happy birthday you baka


YOU're such a baka but i love you anyways, you know-

so hey man, i know i promised something big and epic on your birthday but i don't think that it's going to happen anymore weeps. the plan fell apart ;A; /flails arms around like a fish/ okay so- you were 19 when i met (reunited??) with you this year, so you have to be 20 now right? RIGHT???? tell me i'm right or else i'll be embarrassed forever and make up the excuse of 'well you're 20 in korea! ;;'. i'm not in the same roleplays as you are these days and it's pretty sad hahaha. you're too  lazy for 3rd nowadays and i'm just really into it? 

remember that time when i was yukwon and you were taehyung? yeah i found the post that we made lol! it's still really sad when i look back at it and and and i read it while playing taeil's where are you in the background XD! you gotta clap for me though because i didn't cry and that's really amazing. 

i remember when we were all in unlimited and i was really obsessed with mark and got7, but you and callee were like meh ; n ; i was like so sad because i wanted you to like him too because man his face is lovely. but now you started to like him and i just want to say - ahahahah i told you so. 

i met you back in hh last year aye, when i was chanho and you were like sungmin. god please don't remind me of how i used to be like because it was humiliating as . oh hey by the way, don't correct me if you see spelling mistakes because it's bound to happen man XD i'm not even proof reading this and there are no underlines or anything that tells me that i'm spelling incorrectly, so, lets just leave it this way. anyways yeah uh i still don't know how to be cute but i have this new hobby in wanting to make my character as miserable as possible now XD the sadder the better.

how did we become close to each other again? i don't really know tbh i think it was because when you were jongjin or something i dragged you to uh- that one roleplay i don't remember the name of. hahah we didn't like it though did we? did we even do there- oh yeah we did. lmfao i was like two characters and you were hyungseok ; v ; i remember.

oh yes then we joined ss and you were delta while i was beta XD i was topping you in a post and you were topping me in the other but i really don't remember much of the details jfc. i remember that we didn't even finish it though hHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAHA. oh well.

damn, i wish i could roleplay with you again. the last time i roleplayed with you was in silhouettes and that was a long time ago for me okay ;n; we barely see each other now and i miss you like okay. you should hurry up and idk, like 3rd pov again /slapped. i'm joking but at least stay with me in some places because i miss you like crazy and yeah i love you man.


happy birhtday you stupid poop that i really miss.







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Oh my god.
I totally missed this because of stupid roleplay ads. Let me just cry for a moment --

Aw, you idiot. I love you.
I literally just joined Aliase (even though I'm so lazy for 3rd, I'm going to try anyway) because it's your roleplay and I can't not be there. Excuse the double negative. So hurry up and accept me /weeps. My midterms are finally done so I have some free time before round 2 of torture starts.

I miss you too. How did we just suddenly stop talking? You disappeared from Unlimited and I keep forgetting about Aaron, oops.
Let's spaz about Mark and Jackson together now. I don't even know how I got into them but Mark's english rap kills me. And Jackson is so derp half the time, I don't understand how he's still hot.

We attempted so many pairings. I don't even remember half of them. (Yukwon and V though. That was heart wrenching.)
I think we met at Behind the Scenes? Uh, or not. I just remember I was Jongjin. And I was with Taehyung. I have no idea who you were. Hansol? Maybe. You were too many people. /pmsl

But anyway, thank you remember my birthday! /cries happily
I'm going to throw myself at you soon -- I mean, be in the same rp as you again soon.

P.S. Technically, you still never topped one of my characters. Close, but not close enough. WOOT, I win.
P.P.S. I don't even think we ever finished . Like, ever. Did we?