Just Gonna Keep Going(Never Given' Up)

Yo Guys! Uh... a few things? Can you call me M.O instead of Star now? Idk... don't ask why... well, I'll be calling myself M.O from now on so yeah. My friend doesn't like M.O-she prefers Star-but you know so long as I like it. And also I recently found out Haha's wife's name is also Star so... yeah... 


Once again, I want to advertise Light and my youtube channel! PLEASE! We are so close to getting 100 views!! We have 87 views! 13 more! So please please please  help up achieve our goal and take off the burden of the annoying blurring! We have so many specials coming up but like it's so annoyting to not be able to properly see the faces isn't it? Hey any angels out there? Imagine if Teen Top had a new reality tv show but they couldn't reveal their faces until they acheive a certain thing from the fans but the fans don't participate and you have to deal with blurred or covered faces. It'd be very annoying wouldn't it? I mean, you're watching it to see your bias! Or just Teen Top having fun or yeah you get the idea right? Also imagine how Teen Top would feel too when they found out that their fans aren't participating. They'd be sad and also annoyed by not being able to reveal their faces! (I used Teen Top as an example because I didn't know what group to choose and my username happened to start with angel so yeah)

That's how we feel! We are also very annoyed by youtube's horrible blurring, it even covers the captions which it isn't supposed to do. And it's also a pain for us, because the blurring takes a lot of time, so sometimes even if I upload the video on a Tuesday or a Thursday, it might upload the next day, thus making it seem as if we have gone off schedule. So! Yeah. you get our point right? Or my point.

Anyway, what I REALLY wanted to say in this blog is we made a website for this channel! Here's the link:


There it is! Ok, and really though, we really need you guys to choose a name for us because, we can't call ourselves StarLight anymore because I changed my name and LightM.O or M.OLight is awkward. It doesn't sound as good as StarLight. So, once again, here are the names 

!. ReBLs (2 votes)

2. DevLs 

3. 1004

4. Challengers

5. Solo Day (1 vote)

Ok, any Babys or Banas there if you really don't like the idea of our group-duo-name being the names of B.A.P's or B1A4's song name, you can mention it but please do not say negative things towards us. We are also very strong Babys-well Light isn't but I am-and Banas-both of us are although I don't have a bias in B1A4-so we do understand if you do not like us being 1004 or Solo Day. But, if you are going to state that you do not like those ideas, then you must vote on a different name-whether it be ReBLs, DevLs, or Challengers. Or you can just suggest a different name of your own; that'd be interesting. Well, hope you check out our website/blog and videos and help us achieve 100 views!

Luv ya'll


P.S. I think I'm gonna keep putting the star at the end of my blogs though until I like find a new sign that symbolizes me because yeah. I don't have a good reason. :/ Whatever


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