
If I made a Fan Fic. Would anyone read it O:


And If so, any ideas? o-o

I really want to write one, but I have no clue what to write about xD


도와주실수 있나요?



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LeeHoHyuk #1
You could write the story on how we met. :3
I will read it!! ^^ but idk if u like my ideas
I'll read it if it's , and I will subscribe to it if I like it :3
pApErLaNtErN #4
Well as an author...go for it!
I remember my first time writing, practice makes perfect and you should definitely start, and don't be afraid of people not liking it, in sure it will be great =^_^=
Plus there is always going to be certain things that need improving whether you're an experienced author or not Myunggie
And judging by the comments, I'm sure you will have a lot of readers in no time :)
I would ^^
I'll read it! :D I got plenty of time on my hands! :D
Pfffttt... Imma lazy author
I would sooo read your fanficc!!!! And if you don't know what to write... what do you have in mind? :O
Taoris95 #9
I would read it! You should write one~
I would read it ^^
KpopBaby_4Ever #11
I would~~ O-O