kpop questions

76. How did you get into Kpop?

: My friends. 

77. What was the first song you ever heard?

: Because im stupid SS501

78. First group you knew about?

: SS501

79. First group you really got into?

: SS501 but now im into SNSD

80. How long ago did you discover Kpop?

: This year I guess. 

81. Did you like it or dislike it when you first discovered it?

: I first found it weird but it was actually good

82. Is your current favorite group the first one you discovered?


83. If not, how long did it take you to discover your favorite group?

: When I first heard Gee, I loved SNSD and when I heard No Other I loved SUJU

84. First variety/reality show you watched that had a Kpop artist in it?

: Thankyou for waking me up SS501

85. First song/MV/pic/whatever that made you fangirl scream?

: Gee and Jun Be Ok by tmax


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