
I apologize for this rant.


Lee Seunghoon, dear, you are my bias in WINNER. I love your variety skills, I love your face, I love your cute voice, I love your dancing and I love your choreographies. But you know, there is something I discovered that I do not love you for. Colorism. Body-shaming.

See, I get that you and Mino are friends, pretty close you seem. But I'm pretty sure everyone out there KNOWS that Song Minho does NOT like to be called out for the topics TAN and WEIGHT. He said it serval times already, when are you going to stop? At first, it might have been seen as a joke. But now? Now it's going too far. "My first impression of him was scary because of his tan skin. He didn't take care of it well." "You were 90kg before? Wow." etc etc. Please don't do this, Seunghoon. I WON'T stop supporting you but, really, this bothers me. Please don't do it anymore. I hope the future will only be bright from now on.

Now actually, this rant ain't about my boo Seunghoon. This is actually to the racist/ist/body-shaming/colorist/homophobic people out there.

Most important reason why racism is NOT okay:  

  • We are all ing human. You have a heart? You have a brain (apperantly not)?  Your average body-temperature is 37 degrees? You have the hormones of a Homo Sapien Sapien? Well congrats, you're human! One of the most intelligent creatures on this planet, aren't we blessed? Being able to do things on our own, discovering other things that we never even dreamed about before, being able to love this beautiful planet and the other creatures as well as fellow human-beings. There are billions of different creatures on this planet, and we were lucky enough to be human. Why miss-use it? Who the cares that you don't speak the same language? Who the cares that you're from another country? Who the cares that you look different from what people look in that small other part in this whole entire universe? I don't. Oh, you do? Well, you shouldn't. Because in the end of the day, WE ARE ALL HUMAN.

Most important reason why colorism is NOT okay:

  • We are all ing human. You have a heart? You have a brain (apperantly not)?  Your average body-temperature is 37 degrees? You have the hormones of a Homo Sapien Sapien? Well congrats, you're human! One of the most intelligent creatures on this planet, aren't we blessed? Being able to do things on our own, discovering other things that we never even dreamed about before, being able to love this beautiful planet and the other creatures as well as fellow human-beings. There are billions of different creatures on this planet, and we were lucky enough to be human. Why miss-use it? Who the cares that you're a few shades darker than another? Who the cares that you are not Snow White? Who the cares that you need a bit more of Vitamin D than others? I don't. Oh, you do? Well, you shouldn't. Because in the end of the day, WE ARE ALL HUMAN.

Most important reason why ism is NOT okay:

  • We are all ing human. You have a heart? You have a brain (apperantly not)?  Your average body-temperature is 37 degrees? You have the hormones of a Homo Sapien Sapien? Well congrats, you're human! One of the most intelligent creatures on this planet, aren't we blessed? Being able to do things on our own, discovering other things that we never even dreamed about before, being able to love this beautiful planet and the other creatures as well as fellow human-beings. There are billions of different creatures on this planet, and we were lucky enough to be human. Why miss-use it? Who the cares if you have veevee or a peepee (lol)? Who the cares that you might like the do sports a lot or that you might like to paint your nails? Who the cares that you have melons? Who the cares if in general you might have longer hair than the other gender? Who cares? I don't. Oh, you do? Well, you shouldn't. Because in the end of the day, WE ARE ALL HUMAN.

Most important reason why body-shaming is NOT okay: 

  • We are all ing human. You have a heart? You have a brain (apperantly not)?  Your average body-temperature is 37 degrees? You have the hormones of a Homo Sapien Sapien? Well congrats, you're human! One of the most intelligent creatures on this planet, aren't we blessed? Being able to do things on our own, discovering other things that we never even dreamed about before, being able to love this beautiful planet and the other creatures as well as fellow human-beings. There are billions of different creatures on this planet, and we were lucky enough to be human. Why miss-use it? Who the cares that you might enjoy eating food a bit more than others? Who the cares if food doesn't attract you as much as it does to others? Who the cares that your body just doesn't want to gain or lose weight? Who the cares if you might have to wear a size bigger or smaller? I don't. Oh, you do? Well, you shouldn't. Because in the end of the day, WE ARE ALL HUMAN.

