
So as a writer I am no stranger to writer's block. Whenever I feel the W.B. coming on, I google the web for suggestions on how to cure this tempoary literary anoyance. Most of the stuff I find seems intresting at the time; but not something I could see myself doing EVERY SINGLE time I get writer's block. I have changed my form of writing because I myself as a person have changed. I relaized now that the stories that I was writting a couple of months ago don't seem to fit me anymore. I usually put myself in my work, it's best to stick to the thing that you know after all. The problem is I don't know myself anymore, I know it sounds  teenangst-ty and a little bit crazy. Unfortunately it's the undeniable truth. What seemed to be a small problem turned out to bigger than I hoped... I want to say that I want to free write my thoughts until I get my writting on track. 


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