No title




{ demon and angel form (battle mode)


character name

username + nickname + plotline

tumblr_n6pn6nJZ1k1shbgx3o1_500.gifSailor+Moon+Crystal+1.gif {everday outfits}



— demon and angel { cuz of her ability to change in angel and demon form }

BIRTHDAY ☆ Febuary 14, x7
BIRTH PLACE ☆ Write here
HOMETOWN ☆ Fiore, Pixie, Iris, Diamond, Siance

FACE-CLAIM ☆ link to the picture
BACK UP ☆ link to the picture

HOW SHE/HE CAME TO THE GUILD ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels.


title here

sub title here


At least 2 paragraph. Highlight important traits.

LIKES ☆ and add reasons why

— write here
— write here
— write here

DISLIKES ☆ and add reasons why

— write here
— write here
— write here

HABITS AND HOBBIES ☆ and add reasos why

— write here
— write here
— write here


— write here
— write here
— write here


title here

sub title here


Make it a bit angsty. At least 1 paragraph


Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character


Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met  relationship with your character


Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character


Plotline name

a quote that represents your character


(The second picture { the one that has that mirror looking thing } is an image of what your power would look like )

MAGIC YOU USE ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

EXPLAIN YOUR MAGIC ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

HOW YOU DISCOVERED IT ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 


love interest name

back up love interest + back up love interest


PERSONALITY ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

RELATIONSHIP ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

HISTORY ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

MAGIC AND EXPLENATION ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 


last comment ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. 

scene requests ☆ Cake biscuit sweet cake gummies chupa chups chocolate bar muffin donut. Cupcake chocolate cheesecake tootsie roll lollipop. 


password  if any



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