Tha Posterrr!!


My second poster for Time is Up, I Don't know if I should make this a story though


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This poster has most definitely improved from you previous one! Great job! The colours match perfectly, the effects are great and the layering looks really nice.

But since your font colour is so dark and bold, I'd say you could've made it more transparent just a tad bit because it still sticks out. But your choice of font colour and lettering looks much better than before.
Or, if you want to make it look better than just adding transparency, blur the edges of the words the same way you did to your characters. I know it's VERY time consuming and it requires A LOT of patience but the outcome looks great!

Once more thing, don't you think the proportions for the male (sorry if I don't recognize who that is) looks a bit...... odd? Like, his head is tilted oddly and the body is larger than the head in an odd way. I don't know exactly how to explain but it does look odd. Sometimes the original photo will look like that but you need to make your own adjustments as well due to the nature of the photo and what it looks like after the background has been cropped out.
You're so much better than me when I first started ;u; orz. Idk what to say coz I at details and giving advices but the blending was okay.. it wasn't great, but yeah it was okay. There are a few more mistakes but like I said I at giving out details... heh. I like the font for 'Time Is Up' though, what font is that? I want it too o u o;; Lol, anyways you did a great job :D make a story for it, it'll be cool~