jin's personality rubbed off on her, yelling at people, loosing her temper. It was as if she was being punished finally but for what Mai didn't know. That was until the night her father died.  

PERSONALITY : Park Mai Ri can be summed up very simply. The woman with endless patience, no matter the situation she is level headed, clairvoyant, and the one person to take charge. There is no layered woman here she is simply Mai. A woman who wears her heart on her sleeve she is fast to tell her opinion and ask for others. Mai believes that the only way the world goes round is when everyone works together.

Mai can seem very smug, the kind of woman who acts as if she knows a lot, full of her self. Many think she is fake, as if she is pretending to have endless amounts of patience and that she is just kissing . This means she doesn't have many friends, because everyone is always waiting for the other shoe to drop and her real personality to come out.

Mai is very caring, mothering, she is also at home in the midst of chaos, it's like her calling or something. She likes to crack lame jokes that no one laughs at or gets, she is always looking for the better half of the people around her. She never raises her voice and likes to keep a smile on her face.

Mai is a stubborn kind of girl, bull headed many say. Once she has something set on her mind it hardly ever changes, she is good at barreling things through so her goal is reached. When she is in a mood she can loose focus of the whole world around her and just that one things is on her mind. Many to know her find it even more annoying than her endless patience because it's damn near impossible to change her mind once she sets her mind.

Wrath brings out the worst in her. Thanks to him Mai feels as if she had become someone she never should have been. She yells, she throws things, she is bratty, she can't control it!

The tags disappeared on me so here you go:
understanding   caring   fun-loving         trusting     people pleaser     stubborn


Park Mai Ri


» Mai | Just the short version of her name that everyone calls her.

» Mary Park | her name when she was studying in the states.


AGE : 03/15 | 25




» Korean, fluent | well she did grow up and lives in Seoul
» English, fluent | she went to medical school in America so she had to learn
» Latina , basic knowledge | all doctors are required basic knowledge and know a lot of words.


HEIGHT : 167 CM or 5'5''


WEIGHT : 58 KG or 127 LBS


HAIR COLOR: black originally but she likes to keep it copper brown, or many other colors, it's all dependent on her mood.


EYE COLOR : light brown



» Japanese Tanto | picture | this is the actual 'knife' that killed Wrath the first time.

» semi automatic pistol | picture | her father made her get one and learn to shoot it, she's pretty good honestly. this one belonged to her Oppa.

Virtue of Patience

» Name : Park Hye Min
» Back-up Name : Jin Jae Young



» Father, Park Dongwoon | 63 | Head of the family | stern, quiet, closed off, caring of his family | the two are very close, when he lost his wife Mia who looks just like her apparently because his world.   
» Oldest Brother, Park Dong-Wook 'Wook'| 32 | Family Business | caring, doting, he looks after his family with everything in him | they are close enough, one day he will be head of the family and he feels he should find a good match for his sister. He is married his wife liked Mai up until the end. He died because his wife shot him in the back of the head, then herself. (Last son to die)  
» Older Brother, Park Dong-Su 'Su-Su'| 30 | Family Business | fun loving, joker, always wanting to have a good time. | he was always at clubs getting drunk and hitting on women. it was Mai's job to go bring him home. they had running jokes about the women in his life his flowers of Gangnam (first son to die, mugged and stabbed)  
» Oppa , Park Dong-Hae 'Hae' | 28 | Family Business | much like his father in his very quiet personality. he doesn't get close to many and he keeps the business within the family | they are very close. he was in the car accident that killed their mother. he was wife hunting with Mai, wanting to get married and have kids of his own ready for that part of his life now that the family business was seeming to slow down. (fourth son to die, he was found floating in Han River, they said he jumped, family doesn't believe it)  
» Younger Brother, Park Dongho | 24 | Family Business | crazy, wild, in the moment, he's the first to talk and the one to get the last word, very mouthy | like most brothers and sisters, they where close but Mai was more a mother to him than a sister at times so they fight often. he is never seen without his twin brother (died second with his brother in a gang related shoot out, his girlfriend died with him)   
» Little Brother, Park Dong-Hoon 'Hoon' | 24 | Family Business | quiet, mild tempered, he's a lot like his sister in terms of patience maybe it's because of his twin? | they have a good understanding. keep Dongho out of trouble and all will be well. (he died with his brother in a shooting, he had been making a phone call to his oldest brother at the time)  
» Baby Brother, Park Dong-Won 'Won' | 20 | Restaurant owner | shy, that good kind of funny and cute, babied, looked after | never having known his mother he and Mai are very close. He was only a few months old when she died so Mai took extra care of him. He went to America with her even to be near her. (fifth son to die, his death took a lot out on the family, he was found overdosed on drugs, no one knew he did them)   


