↷ towards the lost world + Yoo Haru



The Lost World
Alluring Knight
"The search for our friend begins now."


▷    Why, hello there~

Username: alcyonen
Do you have a name?: Ji
Activeness: 7

Fill me in with your details
Name: Yoo Haru
*Nickname(s): Roo - Everyone calls her this.
Age: 18
Birthday: 25 August 1996
Ethnicity: Fully Korean
Korean - native language.
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea.
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea.
Blood Type: AB
Reveal the true you  

Visual name: IU
Visual Gallery: x x x
Back-up visual name: Juniel
Back-up visual Gallery: X X X
Height: 160
Weight: 53
 *Anything else: Welp, feather ear cuffs in her left ear and a permanent  scar on her collarbone from a huge accident back in her younger days.
Fashion: For one thing, she likes to keep herself in check and be the trend, not the follower of trends. And so, it always goes for her to pick what's comfortable, yet still stylish. For example, skater skirt in pastel colors and button upwith another one would be worn in spring (or something with cuteness and simplicity in it) or grunge, soft grunge for summer (for one thing, she can blame Vivacious Ember for this), but her style reaches its peak on autumn, where drawstring jackets and blue, slightly rugged long jeans with a brandy bag to compliment (but she never use it for school, eh). Winter is a combination of white scarf or beanie, fuschia pink winter coat, and layers of jeans. Oh, ugg boots too. She doesn't like dyes, but on occasions like proms or concert performance, it would be kept reddish brown to dark brown. She's fine with those different color bottom top dress, a little accessory to boot. Makeup (for non-idols) is sometimes used for very special occasions. For now, her hair is auburn, as there would be another festival between school very soon.
Behind the facade 
"If you're happy, I'm happy."
Beyond all things, she loved people who are in her circle of friends, and also likes to value harmony. And so, came by her loyalty and fierce want to protect them, as she doesn't want to lose the chance again, like before. It was truly easy to charm people off by bing nice (which are also genuine, surprisingly), and for her, if people are happy, she's happy. These people also are her responsibility, and as said, she is a fierce protector of theirs that is willing to sacrifice herself for the good of others (though it came from her fear of being alone instead of her own drive). She is a strong girl, who wouldn't let her peers mourn quietly by themselves, she will mourn will them if they need to. She reads people's emotions well and is cautious enough to help them through their bad times, as she hated the most sad people. She aso knows the best ways to deal with chores from living alone, and fund some surprisingly crazy life hacks). Oh, and from her insights, she likes to put people into some match up game too. She, through all the most, does have her own interests, but she would love to keep herself with a lot of people and be in check of herself. And thus, cauiousness and politeness appeared to be another one of her charms.
However though, she has to be with people to be happy. Being alone scared her the most, counting from previous experiences. And so, she will do tasks for people that will make them happy (and her blurred moral was just the tip of the ice...). She doesn't like it when people can't appreciate her works, so it usually ends with her trying again, instead of complaining (perfectionist), as long as she could have a little bit of appreciation and satisfation. If people starts to ask her if she would fit with the odd ones or asked to change her ways (with more reasonable ones, at times), she could put this one as criticism, and she got easily hurt with just one sharp comment, jokeful or not. And so does emotions, if it's hard for them to get better, same came by for her to be cheered up. And out of anything, she doesn't like weird people with weird habits, though she kept the feelings bottled up in fear of them being offended and hate her. She also went out to be the most hesitant over attacking enemies.
