Happy Halloween ! (and an update on updates)

Well since I wasn't invited to any parties (sad face why doesn't Aus like Halloween?) and Princess twin decided that I could never make myself look 'ugly / scary' I decided to use this as an excuse to begrudgingly prove her wrong well.  The results weren't as bad although my make up skills for non doll like make up are really lacking oops so scroll through and watch me be vain xD 


Now updates, sooooo HSW maybe updated this weekend , if not well sorry guys exams are coming up so I won't be able to update for awhile after that :/  


I promise on the holidays I will work hard to finish HSW and launch two new chaptered series (one is sci fi and the other fantasy) !! Also regarding my short chaptered fics Half a Cup will be updated after exams and Neveland is on hiatus until my princess twin finishes the prequel.  Sorry for the wait, this semester has been crazy :S


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zelosdongsaeng #1
I'm going to be Victoria from F(x) this Halloween. ^^