» Friends for the most part, Lee Jina | 20 | Angel | Humanity | the two are good at arguments, no Jina you can not jump off the roof! just because someone needs to go down there doesn't mean......-deep breaths-...honey you could get hurt, lets look for another solution -looks to temperance for help- it's a push and pull relationship. she really tests Mai's ability over her patience and draws out the wrath within her.  
» Baby sister!, KINDNESS | ? | Angel | Adorable! | They get along, both happy go lucky, she treats her like a baby sister.  
» Other Half, DILIGENCE | ? | Angel | Driven | It's hard to find someone who works just as hard if not harder than you. So the two can bond over that. That fact and that their sin's destroyed their whole family. Mai is there for her in her moments of doubt holding her shoulders knowing that this girl can win if any of them can.  
» That Necessary person, TEMPERANCE | ? | Angel | A Godsend | With Wrath haunting her steps, Mai needs Temperance in her life more than anyone, glad for the woman and willing to hear her out always the two make a good team  
» Little sister, CHARITY | ? | Angel | sweet as can be | Mai feels for her, one she doesn't understand this little one, and two Greed seems to be winning. But Mai sees it as these two might just be made for each other in the grater picture. She's got a lot of Envy over them, though she hides it well.  
» Le Sigh, CHASITY | ? | Angel | naïve | Mai seriously feels bad for the poor girl. With Lust following her around her wonders how the girl hasn't gone off the deep end. Though she is willing to stand between then and give her shoulder for the girl, because maybe all she needs is a bit more strength and she wont be so lost.  

Sin of Wrath

» Coffee, she's a caffeine junky, coffee, tea, anything else she will inhale it.
» The color green, she loves it.
» Anime and manga, they are fun and she's been addicted sense she was a teen.

» Sports, mostly soccer she follows it like it's a life line.
» Musical's and theaters, her father takes her often


» cats more like they don't like her.
» slackers, they drive her up a wall
» rude people they get her worked up

» two faced people, or people who thin she is two faced
» those that judge her based on her families 'life style'


» reading, she is always reading in her free time.
» she jogs in her free time to keep herself fit
» she cleans up after EVERYONE

» plays with her hair when she's nervous
» cries when she's overstressed


» Mai can ride bike but she doesn't ride.
» When she was little she wanted to act on stage.
» Mai can't cook, aside microwave food or cup of soups.

» Can't drive. Has a driver.
» Mai is afraid of animals


Mai having had money her whole life chooses to live in the world of fashion. She enjoys the frumpy chic look. Long skirts, over sized sweaters, leggings, boots, heels. She loves pastel colors, nothing to bright and hard, not a lot of prints. She wears layers a lot, thin clothes most of the time. Mai however can and will dress up to the nines, after all her father is the head of a family.

Mai is the only doctor that will take shifts in heels, those around her call her a Drama doctor because she will wear heels, her makeup is always perfect and her hair is done up. Mai dresses up for herself and herself alone.  


» Home | 1 2 3 4
» Casual | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
» Dolled Up | 1 2 3 4 5
» Virtue Attire | 1 2 3



» tattoo | none
» piercings | typical once in each ear| just a girl thing nothing flashy


PERSONALITY : Short tempered, aggressive, explosive, to himself. see application

Mai believes that everything about Jin is a front to keep people out. There where some moments in their 'relationship' that she saw a childlike side to him, a glimpse she feels is the real Jin. He's funny, witty with his dark humor, and over all very dedicated. She likes to believe that somewhere under all that demon evilness that he is a kind and caring person.

