♛ ─ royal flush ↷ Choi Daijee

   last reminders:
─ name the title of this blog " ♛ ─ royal flush ↷ character name "
─ change the pictures of Hae In (the girl) to your face claim (dimensions are listed in the alternate text)
─ change the pictures of bobby to your love interest (dimensions are listed in the alternate text)
─ when you need to start a new line press SHIFT + ENTER because if not you'll really mess up the coding
─ delete all of these ( ) brackets and keep these [ ] brackets 
─ refer to the hints and cheat sheet for extra info on sections, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask
─ turn it into the turn in blog post and have the correct password which can be found on the cheat sheet
─ delete this section once you've completely filled out the application
─ lastly have fun! 


application form / ©
height needs to be 307 

Choi Daijee

Jellylovesyou, Nikki, activity 9-10


first things first...

full name ─ Choi Daijee {최 댖에에}
other names ─ Daisy
nicknames ─ Daisy {Everyone calls her that | Her name translates to Daisy in english}
─ Chomp {the other members | Because she is always making a chomping noise when eating}

age ─ 18
birth date ─ December 10, 1996

birthplace ─ Venice, Italy
hometown ─ Busan, South Korea 

ethnicity ─ Half Korean, half Italian
nationality ─ Korean Italian
languages ─ ( explain how they have learned each language, a max of 4, all can not be fluent )  
─ Italian / Very fluent / Daijee lived in Italy for most of her childhood and her mother is also italian
    Korean / fluent /Lived in Seoul and her father is also Korean
    English / conversationable / Learned from school and from her mother

you can call me queen bee.. 

167 x 120 167 x 120 167 x 120 167 x 120

face claim ─ Jo Eun Hee 
pictures01 | 02 

back up face claim ─ Baek Su Min

height & weight ─  162 cm /52 kg / BMI 19.7
blood type ─ A positive

appearance ─ light brown eyes 
style ─ Daijee sort of has a mordern look to her. She likes to keep it simple and on some days, a little grungy. She loves wearing combat boots and chunky heels with skinny jeans. She also loves ripped jeans and she can never go wrong with an oversized tee to match. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

i'm just a pretty tragedy.. 

personality traits
Positive -

Down to Earth

Negative -





  Daijee has a pretty 4 dimensional personality. She is known for being very chill and calm about life. She is very witty in knowing what to say when charming others. Daijee is also very encouraging to the others members. She likes to cheer them on and will sometimes even buy them gifts if they are feeling down. She is also very down to Earth. She tries to be positive about everything and wants people to know herin a good way.  Daijee is logical in almost everything she does. She always thinks about what the outcome will be in almost every choice she makes and how it will effect her. She is also one of the first people to react if something doesn't go right {Example if a member forgets any lines, she jumps in with an improv}. Many people know Daijee for being very trusting. She tries her hardest to make people trust her with anything situation they have.

   Just like every other human being, Daijee has her flaws. She is known by her members that she can get very envious of others. She can't stand seeing cute boys with other girls or her friends with others. Daijee is also fearful of many things. She fears that her friends won't love her anymore or her family will reject her, so she tires to please them in any way possible. She can also be very greedy. She normally gets greedy over friends, but also over pity things like clothing and food. She is also kown very being super messy. Her room is always a mess and her car is filled with trash and all sorts of stuff. 



background ─ 


   Daijee was born in Venice, Italy and lived with her mother, her father, and her older brother. She loved living in Venice, even at a young age. Daijee grew up in a small apartment just on the outskirts of her city. Daijee's mother danced her whole life, so she signed her up for ballet when she was 4. Daijee loved dancing, but didn't feel liked ballet was the route she wanted to go down, so since Daijee's brother was in a Hip Hop crew, she learned a few moves from him. When Daijee was 6, her family decided to move to Busan to further her mother's career. So Daijee had to drop out of her ballet classes.

   Daijee worked very hard at dance everyday of her childhood and she loved every second of it. Daijee took many different lessons in Busan, manly ballet lessons, but she had a few hip hop in there as well. Daijee's parents decided to homeschool her at 10 so she could focus more on dancing. Around age 14, Daijee became a huge fan of rapping after hearing that her cousin was part of an underground rap group. She would memorize lyrics to Big Bang's songs and would show off her skills to her cousin. Her cousin was amazed at how well Daijee picked up on rapping. When Daijee was 15, her family took a trip to Seoul to visit relatives. But one day while they were street shopping, a scout from YG spotted Daijee and asked her to sing and dance on the spot. She did what was told of the man and he thought it was a perfect match. So Daijee stayed wither her brother in Seoul to become a trainee.

likes ─ ( bullet point form, 5+ )

dislikes ─ ( bullet point form, 5+ )

hobbies ─ ( bullet point form, 3+ ) 

fears ─ ( bullet point form, at least 2 )

trivia ─ ( bullet point form, unlimited / the more the better )

home is where the heart is...

family ─ ( your character's family, please only include those that would be very important to her. copy and paste the format below as many times as you need ) 
─ relation / name / age / occupation / personality traits / their relationship (good, bad, awkward ect.) + interactions

friends ─ ( your character's best friends(s), friend(s), and so fourth. copy and paste the format below, a max of 6 )
─ relation / name / age / occupation / personality traits / their relationship (good, bad, awkward ect.) + interactions 

others ─ ( people your character might not be very close to and people you feel are important enough to your character to be included here ) 
─ relation / name / age / occupation / personality traits / their relationship (good, bad, awkward etc.) + interactions 

i'm so fancy, you already know i'm in the fast lane..

stage name ─ Daisy
stage persona ─ 
personal fan club ─ The Petals /#ffcc00
social media ─ twitter [ @Daisyduke ] / instagram [ @Daiisychoi ] 

position ─ Lead rapper, lead dancer
back up position ─ Maknae, lead vocalist, face of the group
singing twin ─ first position [ back up position ] ( all of them know how to sing, some better than others )
rapping twin ─ first position [ back up position ] ( only to those with a rapping position )
dancing twin ─ first position [ back up position ] ( all of them also know how to dance, some better than others )

trainee years ─ for 3 1/2 years
trainee life ─ ( include how you became a trainee and describe how trainee life was for your character.was it hard, easy? ect. ) 
past experience ─ ( back up dancer? underground rapper? etc. )

hidden talent ─ ( one or two will do )
rival ─ ( optional. )
─ name / age / occupation / personality traits / why are you guys rivals? + interactions 

and i'm dreaming again, i wanna be with you...

167 x 120 167 x 120 167 x 120 167 x 120

love interest  ─ Song Mino / Member of Winner
nicknames ─ Dummy
age ─ 21
birth date ─ March 30, 1993 

personality ─ Mino is one of those guys that seems cold on the outside, but is such a sweetheart on the inside. He's super friendly and loves to joke around with everyone. He's very supportive of s and his friends. Mino likes to help others when they're in need and doesn't like seeing his close ones struggling. He loves to make everyone laugh and he always tries to be positive. Everyone knows not to mess with anyone close to Mino or he will make your life a living hell. 

how did you guys meet? ─ Daijee was close friends with Block B's P.O for some time before he debuted. So one night, P.O invited Daijee and Mino out to dinner, thinking that they would good together. They talked all that night and became really close after that.
interactions ─ 
current relationship ─ close friends 

scene requests ─ 

back up love interest ─ ( name / occupation )

this is not goodbye..
any last words? ─ comments, questions anything you feel like saying here. 
password ─ check the cheat sheet



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