CKND` batch one [Q&A]



hi everyone ^^

This is the staff of CKND, and we would like to thank you all for requesting and for the love you've shared with us ^^ Never did we imagine to gain 50 subs and 12 upvotes by batch one, and that's all thanks to you lovelies.

CKND is important to us both, and we both value it more than you know. We apologize to all of you if your request was quite slow, but we're both busy people who're involved in a lot of extra cullicular activities.

Both physicall and mentally, we're both very tired. Both our minds and our bodies are worn out from our real lives, yet we continue CKND because it's something both of us enjoy doing.

We would like to say thank you to all of you, we're already busy planning for the next batch and an upcoming event so this is a little token of our appreciation.

Ask us anything you would like regarding graphic designer, trailer creating, both, questions regarding CKND, questions regarding life, seriosly anything and we'll try to answer to our best capabilities. Please submit in the following format in the comments

Qeustion about:
Share a gif! (lol optional but it'll make us happy)

Really simple, right? We hope that you'll all continue to support CKND, and thank you all once again.

layout by dukkuu


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