More Motivated by the Minute

Hey Star here. I just want to mention that I just got slapped in the face like 10 times and was told to leave the house like 20 times for being a disgrace in the family. This doesn't make me sad. The slaps didn't hurt, I just stood still and kept my pokerface while my mom was slapping me. No, actually I cried from being so angry. I was angry at my little sister. And then I calmed down, and realized this just motivates me more to try harder to leave home. As in try reqlly hard to get to a good college and leave home. Now, that may not sound interesting or , but I have another  dream, that nobody except my friends know about. And thatll get me to leave maybe next,semester. Away from my family. This, the incident today, just makes me practice more and more and study harder just to leave this family that doesnt unserstand me and what I actually want to do for a living. Just wqnted to say this cus idk. Who wouldn't want to when they just got slapped like 10 times and got told to leave the house cus ur a disgrace to the family like20 times?

Luv ya'll



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