Miss me, or diss me?

Rap is my favorite genre in music. I love Eminem's songs the most, along with others mainly Americans or French. I first heard of MC Mong in 1 night 2 days, he's hilarious and good and blabla, that's not my point.


Anyway, I first listened to his hit song Circus, and I liked it, a mix of craziness with meaningful lyrics. (http://youtu.be/TTUclwr-Jo0) I wanted to hear other songs of his and I stumbled upon "I love you, thank you." (http://youtu.be/yKZN5ydm2U8) O.M.G I love this song so so so so much. And I take the chance to quote this:


thanks for making me smile
your smile
thanks for awakening me,
your advice
thanks for giving me a future
this faith.


I want to rant a bit here, so feel free not to read. I'm still young I know, and this person is not one I'm inlove with. True, he's the most important person in my life. losing him made me depressed, so depressed life became meaningless. I tried setting new goals and I'm working on it. No need to worry about me, I don't need a psychologist ... yet!


Anyway, again I'll go back to my main subject. This MC Mong, after a hiatus of 5 years because of military thing -I can't explain since it's too huge and I don't think I understand fully his situation, made a comeback. His new track talks about him obviously. Maybe no one has heard of him, so I want to share his music for anyone interested.



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genyheodang #1
After watched 1N2D, I became MC Mong's fan too. Even what he've done was wrong, I still love him and his music. All the song in the album are really daebak, I listen to it the whole week :D
Wow, daebak...thanks for sharing.
Even I start listen to his song when I watch 2days 1night.. And also elementary jiwon and Kim c...their song are really nice. Did u heard the others??
Oh, I like MC Mong as well! :)