
So my report card finally came home today. 
And yeah, things didn't go so well. One C minus in Geometry basically meant game over for me. 
My parents actually hadn't yelled at me or chopped me to pieces like I thought they would. But like typical Asian parents, they lectured. Or more like my mom. 
And I, like the wimp I am, broke down into tears. There wasn't even any voice raising involved, but I did anyways. I just felt like all the stress that I had compiled from the weeks of dreading and worrying about when the report card will be sent home, and the thoughts about letting my parents down, just all suddenly toppled over me. I really regret not being able to show them my best potential, and for not giving my all on the first math test we took. 
Now my parents are both super-convicnced that I need extra tutoring, but I reassured them by saying that I would go to the after-school tutoring sessions my school holds every week if I really need to. Sighs. Why does geometry even have to exist? 


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oh my god, are you feeling okay now? it's okay you're not alone I cry whenever my parents lecture me. -pats you gently tbh-
on a good note at least your grades are better than mine--