Like Stars We Fall info + me rambling a lot.

So I don't know if anyone will read this BUT I might as well give it a go. If you do read this, it'd be nice to get feedback on what you think about what I'm about to put forward.

I've taken some time away to do some stuff - write, read, get unwell, get well, have a small breakdown - now I'm back! And ready to write. I cannot possibly adequately capture my eagerness to dive back into the world of Hunhan and LSWF. I have some ideas of what I might do as steps forward from here:

  • Post the next part of Sehun and Luhan's life together as a separate story/sequel.
  • Write Luhan's past and post it as a separate story.
  • And the laziest option would be skip to them being married and living a happy life together.

Hell, I might do all three at some point. Basically, here I stand, with some ideas of what's going to happen but no idea what you my reader(s) actually want. And I'm interested in hearing what you think, what you want. You guys are great, real awesome, your enthusiasm keeps me smiling and it's really cool to log in every day and see that red sign pop up saying new subscribers or new comments or whatever. So, thank you. Really truly thank you. I didn't expect my writing to get any attention and hold no illusions as to my level of skill, but your love for these characters and the story, for EXO, is just incredible and heartwarming.

I have another Hunhan story planned, actually! Because The song 'Miracles In December' is possibly the most beautiful song I've heard in several years and the lyrics are truly beautiful. So I guess this means I have another question: What would you(s) like first- an update to LSWF (and if so what kind, what would you like to see), or another AU to be posted?

The AUs I have kicking about that I'd like to write:

  • late 2014 Hunhan, wherein in the chaos of a member coldshoulder deserting them they become closer and fall for each other.
  • another catboy AU but this time Sehun is the catboy
  • daddy!kink
  • non-ual ageplay
  • Prince Luhan gets a new guard. Oh Sehun is a lot more interesting than he seems.
  • ROK (space)ship EXO and it's crew. New boy Sehun finds himself enraptured by Luhan. (is this a star trek AU?? maybe)
  • 'Guardians of the Galaxy' au because I love for space and also for Hunhan. 
  • Sehun the coffeeboy/gardener and Luhan the artist.
  • TV show AU - we have to date for the cameras!!!!! 'Fake It til you Make It'.
  • the magic!au

So, if anybody is actually reading this because I don't know if people actually do on here, what do you think? PM me, write a comment here on or LSWF, a wall post, whatever. Just.... please talk to me? I don't bite and I genuinely want to hear what you have to say.


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