Writer's Block and How I Deal

Recently I ran into a bit of a hault while writing the next chapter for my story. Everything sort of went blank and for a moment I lost the will to write. I knew what I wanted, but I didn't know how to express it. This happens to me a lot. I think it's partially due to the fact that I had such a long hiatus from writing and it's left me in a bit of rut that's easy to frequently fall into. Sometimes knowing what you want to say, but not knowing how to say can be frustrating enough to make you want to stop altogether.

But by stopping you're just making the rut deeper.

So instead of stopping, I just write. I write whatever comes to mind. It doesn't matter if it's in the right order or not. If it happens later in the chapter, I skip a few spaces. This way the ideas are still moving and a flow is forming. Soon enough it will all come together. When that happens, just look it over and see if there's anything you want to tweak. Never settle for anything less than what you're happy with. If you can look at what you wrote and think something along the lines of "Hell yeah this is it" then you've done it. If you look at what you wrote and think something along the lines of "Ehhh..." then don't worry. Just keep playing with it until your happy. Read it out loud if that helps. Imagine the things you wrote in your head. Just keep trying until the finished products leaves you feeling all giddy inside.



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This is excellent advice! I actually do this whenever I write so this comes naturally to me although I haven't written anything since February (and it was a crack fic x3) Usually when I get writers block it helps to take a break and read other people's work to reinvigorate my creativity, but everyone has different methods of handling it. Good luck with your writing! :3