some updates...

Hello guys

-First, I just wanted to say that I've seen all of your comments in my last blog post, I couldn’t reply you all (cuz I'm damn busy =_=) but I'm thankful to each of you ♥♥

if you wanna contact me, you can do it via-

twitter- @liat511

line- liat-kyumin

kakao talk- kyuminLove

[^^^I'm a shipper indeed XDD]

You never bother me so send me a message anytime, okay?^^


-my 23rd birthday is coming soon ^~^ (just saying…) hope to update before

1. Please answer this poll

2. like last year, you can ask me any question you'd like to know about me\kyumin \ suju\ personal life.

I'll answer everything (in a new blog post) so don't be shy to ask ^^

So ask me your questions here at the comments, the deadline is Nov 30


-download links for:

Don't leave me

hit me up



also don't forget to support suju and buy their new album (I bought kyumin&eunhae cover but I want all of them T_T)


and when you're sad and want to raise up your mood


always kyumin ♥@liat511 Oct 24


















Okay see you XD



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לי יש שאלה! אז איך חוגגים לך יומולדת? ;)
Hey girlie! Follow me on twitter! @JindelAjSantos
nAJOnHyun #3
Update kittyyyyy pleaseeeee~ WHAT YOU BOUGHT 4?! well atleast you didnt buy all so its okay ... tbh i just wanna buy only the album (yournessinfluencedme) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I wonder when you're going to visit me...
And the covers of This is Love are so beautiful I want all of them..