Important Stuff to Announce

Hey guys

as some of you know, Luhan is no longer apart

of EXO. Luhan is my bais as many of you may have noticed.

His leaving has upset me but I understand and support his decision.

So as of now I will go on a hiatus. This desicion did not come from Luhan

leaving EXO, it has been on my mind for some time now. I currently have

projects that I need to focus on in school and I also have ACT coming up in about

two weeks. The pressure is on to do good. I do not have time to both concentate

on writing my fics and to do school work. I will admit that Luhan leaving as put me off

of writing since he was who I mainly wrote about. How long this hiatus

will last I can not give you a direct answer. If inspiration strikes I will try to post. I will

try to work on some of my fics during the hoildays from school. MSA will continue to be

posted on Saturdays as it was pre-written. MSA is also almost finished. If I remember correctly

I have about 3 or 4 more chapters before it will be finished. I am sincerely sorry to those of you

who have waited for me to update and I'm sorry to disappoint.



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