Get to know me game~

What is your name? Nicole

How old are you? 16

What link to your website/blog/etc.?, my instagram is @nikiiiichan (pst, thats 4 "i"'s there~ I know, shamelessly flaunting my tumblr and insta around. lol)

Height? 150-151cm (if you look at the first comment, you'll find out my real height. i'm an idiot and forgot how tall i actually was -3-)

What is your weight? 50kg ehehehe

Siblings? Yes, 3 older sisters (the oldest is 11 years older than me) and 1 brother.

Eye Colour? Really really dark brown, basically black but not quite.

What is your hair colour? Really really dark brown, also basically black but not quite. Goes kinda red in the sun /pretty/

Glasses or Contacts? Both. Contacts when I go out, and glasses at home or when I wanna be comfortable

Left or Right handed? Right handed. Cannot control my left hand it just does weird stuff lol

Any piercings? Ears

Do you smoke? Hell nahhh. I always cough when walking past a smoker (on purpose, heh. If you're going to slowly kill yourself, don't get me involved please.)

Do you swear? Yes, when I get really angry or passionate about something. But I do swear quite a bit (I know, not very lady like at all. but whatever)

Do you get along with your family? Uhm yes, until they mention French. Then, no. But I do love them.

Fears? Spiders and people. God people scare me so much. Its like they could be judging you behind that smile, and you would never know what they're thinking about until they tell you. Oh! and Horror movies. I love them when I'm watching them, but the after effect kills me.

Goal you would like to achieve this year. Get a good score in my final exams this year. PLEASSSSEEEE /begs/. And make all my friends as happy as I can ><

Best physical feature. Hrm... I dunno. I'm fairly sure I'm pretty ugly. Soooo yeah. Maybe you could help me with my best feature? (Maybe I'll attach a photo later)

Bedtime. Whenever I feel tired, weeknights its usually around 10. Weekends its like 2 in the morning.

When do you wake up? Weekdays... around 6-7. Weekends around 8-9

What are your first thoughts in the morning? Oh god, another day closer to my french exam.

Do you shower daily? Yes! Otherwise I feel dirty (from school. ew, school germs)

This or that? That

Bright or dark room? Bright pls, the dark scares me too much

Chocolate or Vanilla? Tough, but I think my chocolate bae needs me

Cats or Dogs? Cats (depends on the type of dog though)

Pepsi or Coke? Coke

McDonalds or Burger King. McDonalds, ehehe, had it for lunch today.

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea. Oh, I just buy whatever really. hahhaha. Both are really similar to me. Preferrably, hot tea though~

Cappucino or coffee. Don't drink coffee, it'd probably make me more hyper than I already am. Which probably isn't a good idea. Dat caffeine man

In the last month have you...

Drunk alcohol? No, still underaged~

Gone to the mall? No. Too busy studying for my final french exam. I know. I'm a loser -3-

Eaten a box of Oreos? Yes, it gives me a sugar kick, which is exactly what I need to study well haha.

Eaten sushi? No (haven't gone out, so nope)

Been on stage? Ew, please don't talk to me about going on a stage

Been dumped? Never even had a boyfriend, soooo I dunno how I could get dumped :p

Have you ever...

Laughed for no reason? Dude, this is me. I laugh uncontrollably about nothing...

Gone skinny dipping? Nup, I don't want to. Imagine all those parasites that could get into your body. Ugh

Been in Love? Uhm, do kpop idols count? I've only had like one crush (that lasted like 2 years, but it was nothing. hahaha)

Fired a gun? No, you wish I don't get my hands on a gun, coz I might just go to school and shoot people (lololol, like those American High School mass shootings. OMFG, IF YOU'RE AMERICAN I DON'T MEAN IT IN A BAD WAY. ITS JUST, IF I COULD THEN YEAH. Okay, I should shut up, I'm just digging a hole for myself. I'm sorry if you're American /cries/)

Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? Yes... procrastinating instead of studying or doing homework. Oops, haha

Been called a tease? No, who would call me that? Probably me, thats who

Been beaten up? No.Violence is a big no no. (In a high pitch voice: I want world peace /graceful smile/)

What was the last...

