Just Keep Swimming~

Hey guys! Star here~ 

So, I'm gonna keep doing this until we reach 100 views.

We uploaded-I uploaded-our 4th episode today! Yay! Well, ok. So, just warning you, there is a lot of arguing in this. Haha... but it's funny cus it's always fun to watch people arguing am I right, am I wrong? Well, not a long blog today, just the episode links.

Here they are:

Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0nggjn3Z04

Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqAj7eDtEJ4

Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUYktQr9iyk

Episode 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suEvA8OUvuk

And that's it! We only have four episodes so far, I will keep doing this until we reach 100 views! Plz help us! We want to reveal our faces! (if you are a new reader look at my previous blog posts and you'll understand what I mean by 'reveal our faces') Our highest number of views so far is 83 views! So close! So please help us close that gap between 83 and 100! 

Oh i made the title "Just Keep Swimming" cus i tkinda sounds like don't give up and keep going! So, yeah. 

Luv ya'll



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