Female Key outfit?

So we're having Celebrity day as one of our Spirit week things at school. So I want to be key. But female since I'm a girl. I have the Platform Converse like he likes, and cheetah/leopard print since he seems to like that. And blue for more color and he seems to like cardigans.  I think it's pretty good.. I'll probably ask a Bow to my hair and a bit of Jewelry. Do you think this outfit looks okay? It's pretty much all I have. I think I could see Key in this if he was a girl!  What do you think??? https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10679601_1478386339094542_8134395544228148842_o.jpg


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OhMyLuGe #1
make sure to be bright and colorful and try not to stick with basic color...
OhMyLuGe #2
the shirt and the skirt is ok. :)) if you have a blazer, plaid shirt, and bow tie with nerd glasses, wear that and also curl you hair and put a beanie over top of it.
Haha omg I could totally see him wearing that! I bet nobody will know who Key is though