100 questions about me. Stolen. Read if you're not busy. Steal it if you want. I'm going to put up another sentence just to make this title even longer.

EDIT: I see that I was too lazy to write understandable sentences at some parts. Bear with me if you're not lazy enough to not read through this..


What is your Name?



How old are you?




What is the link to your website, blog, etc.?

I don't think so. I don't write blogs (except here on AFF? x)) I do have a tumblr, though... And I have a school website I made, but I got personal information there, so... nope!



What is your height?

178 cm


What is your weight?

Never ask a woman about her weight! Oh, it's age you're not going to ask... 64 kg! (or 63, depends)


Do you have any siblings?

1 older (29 years old), 2 younger (6 and 9 years old)


What is your eye colour?

Blue(more like grey?)/green?


What is your hair color?

Dirt blonde


Do you wear glasses or contacts?

Nope. I could wear +0,75 glasses if I wanted to, though, but I can't find cheap ones with +0,75, so I don't use them because I don't want to use that much money when I don't need to. If I'm going to buy expensive glasses, they have to look cool, but the ones I would want are even more expensive, so... nah. Perhaps I'll find ones in London this December...


Are you left or right handed?

Right handed


Do you have any piercings?

Nope. I've had one in each ear two times. They always grew, even though I repierced them every night... Gave up, it's not like I use them anyway...)

Do you smoke?

Not at all. Eeeeeew



Do you swear?

Nope. Well, in English sh*t is a curseword, but in Norwegian, it's a common word for dirt. We use it as "curse" to, but it's not exactly a bad word. Most people use it instead of "woops!". "Søren" is a common name, but that could be a curseword (although I find it very innocent, but it is supposed to be the Devil or something. I catch myself saying that word, though. Other Norwegians would probably laugh if I'd mention "Søren" as a curse word I sometimes use, though x) I am innocent when it comes to cursewords. Too.


Do you get along with your parents?



Your fears?

Well, right now it is failing exam x) (because that would mean that my Scholarship would turn into a loan, and I wouldn't want that). But I'm not exactly scared. I'm more afraid of spiders and getting cancer.


Goal you would like to achieve this year:

Passing exams. Hoping for an A, but let's be realistic... xD


Best physical feature?

Everyone says it is my eyes. I don't know. A guy said that to me one day, but the next day, he told his seatmate (and mine - which liked me around that time, lol) that if you tell a girl that she has beautiful eyes, it is because everything else is ugly. Uhm. Yeeeaaah! I know that's not true, though. He was a childish person at that time (what guys were not?)


Your bedtime?

Depends when I'm gettig up the next day. Getting to bed between 11 and 12, reading on my phone until 12-01.


What are your first thoughts in the morning?



Do you shower daily?

At least every other day. My hair gets reeeeaaaally nasty if I don't clean it every other day. (even my sister who don't care about my looks mentioned it once when we didn't have a shower available)


--This Or That?--

Bright or dark room?

Depends on what I'm doing. Bright most probably


Chocolate or Vanilla?



Dogs or cats?



Pepsi or Coke?



McDonalds or Burger King?

Neither. Probably McDonalds, though. But I don't care, actually.


Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

I don't know. Both? Depends on what the store have, the price, and the taste. Actually, neither. My favorite Ice Tea is from the Norwegian "Tine" and they have an amazing "White Tea"


Cappuccino or Coffee?

Cappuccino. I don't drink black coffee. Don't plan to either, gotta take care of my teeth!


--In the last month have you--

Drank alcohol?

Yes. A glass of wine the other night.


Gone to the mall?

Yep. I had a 2 for 1 coupon at subway, so I bough some food x)


Eaten a box of Oreos?



Eaten sushi?

I aaalmost bought some yesterday. I'm not sure if it was this last month, but I know I've eaten sushi the last two months. I don't cound the days since I ate sushi:P


Been on stage?



Been dumped?




Laughed for no reason?



Gone skinny dipping?

...yep... I refused, but my friend convinced me. It wasn't completely dark, but dark enough.


Have been caught stealing something?

Not sure. Mom say I tried to steal something from the store when I was little, but I say I was going to ask when she was finished to pay (I'm pretty sure I was right, though). And I've stolen candy from my sister, but I don't think I was ever caught. I might have told her, though.


Been in love?

Yeah... But onesided (probably twosided, but he doesn't know lololol AND I AM HAPPY ABOUT THAT BECAUSE HE WAS A ERT DOUCHE who also was pretty cool at the same time...)


Fired a gun?

Does air rifle count?


Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?

Ofc. And sitting by the computer late at night has been some of the times.


Been called a Tease?

I don't think so?


Been beaten up?

Not really, but my cousin pushed me off the roof once when we were kids. He's a nice guy, though.


--What was the last....--

Furry thing you touched?

Probably a stuffed toy...


Thing you have said?

Not sure, but probably along the lines of "Thank you! Bye" (in Norwegian, after that guy helped me with the school work)


Place you went to?

The toilet

Movie you watched?

Dirty Dancing 2: Havanna Nights


Thing you were doing before this?

Javascript programming


Time you cried?