Future Reader (ehm...)
being with someone
Angel Beats!
Her bandmates
being in check of herself.
sensitive jokes
Code Geass
Magic (Ironically.)
Untrusted sources/threates on her bandmates and friends.
Any mentions of her brother
Being forced to attack
People hating on her music.
Cheap cheese
not being able to access Lost World.
no one being impressed with her.
She winces on any mention of her brother.
Strumming any guitar (even IMAGINARY guitar) when talking.
Leaning on a wall on distress.
Her voice goes one pitch higher if she winces, into an almost scream.
In any meeting with her bandmates or the gang, she left the last.
Would pick rifle as the sniper of the team.
Studied taekwondo
Loves the band Fireflight (Unbrekable, Stand Up, and More than a Love Song are favorites)
Loves Attack on Titan and K-On!
Favorite color is magenta
Favorite food: anything!
Plays guitar since she was ten.
Meditate to control her emotions (or futile attempts to reach her brother).
Sing in the band A&V where they would perform at musical festival (she came up with A&V because altair and vega were reconnected few times a year, just like them reconnecting the two schools.)
She's in the same music club as Seolbi.
Borealis, a mix breed (and a stray dog) abandoned after being beaten up. She took it to Solbi, and decided she kept it. (Borealis from Aurora Borealis).
Ryeo, a warrah (extinct wolf from Falkland Islands). In Lost World. It was her brother's, though.
Without them, I am not who I am today
Family Background/History: Haru was born in her house, 25 August 1996. She was a healthy baby, supporting parents and a lovely older brother. From early childhood, her older brother, Yoo Hajun, discovered her abilities, and when he told her parents, they were overjoyed (with a little worry from her mother) and his father started training (more like he said, 'playing') and Haru enjoyed it... but not when she was asked to shoot living targets, tranquilizer dart or not, a little bit of a dismay to his father, but regardless, fine. She was a fast learner and was quick to be a professional.
It wasn't until sometime later that the disaster happened.
Both kids were going home from school, but something followed them. They tried to figure it out, but Hajun realized the entity wasn't a human at all. Haru was fearful of them, and was completely hesitant, so it was up for them to run away. The entity got the better of her, and it clawed her collarbone. Hajun hurriedly put himself and tossed her aside, before she completely fainted.
Once she woke up, she found out being in a hospital, heavily bandaged and her mother crying, her father supporting a mournful look. Haru finally heard the news, her brother was declared missing. Police tried to search for any signs of him, but none were found. The family tried to move on, which her parents did with a little struggle, but Haru decided to move school that she had originally intended, to forget about it too.
She finally went to the school, and quickly became quite popular (thanks to her charming personality and voice). But as for now, she filled the slot for a mixed school band singer and guitarist that lived next door to Radiant Lily.
Although she had a fair share of close friends, it wasn't until one timr when Future Reader had red previously that a new girl (Haru) would join their club. Speedy Lad (aka that guy friend) figured it out and contemplated with  Radiant Lily to drag her to their group, and reveal that they have superpowers. She accepted.
When everyone talked about the location and found it, Haru felt that there was a necessity, as loved one should've never be left separate. She was the first to agree that they should go there. She talked to her parents, and managed to persuade them, since she may also found her brother.
  • Father¦ Yoo Junru ¦50¦ own a business that sold weapons to the South Korean army, gun trainer ¦ sociable, quick thinker, open minded (power: knight equipped abilities) ¦ Junru was loving to his daughter, and they usually talked over her school over the phone (or the more ridiculous, did she have a boyfriend?). He was also the one whom allowed her first to go to the school.

