Once Again!



Hey Star here just want to advertise my youtube channel again :D


Anyway, we uploaded our third episode last Sunday-my friend uploaded it without my permission and she already got scolded by me for that; we were supposed to upload it on Tuesday -.-' this is why I am editor I swear...-so I just want to let you guys know and link it again :D cus that's just me and i'm weird :D I'll put the link for all three episodes. Hope we reach our goal of 100 views! Right now we have 78 views in ep 1, 56 views in ep 2, and 16 views in ep 3-sad sad ep 3-and we really want to reveal our faces so please help us achieve our goal of 100 views and let us reveal our faces! Or we can just stay anonymous forever but you know that wouldn't be fun. 


Ep 3 was an interview of Light done by our special mc friend who we consider our manager-weird right? Welcome to our world-and you know you get to know us better and oi... the first question was what is you ideal type and my Light who is a COMPLETE Sunggyu fan/wife/girlfriend/fangirl crazy person-she's obviously not her actual wife or girlfriend she's just... you know normal crazy fangirls-said 'Oh I CONSIDER Sunggyu my ideal type etc.' Like omg. I literally face palmed and laughed when i watched that part-i needed to see if Light edited it correctly haha...-I was like 'Right... you "CONSIDER" Sunggyu as your ideal type.' COUGH COUGH BIAS COUGH COUGH. Goodness.


Well, there hasn't been an interview for me yet, but there will be soon. Either Light will interview me or we will somehow meet our mc manager friend again and she will interview me. Some commentor said I was mysterious haha i guess in a way i am(?) idk. Most people come up to me to get to know me cus I guess I'm interesting in a way but Light and I laughed when we saw the comment. 




Well! In the video we-Light and mc-asked for you to comment if you have any questions for me for my interview! Hope you do haha, really. Well, hope you watch the videos and help us achieve 100 views :D





Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0nggjn3Z04


Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqAj7eDtEJ4


Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUYktQr9iyk


Thanks whether you watched the video or not and well,


Luv ya'll





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