About Me (Stolen From Snowflake21 xD)

What is your Name?

You can call me Soyeon ;)

How old are you?

Nope xD

What is the link to your website, blog, etc.?

I left some links on my profile, so I'm not gonna re-post them here ;P

What is your height?

156cm ...?

What is your weight?


Do you have any siblings?

Yup, one oppa and one eonnie ;P

What is your eye color?

Dark brown~


What is your hair color?

Really dark brown~~ (Some people think it's black xD)

Do you wear glasses or contacts?

Nope! (allthough I wouldn't look bad in glases xD)

Are you left or right handed?

Right handed ;P

Do you have any piercings?

Nope~~ (not even my ears! XD)

Do you smoke?


Do you swear?

Sometimes xD

Do you get along with your parents?

Yes! No... Maybe? I don't know... Me and my mom get along great, but me and my dad have some differences...But he still cares about m and loves me, so I would say yes :3

Your fears?

Rollercoasters (xD), not achieving my dreams, dissapointing people etc.

Goal you would like to achiev this year:

Stay in school xD Aaaand... Get a bit further in my eduation for Korean :D

Best physical feature?

Nothing xD Okay, if I had to choose something... My hair...? Yeah...

Your bedtime?

Depends, actually... It's always in between 10PM ans midnight xP

What time do you arise in the morning?

On schooldays: 05:30 O.o


What are your first thoughts in the morning?

On schooldays:

Please don't...

I'm gonna cry...

Or die...

Please let me stay at home...

On weekends:

*sigh* What a nice day.... xD

Do you shower daily?

Nope... I can't efford the time to shower daily, so I shower every second day (or something xD)


This Or That?

Bright or dark room?

Bright room ^^

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Vanilla :)

Dogs or cats?


Pepsi or Coke?

Pepsi...? Idk, I don't like either of them that much, tbh xD

McDonalds or Burger King?


Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?


Cappuccino or Coffee?

Cappucino :^)


In the last month have you...

Drank alcohol?

Of course not! XD

Gone to the mall?

Yup ^.^

Eaten a box of Oreos?

Yeah, just yesterday, actualy :)

Eaten sushi?

No :T

Been on stage?

I wish I would've, but no :/

Been dumped?

No xD



Laughed for no reason?

I do that every single day xD

Gone skinny dipping?

No xD

Have been caught stealing something?

I've never stolen anything before.

Been in love?

Kind of...?

Fired a gun?


Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?

Uhhh, idk...?

Been called a Tease?

Probably at some point in my life, yes... xD

Been beaten up?

No, but I'm afraid I will someday...

What was the last....

Furry thing you touched?

matoki plushy :D

Thing you have said?

"Go firetruck yourself!"

Movie you watched?


Thing you were doing before this?

Homework -.-

Time you cried?

Tuesday :(

Song you have listened to.

Zhou Mi - Rewind (Korean version)

Song you have sung?

Super Junior-M - Break Down (Korean Version)

(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

The mom of my friend (?) xD

Time you looked at the clock?

An hour ago? Idk.. xD

Food and drink you have had?

"Food" : chocolat bar xD

Drink: Water

Flavor of gum you chewed?


Shoes you have worn?

Umm... My normal shoes for outside? XD

Store you have been in?

Some Swiss grocery store xD




Ummm, dk, earth? xD


Summer and spring :)


15 :^)

TV Show?

malcolm In The Middle xD


Roses ;^)


How much cash do you have on you?


What word rhymes with 'door'?


What T-Shirt are you wearing?

A dark blue one.

What brand of shoes are/were you wearing?


What did your last text message say?

"Shisus, send the pictures." This sounds horribly wrong, but the person was talking about halloween photos, I swear! XD

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Celebrating halloween with my best friends :D

What's your current desktop picture?

Well, for some reason I have two xD One is a pic of Super Junior in the Mr. Simple era and one is a Sonic Unleashed wallpaper :D

What's a word that you say a lot?

Oppa, Aiiish, Siwon, SuperJunior, K-Pop, adorable, hot, ASDFGHJKL, etc.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Sapphire Blue <3

How is the weather right now?

It's sunny, but still cold :)

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

The eyes :)

Are you too shy to ask someone out?


Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?

Idk, I might... xD

Who would you like to see right now?

Choi Siwon *_*

How many pillows do you sleep with?


Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?


What do you want to be when you grow up?


What country would you like to visit?

South Korea, japan and the USA :D

How many CDs do you own?

About 15, if I count my non-K-Pop ones too xD

How many things, in your past, do you regret?

A lot...

Do you think you are attractive?


Do you believe in yourself?


Do you want to get married?



Feel free to do this too, if you wanna ;P


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Really young, but i guess in many ways you're like me, thumbs up sweet wish you all the best.