Mother¦ Kim Haesa¦49¦ housewife¦ humble, supportive, reliable (power: healer)¦ lovely. Haesa took time to understand her choice to be at another school, but she is truly supportive of her daughter and now frequently called her to check her conditions, sometimes consoling her about her miss. 

  • Older Brother¦ Yoo Hajun (fc: Im Jaebum)¦ supposedly 19¦ ex-student¦ witty, wise, cool (power: supposedly healer) ¦ Before Hajun disappeared, they were the closest, most lovable siblings on Earth. They play pranks, talk, like they are truly best friends. But after his disappearance, a part of her was empty. Yet when the air goes still, she felt someone familiar was patting her shoulders.


  • Speedy Lad (Sungyeol, if chosen) ¦17-18 ¦  speeding his mouth and feet off  [if not chosen: psychometry] ¦ fun-loving, creative, curious, imginative, though overbearing for her.¦ When she auditioned for her school band. He was the talented yet dumb drummer. ¦ Mina and Future Reader was assured on one thing; they're never going to be able to be calm, not one each other's throats.
  • Her fans, duh.
  • Song Mina ¦ 18 ¦ nahh, though she is a monster of bass ¦ a little bit shy, but is quite cheery and optimistic. ¦ same as Sungyeol ¦ she is the closest out of anyone in the band (minus Yoo Seungho, the scariest guitarist and singer they could ever had as a leader.)
*Best Friends: 
  • Kato Hajime (Ying and Yang) ¦17¦ student¦ tomboyish and a little bit rough on the outside, but she is nice, naturally. ¦ Haru was the mother figure towards Hajime, and they love to talk, though their personalities clashed and would've ended up badly if it wasn't for the fact that Haru decided to ignore it off and suit herself to be fitting. Oh, and anime. When Lost Boy was... lost, Haru was one of the first to agree to go to the Lost World, as she had felt the pain of losing someone.
  • Hidden Summoner ¦16-17¦ student¦ is meek, but bravery still existed along with a brave heart. ¦ great. both of them talked a lot morethan what people thought, and Hidden Summoner managed to be a little bit more outgoing around her.
  • Future Reader ¦17-18¦ reading future and illusions ¦ cool, suave, typical cool guy of the school. ¦ Haru was  talking him out on his bad episode ¦ He would've been the closest between the girls, but... her tendency to blush and unusual quietness makes it a little hard for them to interact. But still, it was quite nice, as 'friends'. To be honest, though, he saw her in his future dreams being in their group.
Are you my Soulmate?
Love Interest's Plotline:  Reading  Your Allure, why?
Once upon a love story: Speedy Lad (Sungyeol) summed it perfectly for her.
"If anything, clashing can work."
Yes, yes, their status crashed a lot, as she's popular and he's... not happy about him being popular. Even there was that one time when Ember asked her, "Do you like him because he's the only one not to fall for you in the span of 3 km?"
Truthfully... no.
Boys fell head over heels at her, but this one almost never got impressed with her. Instead, it was vice versa. Haru was the one who was impressed with him, but then liked him afterwards. Future Reader still took her as a friend.
But this was after an incident.
She was waiting in the train station at that time, and saw a boy frowning quite badly. She tried to ask him, and surprisingly he told her about it, though rather vaguely. When she tried to cheer him up, it worked. Never in her mind would she thought they met at nearby school afterwards.
So for a while, he still thought her as a friend (and oblivious to everyone's teasing). But it wasn't until later that he saw her with someone in his future readings of the Lost World that looked similar to someone in her keychain pendant. So for a while, he kept it secret, unaware that it was Hajun. But also, he tried to pry information from her.
Show me what you got  
Plotline: Alluring Knight
Ability: her abilities are to summon weapons and even transform her outfit to one of a knight. From Paleozoic worth spear to AK-47, she did it. All she need to do is reach her hands in the air (for the pole type) or just summon them in her hands. It's stoppable, as long as she had some kind of connections with another super that was her friends, as they have the power to do it. Another one is a vintage locket&clock her brother gave. To be honest, they didn't have any power, but it was the one that also maintained the connection between his 'ghost' and her, as she was stoppable using the power of the connections (as in, as long she has her friends). She also trained ever since she was young, so it was pretty much fine and controllable. Oh, and taekwondo.
The only problem was that she always came by the last, since she sincerely doesn't want to hurt anyone and that people still forces her to do it. Once she went out of control, everyone's pretty much as good as dead, as there are episodes when she can't control her emotions when alone.
How & when did you discovered them: hereditary.
Hasta Luego 
*Do you have any concerns?: if I ever brought Kato Hajime's Kir down, I'm sorry.
*Scene Suggetion(s): the wolf sniffed her and after that, ran to his master, who was none other than her brother, Hajun. You know, tearful reunion and maybe he can help them to find Lost Boy and all those?
Future Reader thinking that Hajun is Haru's boyfirend and gets jealous... lol.
Maybe Future Reader could call her up when Lost Boy went missing and she was practicing? Then SL would go beg and it ends with him flatly telling Sungyeol to go off.
*Anything else?: I put Speedy Lad to be stuck with Haru in a band as Lee Sungyeol from my other app, but if Sungyeol isn't chosen, I put him as Lee Sungyeol with different abilities (which... is a scary thought, honestly.)
Password: Warrah


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Beautiful ; u ;
Now I'm going to have a hard time choosing the alluring knight /creys
I did get your message and I will review on Haru and Nini once I get my hands on my laptop e w e
So do anticipate it! XD