T-T Please, everyone, drive carefully

Results Show Ladies’ Code’s Car Accident Likely Due to Speeding, Not Mechanical Defect

A new report by Star News states that according to detailed analysis by theNational Institute of Scientific Investigation (NISI), the car accident that took the lives of two Ladies’ Code members and left the rest injured was not due to a any defect in the car, as first suspected.

The Yongin Seobu Police Station, which is in charge of the investigation of the car accident that took place this past September, commissioned the National Institute of Scientific Investigation for a more detailed analysis of the accident. The results of the analysis show that the back wheel of the car fell off after the car hit the protective wall. It was initially reported that the driver of the vehicle told the police that he felt the wheel suddenly come off while driving, which lead to the accident.

A source from the police station told Star News, “The driver went over the speed limit and lost control while driving the Starex [the name of the vehicle model] in the rain.” The source continued, “According to the results received from the NISI, the back wheel did not fall off due to to a mechanical defect, but due to the impact of the accident.”

The police are now looking at speeding as the cause of the accident. They believe that if the driver had only been going at the speed limit, such a large-scale accident could have been prevented. The police analyzed the CCTV recordings of the vehicle on the expressway at that time and measured that the car was going at least 130 kilometers per hour (around 81 miles per hour) when the speed limit is 100 kph (around 62 mph).

The police plan to review whether more questioning is necessary and continue investigations, after which the case will be submitted to the prosecutor’s office.

On September 3, the vehicle carrying Ladies’ Code and staff members crashed while driving in the rain, which resulted in the death of members EunB andRiSe. The other members and staff were left with severe to minor injuries. Currently, members Sojung, Ashley, and Zuny are still receiving treatment for their injuries.

cr. Koreaboo


Just yesterday, one of my close friends got into a car accident. She was slowing down to a stop for a yellow light when the person behind her didn't, leading to a rear-ender. The car was going so fast that her car was pushed across the intersection. Her airbags didn't deploy, so she got whiplash and bumped her head and out. The other person's car was totaled. She's not in school today and won't be in tomorrow because the hospital doctors think she got a concussion and want to keep a close eye on her. 

Whatever you're late for, whether it's a career deciding decision, school, or a ceremony, IT CAN WAIT. It's better to be late and have to find a different path in life then the one you have envisioned right now then to have no path at all for your or another person.

Please, remember the car is not just a tool, it's a weapon when used carelessly.



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OMG, my classmate was in a car crash yesterday. She couldn't make it to class nor rehearsals today :(
The guy didn't want to take responsibility for what happened, and I'm sorry but I ALWAYS knew that it had nothing to do with mechanical failure. First off, back tires don't come off for nothing. Even if the car is a piece of and hasn't been checked in years, it's highly impossible unless the driver who owns the car abuses it and races their way whenever they get behind the wheel. Had the tire popped off while the driver was driving carefully, like he should've been, it wouldn't have at all resulted in the tragic wreck that it did. People were so quick to blame the company that gave them the "faulty" vehicle but not the person behind the wheel because they had also been involved in the accident. But now their blood is on his hands and he has to live with that guilt forever. He should've come clean about it instead of making up some story about how it was the vehicles fault and not his own. SMH.