In the car the other day when "Young and Beautiful"  came on, and I got reminded that my best friend is moving to the other side of the country soon;-;


Song you have listened to?

"Hey Baby" by Crush


Song you have sung?

Probably the above, but I can't follow the lyrics completely, so probably:

Muse - Unintended


(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?



Time you looked at the clock

One minute ago, 17:48 (now it is 17:49 ofc)


Food and drink you have had?

One dry crispy bread. I am hungry. I've been sitting here for 90 minutes after school ended. Ohdear. THis is long.


Flavor of gum you chewed?

Probably spearmint or sweet mint. Something minty.


Shoes you have worn?

Blue ones.


(okay, took a loooong break, it is 21:30 now:P)


Store you have been in?

The local supermarket. Gotta buy my food!







Early summer/autumn (autumn is such a nice word._.)



I don't know. Maybe 4? Or 3? Or 2? 7? 14? I like those numbers.


TV Show?

... Too many. Sitcoms? Friends, That '70s show, Malcolm in the Middle, Scrubs, Running Man, Super Junior and the Exploration of the Human Body (THAT's hilarious), How I Met Your Mother, Sherlock, Frasier, (THere has to be more)


I don't know. I really like peonies. They're fluffy and beautiful.


How much cash do you have on you?

In cash? Not much, 50kr (50 NOK is about 7USD)


What word rhymes with 'door'?



What T-Shirt are you wearing?

A striped sweater made of lana (what is that?), acryl and cotton. I bought it for VERY little earlier this year in Spain, and I've gotten lot of compliments for it... Uhm, okay!

(okay, I just googled lana, and it's supposedly "wool" in Italian. 50% wool and 20% cotton! That's not bad for a 4€ sweater!)


What brand of shoes are/were you wearing?

I'm wearing home knitted woolen socks (thank you, sis!)


What did your last text message say?

Mom telling me that she had enough food for me to eat.


What were you doing at midnight last night?

School work. I custom made images for this language "app" I made.


What's your current desktop picture?

It changes every 30 minutes, but right now: http://bestkpopwallpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/xoxo-from-exo-planet-new-images.jpg

That's the only kpop wallpaper in my loop, btw. I can't have anything more kpopish, because of school, and I always sit at front (but I've saved another desktop background folder, that I occationally change to..)


What's a word that you say a lot?

"Jau" (okay, "jau" is a word for "yes" in a dialect/accent I am originally from (although I don't use that accent). It could mean yeah~. Norwegians often say "ja-ja" (yes-yes...", so I often say "jau-jau". I don't know if anyone could understand that...


If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Yellow. I have no idea why. It was just the first color coming to my mind, probably because of the color my earplugs is.


How is the weather right now?

It's dark outside. The weather is wet. Don't know if it's raining right now, but it just have, and it will probably do so soon as well.


What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

I'm not sure. The face in general, I think.


Are you too shy to ask someone out?

Hahaha yes



Can you do a headstand?

I'm too lazy to try... Or, I'm doing a facial mask now, so I have to wait until I take it of in case I fail/fall x)

(later): Okay, I took off my facial mask, and I tried headstand. It said HEADstand, not HANDSTAND (I'm not even going to try that), so yes, I can do a headstand (with a pillow, ofc).



Who would you like to see right now?

I'm wearing a facial mask. No one.


How many pillows do you sleep with?

Three. There is one I actually rest my head on. Behind that one, there is a sylinder shaped pillow to keep distance from the sprinkles(or "pillar"??). When I want to sit in bed, I just put the pillow I usually rest my head on above the sylinder pillow to lean on (then I won't lean my head on those sprinkles, because that's not comfortable). The third pillow isn't exacty there. The times I use it, it is when I'm laying on my belly to read on my phone, then I pull up that tiny, flat pillow from between the matress and the sprinkles, and lean my phone on the pillow, so my phone won't fall off the bed, and I don't have to hold the phone up)



Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?

Depends. Is Sehun on myspace? (bear with me. I'm joking. I had to get the person first. If a guy I wanted to date happened to be on myspace, okay.)


What do you want to be when you grow up?

A unicorn.


What country would you like to visit?

Korea, ofc, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Cuba, etc. I love different countries._.


How many CDs do you own?

Too lazy to count.


How many things, in your past, do you regret?

I'm trying not to remember those things, thank you.


Do you think you are attractive?

Sometimes, yes, sometimes no. I'm not ultra mega ugly, but I'm not super duper pretty either. I did upload a pic once. Some has said I could be a model, but that's probably because I'm skinny (not anorectic enough to be a model) and I'm quite tall. Not all models are stunningly beautiful.



Do you believe in yourself?

Hah, not really, but sometimes yes.


Do you want to get married?

It would be nice to know if someone valued me enough to marry me:P I would not marry me. But sometimes I would, because we all know I'm hilarious and such a great person. Oh, yes. (I hope people would recognize this as a joke)


Oh, now it's raining, just like I said it would


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iwannalivefortoday #1
woahh you're so tall. When reading your physical descritption, Blake Lively's face kept popping in my head ;P

'Unicorn', that's a pretty legit answer, why couldn't I think of it? Unicorns are happy right?

Taht Sehun's pic though lol It really comes in handy at times hahaha