Most imporant reason why being a negative homophobe is NOT okay:

  • We are all ing human. You have a heart? You have a brain (apperantly not)?  Your average body-temperature is 37 degrees? You have the hormones of a Homo Sapien Sapien? Well congrats, you're human! One of the most intelligent creatures on this planet, aren't we blessed? Being able to do things on our own, discovering other things that we never even dreamed about before, being able to love this beautiful planet and the other creatures as well as fellow human-beings. There are billions of different creatures on this planet, and we were lucky enough to be human. Why miss-use it? Who the cares if you might like the same gender? Who the cares if you don't get wet because of ? Who the cares if you don't get hard because of s? Who the cares if you tend to love your own more than the opposite? "You're too young to decide your ual preference, you're stuck with the hormones." said NO ONE to the hetero teenager. Then why tell it a lesbian or gay teenager? Just tell me why? Are you the one loving who they love? NO. So why would you have a word on it? It's the feeling THEY get, and guess what? IT AIN'T ANY OF YOUR BUISNESS. So why do you care so much? Since when is loving someone a sin? Something that we have no control over, a feeling that takes over our body and mind, how is that wrong? How can we, ourselves, have a word on it? We don't. Neither do people who fall in love with the same . In the end of the day, WE. ARE. ALL. HUMAN.


I can't believe that schools DO NOT teach these topics well. This is the basic guide to being A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. A normal human being is not "being pale-skinned" "being fat or thin" "loving the other gender" "thinking that you have more right and say on anything just because there's another thing in your pants" "thinking you've got more right and say on anything because the other is from somewhere else" it's not about being something you are not.

It's about being yourself. It's about being intelligent enough to REALISE that it's FINE to be different than the general. It's about accepting others. It's about trying to socialize with those who are not like you. It's about anything that does not contain negativity. We, ourselves, as selfish and cocky human beings, created that negativity. We created the stereotype. Now since we all start to became a little more intelligent to realise it, let's make a difference. The difference in what HAS BEEN a sad reallity, and what IS our beautiful society. Of course, this wish will never be fully granted as there will always be some party-poopers out there. But every little step is another step closer. 


Alright, I get that anyone can have his or her own opinion or preference. But really, there is a great wall between that and the topics I mentioned earlier.

Well, that's all I'm saying for now.


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I get so pissed when someone makes rude comments about skin color or weight, or anything like that. i agree with everything you said. this post is entirely well-written. ignorance is a huge problem when it comes to these topics because it's clearly not taught well in school and not discussed enough in society. i wish everyone could just accept that at the end, we're all human and we should just respect eachother. i love this post <3
(haha I think we read the same interview) I don't know if seunghoon said that out of ignorance, but it's the type of common thoughts that many people has and says out loud without being delicate, like clichés
sadly, medias shot images of a stereotypes of men or women and people (and in korea I think it's terrible), conscious or not people rely on those images, the thing that is an obsession is not so the skin but the weight, whereas generous hips is beautiful, no? you can repeat to yourself I'm good the way I am, you will always desire to be better and rely on those images for people to apreciate. but those images change with time as we can see beauty stereotypes from past centuries, it's the proof that were are all different shapes, fortunatly you are unique but also has common points with your peer in the same time that make you already part of humans, all different but all humans. (bad bad english)
Racism is finding reasons to problems where there's isn't, why a skin colour would make a person bad? depends of cultures and most of all it's the discover of the other, you're afraid to go to people and persuade yourself they're bad
Homophoby is a serious problem, I think they are scapegoat of society customs when people feels wrong, and it's also because of centuries of education who stigmatize them. There's also the question the relations for children. The thing is just that it's not a that you love it's a person.
The society is being more and more individual and I think little gestures like "thank you", "sorry" in everydays life is the minimum. And you can't live without the other and have to respect them because the man is a political animal (Aristote haha)
well I think I'm not clear but you inspired me chingu;)