I'm not sure what the title should be, but I'm back(ish)!

Whoa! It's been a long time since I've laslast logged on here honestly. I'm sure I've been forgotten ;_; Even though I haven't really made any significant appappearances or anything like that. But after a long period of extremely hard work, I plan to update my stories! I'm probably going to be focusing on the BTS fanfic because of the way it's basically written. The style of it is similar to how I write nowadays unlike the others, but hopefully I'll be able to make them sound sophisticated and proper in some way without ruining the whole story haha...... Yeah. So, I'm going to continue to write some in class if possible (and if I'm not caught ;_;). Sorry for making you guys wait... Longest hiatus ever. 3 (P.S. I'm typing this on my phone so forgive me if this font is too tiny and such ;; 3


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