
i feel like bragging about my school

because my school is great

like seriously great

it has been in the 100 best school in the whole netherlands for serval years

its in the best 5 school in the city i live

95% of the gymnasium/vwo students pass their exams

91% of the havo students pass their exams

last school year NONE of the seniors failed their exam

our school is just really good

you get accepted easily but it is so hard to stay in

its really strict but, its just great

i never saw someone getting bullied before

people who got kicked out oftenly talk about how much they miss our school

an average class hour would take 45 minutes in all other schools

but our school takes 70 minutes (sometimes 140 and i love it because you just learn so much)

it only offers havo, vwo, tto, and gymnasium (aka; only kids smarter than the average get accepted)

its just so well

the teachers are great as well (except for my current french teacher, damn she , but ok she used to teach in a school full of bullies so she probs feels a lill weird in our school)


and our school trips are: spain, italy, german, france, england, austria

you can get exchanged to: german, france, spain, japan

school offers extra classes as: basically all kind of sports you can think of and im serious, theater, dance, vocal classes, band, orchest, etc

each day you only have 4 or 5 classes (since they take 70 minutes each (or 140 minuted but thats just 3 classes a day then) and youre done at 2pm or 3:10pm

we also have also have one day in a week (depends on the semester which day) you start at 10pm

the school teaches you languages such as: german, french, english, italian, greek, latin (and dutch obv lolol)

the school is really strict so you know you have to work hard to get it all done

people who dont belong here get kicked out simple like that

i just find my school really good. because it is. idk why i wanted to share this, but i just feel so proud to call myself a student in that school.

if youre wondering what havo vwo etc is: click here



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i wish my school was like this ug h
moves to your house and goes to school w/ you : )))
cool story
Shibalyo #3
Sounds great... but I'm not sure about that whole 'people who don't belong here get kicked out'. It would probably breed a lot of stress within their students despite the great marks achieved. Schools should value their students and help them achieve great marks instead of accumulating students who are already high achievers.
your school sounds amazing...but it's missing something...something that would make it THE best :::)