RELATIONSHIP : Bottom line Mai is in love with Jin. She fell in love at first sight. He has always been dark and mysterious but she knows that it's just his way of blocking people out. Mai wondered early on what the world did to him to make him so dark and angry, most of the time she attempts to brake his shell. Some moments Mai feels that the demon Wrath left and it was just Jin before her. She clings to this even to the end because she loves him. Even with everything he's done. Not that she can forgive him ever, but she can't just not love him.

Mai is afraid of her task, to rid the world of Wrath. She knows killing him she loses himself. He will kill her one day. She wants to 'tame' him but she knows once someone gives into Wrath there is no going back. She knows this because she has given in to Wrath and even if she can keep her virtue she is lost to Wrath, be it the man or sin.

HISTORY : Jin came to earth for the reason of bringing down the Park family. Mai hadn't known about it until the night she was the last Park left alive. A simple dinner with her father, with her family all dying around them they felt the need to get together more to become closer. Jin attended the dinner with her as per usual. Mai stepped out of the room for a moment to answer a phone call from her friend freaking out. Upon returning she found Jin standing over her head father, she saw him for who he was then. The Demon Wrath.

Everything started to make sense in her head, overcome with rage herself she grabbed up the first item she could, her families heirloom a Japanese Tanto and went after Jin. A bit out of her league Mai was tossed to the side and left bleeding on the floor to die. She might have died then and there but she vowed Wrath would pay for this, she would vanquish Wrath how ever one can vanquish a sin. Whatever the cost she would make it so would become powerless.

OTHER : See Style section of his app. Mai would like so say she's a good girl and kept her virtue with Jin. But honestly she's almost 30 and a working woman. She's not a saint! (well maybe but not that saint!) She knows Jin's body pretty well, from his tattoo's to his scars, in all honesty she's not regretful of it one bit! Jin has always been the clean type so she's glad to know he's not always so put together.

These tags don't like me either:
        beautyNcupcakes               SAIA                   The Wrath of Patience

your nickname
love interests plotline



» Wrath | Mai calls him this because the man she loved Jin died the day her father died.

» Boss | The Park family has deemed him boss after their bosses death not knowing he was the one who killed the old man.


AGE : 01/01 | 25


HEIGHT : 138 CM or 6 FT


WEIGHT : 63 KG or 138 LBS


HAIR COLOR : Black | Black w/ red tips


EYE COLOR : Black | Red



»blowing things up near him | if his anger is pricked he will explode things around him, vases, TV's, phones, shatter windows, it's simply his power manifesting and escaping

» will over others  | as long as the act is out of anger or maliciousness he can make someone do something, he enjoys watching people in crowded areas do this to them.

» static charge  | this is his power building up, at it's highest level he can create lighting and catch things on fire, lowest simply shock people or electronics around him.








LAST COMMENT : I hope your not minding how I did this. I couldn't think of an idol so I just combined my two favorite OC characters, I didn't mean to hog a sin and virtue. I hope you enjoy them at the very least. I am looking forward to what you are planning for this story and will read regardless. I myself enjoy the sins and how many play with them. I personally picked Wrath because it's one of my grater sins honestly. (such an angry person I am) but people tell me I have endless patients so maybe I can be a bit of both. I hope you don't mind that my character is a bit older but I find only with age comes patients and the understanding of what loosing this quality can mean.


SCENE REQUESTS : Lets see, as I filled out the application I thought of a million and one bad Charlie's Angel's jokes, so if Mai makes bad jokes have her make some Charlie's Angel's jokes, bad ones to.

Because I love punishing myself and my characters, feel free to not let Mai or Jin have a happy ending. As I wrote the characters I kept thinking. This is not going to end well at all, she's gunna kill him, he's gunna taint her. No good comes of this situation. But I see if fun that way. Just a little kicker. If you want any help with plot bunnies feel free to kick me, I'm an open book!


THE SINNERS LEASH : By Hyeonq : Link



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