Just want to share...

I just want to share my feelings right now hahaha!!

Weeeelll.. here goes nothing..

I have been a Taemint for quite sometime now and I have been anticipating and been saving for Taemin's album "ACE"..


well due to certain circumstances.. I was not able to buy it when it was released and it has been over a month or so. since it was sold here,, (apparently it was only now that I had the money to buy it. 


just this morning... I went to this specific K-pop shop that sells albums.. and surprise surprise they only have 2 albums left.. so I asked the sales lady..

"do you still have an official poster?" and the sales lady said "Sorry but there's no poster left.."

(oh the horror > _ <,)

 I guess i looked pitiful because the sales lady talked to the other staff and told her that I was looking for a poster..

she said to the other sales lady "She wants a poster"

and again surprise surprise... that specific sales lady said something it.. actually I cannot understand it the only thing that registered to me was the words "POSTER and ONE"


and I was like "huuuh??"


so the sales lady smiled and said "we still have one but its for the store, but I'll give it to you"

it echoed 

"I''ll give it to you"


"I''ll give it to you"

"I''ll give it to you"

I was shocked  for a moment but then i was like "YES!! THANK YOU!!!"

I wanted to hug the lady right then and there..



but that's just how I feel at the moment.. hihihi


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Wow atleast you can buy those posters...im the unlucky one they dont sell kpop items in my city or maybe country...//(ㄒoㄒ)//