Furry thing you touched? A bunny

Thing you said? Yeah, lemme finish this question off

Movie you watched? I dunno. That was a looooong time ago. (okay, i lied. my friend helped me out and reminded me it was actually "This is the End" watched it on Halloween. Again, I'm a huuuuge idiot)

Thing you were doing before this? Eating pizza (no wonder i'm fat)

Time you cried? Thursday.

Song you listened to. Lovey-dovey by T-ara (current song lol)

Song you have sung? I dont' really sing. I sound like a wailing cat in pain or something

Last person you spoke to over the phone? Mother

Checked the time. Omfg sorry, I literally just checked it so, 7:26 pm

Food and drink you had? Pizza and Coca cola

Flavour of gum you chewed? Peppermint

Shoes you wore? Converses

Store you went in. I dunno.


Planet? Pluto :p

Season? Winter and Autumn, Its lovely

Number? 9

TV Show? Woah, I dunno man. Hard question

Flower? Tulips, daisies and roses

How much cash do you have on you? None whatsoever.

What word rhymes with "Door"? Bore

What T-shirt are you wearing? I'm wearing ma school uniformmmm

What brand of shoes are/were you wearing? Converses.

What did you last text message say? "I'll just leave it there. If I move it, I'll lose it. I'll see if it's there everyday though"

What were you doing at midnight last night? Reading fanfics

What's your current desktop picture? Super Junior

What's a word that you say a lot? Lel

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? I dunno. Do colours have meanings? Someone please tell me what colour I'd be

How is the weather right now? I dunno. I feel really cold, but everyone around says its really hot...

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ? Face and personality. Generally their personality first. But, hey their face works/helps them too

Are you too shy to ask someone out? Uhhh, I dunno. Never really liked someone to the point of wanting to date them. But, I think it'd be pretty embarrassing. So probably.

Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? No. Whats a headstand. Whatevs

Who would you like to see right now? Henry Lau, my heart's fluttering just thinking about him. Okay, nah, someone irl... hrmmmm. My dad

How many pillows do you sleep with? 1, but I use my toys as a pillow, so technically like 10. hehe

Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? Depends what kind of date too. But probably no. Lol

What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm so close to that point. And I have no idea. Don't talk to me about this yet. Don't stress me out plz (Well.... my ultimate dream is to become a childrens doctor, especially children who suffer from cancer. But that'd be hard, so I'mma give up on that)

What country would you like to visit? UK again pls, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong again too pls, France again too pls, and Germany

How many CD's do you own? I don't really own kpop CD's but I own a lot of like 90's and heaps old ones....

How many things, in your past, do you regret? Too many to count

Do you think you are attractive? Nope. I mean, I tag #ulzzang on my pics on instagram, but it doesn't actually mean I think I'm an attractive person lol.

Do you believe in yourself? Kinda? I dunno, not really

Do you want to get married? YES, AND I WANT ADORABLE BEBE'S. But, I'll probably just end up living in a house with 100 cats (married to my cats of course... lolol). HENRY LAU, FATHER MY CHILDREN. Ahahahaha /cries/

OMFG THIS TOOK ME FREAKING FOREVER. Do it though, it's kinda fun~

Oh, here's the picture I said I may put up. And I'm going to. 

I'm sorry. This was for Halloween, and I'm not lying about not wearing makeup ><. It's only eyeliner and mascara!! (and i only wear mascara everyday) please don't think I'm lying! /cries/. Don't judge me, I know I'm holding my phone charger, but whatevs. meh


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kimsfangirl #1
Well. .. I think you would suit yellow lol
YOUR 161.2 U SILLY lol ur not 150