Operation: MyungJin Arts High || The Powerful Dancer


Moon jaeri

--SpringJelly • Jw • 100%


the Student.

name » Moon Jaeri

age » 17

birthplace & birthday » Seongnam, South Korea || 12/08/1997

hometown » Seongnam

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian

face claim » Kwon Su Jeong

backup face claim » Lee Da Som


appearance » 163 cm|54Kg|Ear Piercing on both ears

style»Outside school: Shoes: [1] [2] [3]

Clothes: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

During dance practice: sweatpants|sneakers|hoodie/long-sleeve shirts/tank-top|plain & black leather snapbacks.

At home: Hoodie and shorts. 

" character quote or something here "

" character quote or something here "


the girl next door.

plotline » The Powerful Dancer

personality » She is very competitive and her goal would be winning the competition. She is very diligent and tends to over-work herself very often. Whenever she is feeling down or stressed, she would dance her heart out in her bedroom or the practice room. Most of the times, she would dance throughout the night and would injure her waist the next day. She's very laid-back and cool about everything but get very serious when it comes to dancing. You could say that dancing is practically her life. She often talks a lot with her friends and would be glad to meet any new friends. She is a pretty sensitive person and always tries to stand up for herself, which she would normally win in

She tries to be as strong as she can in front of everyone and rarely breaks down even when she's alone.
But she's not that perfect. Like every other person, she have her own flaws too. She is hot-tempered, sarcastic and straightforward. To her, her biggest flaw is her love for animals and little children and she gets soft-hearted when she sees them. She had never liked much girly stuffs since young and had always preferred more boyish stuffs. Tho there are times she still wears clothes that are a little girly. She would behave a little like a boy but she is still a girl on the inside. 

trivias » She loves dancing and food but manages to maintain her great body through dancing and working out. She likes challenges and competitions. She likes attention especially when its for her dance or academics. She loves animals and little children. Needles to say, she loves music. She likes to be alone yet at times she likes to be surrounded with her loved ones. She likes the dark and would always practice with the lights off. She also likes the rain. Her favourite seasons are Winter and Autumn. She likes singing and rapping but loves dancing.She is able to sing and rap well but they are not as well as her dancing.


She hates any type of insects and cooking.She hate summers, thus, hates the heat but would be always practicing till she sweats a river. She hates anyone who blocks her way, both literally and not but would be more than happy to take on the challenge to beat that person.


She tends to clench her fist when she lies. Whenever she hears music, she have a habit of dancing or moving to the beat.


home is where your heart is.

background » Jaeri grew up with dancing and music. She was gifted to have smarts, looks, talent and body. She's love greatly by both her parents and also her own brother. It was when Jaeri was about to turn 17 when her parents decided to move to Seoul. When she was 17, she had enrolled in MyungJin Arts High, after attending a neighborhood school, along with her brother where the both of them major in dance. Since young, she had always wanted to open a dance class alongside her brother. Her parents love the both of them very much and often spoils them both but they didn't grew up as brats. She took part in many dance competitions and won most of them. She had also attended many dance classes along with her brother. 


family » Moon Daeyoung|Father|46|Smart,Caring,Warm|Alive|Close

Yoo Eunhee|Mother|44|Graceful,Vain,Sarcastic,|Alive|Close

Moon Jongup|Older Brother|19|Kind,Caring,Smart,Helpful|Alive|Extremely close


friends » Choi Sohyung|17|Caring,Helpful,Reliable,Sarcastic|Major In Dance|Alive|Extremely close

Kim Nara|17|Naive, Observant,Random|Major in Vocal|Alive|Extremely close


(Include Password Below this)


the one and only.

area of talent » Dance

how the talent was discovered » It was when Jaeri was out with her family when she was quite young. They were walking down the streets when they heard loud music and cheering. They shifted their eyes towards the direction of the noise to see a huge crowd. Curious, Jaeri headed towards the crowd with her brother following behind her. They arrived at the front after much effort only to see a few teenage boys b-boying to the loud music. And ever since that day, Jaeri fell for the charm of dancing. She would watch videos of people b-boying everyday and would eventually be able to remember the dance movements. She would practice the dance on daily in her room. She had always wanted to attend dancing class but didn't tell her parents. It all started as just a hobby for her when one day, her brother entered her room while she was dancing. "You have talent is dancing, Ri. You have the potential. You should continue dancing. Take up some dance class, sis." Her brother told her. Jaeri knew that her brother had always been interested in dancing and was pretty great at it. She had always envied her brother for that. He was her so-called "Role model". Ever since then, that hobby of hers wasn't just a simple hobby of hers. It became her dream to become a dancer. She started dancing at underpasses as there were more space for dancing than her own room. 


studies » She is better at Korean, English and Chinese and weaker in Japanese, French and Italian. Her weakest subject is Maths and her strongest is Science. 

She is always the top in class and level. She had won the champion for many dance competitions and even one of the biggest dance competition. She had won a few medals for some singing and rapping competitions.


audition »  Score: 90/100. Comments: Overflowing confidence when she dances. When she dance, it felt like she owned the stage. Like this stage was hers. Some moves were not sharp enough. Lacking a little energy. Because of nervousness, missed the beat for a second


the elite talents.

Alternate Background » She grew up from an average family. She is the only child and her both her parents had died in a car accident. She is currently living alone and attends a neighborhood school. She have 2 part-time jobs to support herself. She doesn't have any talent and the only thing she have is looks. She is always at the bottom in her class and level. She is only able to speak Korean.  


How and when she got contacted to be part of the mission » It was in the evening where Jongup and Jaeri were practicing in the practice room for a task their instructor had given the whole class. Kyuhyun went inside the room and told them about the mission. He wanted only Jaeri to be part of the mission but he was fine if Jongup knew about it as long as he doesn't tell anyone. Much consideration was taken in before Jaeri finally agreed to it. 


How She got into the Elite talents » One day, in school, Jongup and Jaeri were called to go to the principal's office where they met Kyuhyun. He asked them to join The Elite Talents. He then explained why he wanted them to join The Elite Talents and after much consideration, the two of them agreed to joining The Elite Talents and after a while in it, they started attending MyungJin Arts High. 


last words.

comments/suggestions » -

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