Well well well, SM

Two idols filing lawsuits, citing mistreatment

One idol going into hiatus due to malicious rumors

One idol kicked out because her side hobby was taking too much time


"SMTOWN Family" seems to have Britney Spear's initials all over it


Some kind of management this is.


The only idol group now that hasn't been affected recently is SHINee

Only four Chinese idols are left in SM, excluding Amber and Henry

2 year old group to 7 year old group has been affected


And of course stocks are just a mess

Maybe according to Leeteuk's talk, we should all just sell short.


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SM may produce great artists but they sure don't take care of them at all. Something is always happening to them and it's never anything good .___. Such a shame on their end, if only they had better management.
It seems like SM's stocks are plummeting quickly.
YG took first.
Everytime Red Velcet comes out, something bad happens and I knew that something bad happens, it's really sad but I respect Jessica and Luhan's decision and I have a feeling that Tao or Lay or Krystal or Sulli will leave SM