17 Writing questions for AFF writers

1. Do you write stories (or parts of it) everyday? Day or night?
Rather than write them everyday, I mentally keep check of new things I'd like to add to a story and may write it down if I think its a really good idea.

2. Do you have any writing rituals? If yes, what are they?
I'm pretty weird on this one, so bare with me. I have to have some kind of brain food (Be it chips, chocolate, pizza, etc.) or else I start doing stupid things to procrastinate that just end up with nothing done. I have to have an already set playlist for the genre of story I'm writing or I'll end up spending my time looking for songs than actually writing. For the life of me I can't seem to write properly if I've had a good nights sleep, I literally just stare at the screen like an idiot unless I'm somewhat tired. And finally, I absolutely cannot write when people are in the room with me (I think it stems from my paranoia that everyones watching me, even when I know they aren't) so I have to be either in my room, in my office, or completely alone in the house/Everyone is asleep.

3. Where do you write: MS Word, Notepad app, notebook, AFF text editor, Google doc, etc.?
I used to write on MS word until my laptop suddenly decided MS was the devil and started acting like a Catholic Preist all over it, so now I write on OpenOffice which I would recommend to anyone that doesn't have MS or just doesn't want to pay for it. 

OpenOffice Download link

4. Do you start a fic with an outline? If the answer is no, proceed to #6.
I can't exactly start a fic out of the blue without  some idea of what I'm doing, so I'd say yes. Although, it's not as extensive as the majority of those who actually prepare ahead of time. I do have a few fics that I put a lot of thought into and still haven't posted because I don't like the way I outlined it or theres a plot point that doesn't quite fit yet, but for the most part I just have a specific scne that pops into my head and I suddenly decide to make a fic around it.

5. Is your outline fixed or a work in progress?
Unlike my Waifu who practices the art of keeping everyone on their toes about who will die next/What'll happen, I'm a bit weaker with my writing and struggle to just keep one fixed point in a story let alone the whole thing being fixed.

6. How do you know if a chapter is done?
I'm a tad obsessed with cliffhangers and usually will go out of my way to leave the readers guessing, but I usually at them so it never turns out how I'd hoped so I just stick with keeping the ending at 2,000 / 2,500 words.

7. When do you update?
It depends on the story, really. If I'm excited for the plot and my Waifu shows particular interest in it, I'll more than likely update it on a semi-regular bases rather than the others that I tend to....Well....Neglect.

8. Do you usually write short chapters (<1500) or long ones (>2500)?
As said in 6, I have a standard of 2.000 / 2,500 words in each update.

9. Is it a must for your story to have a poster?
Eh, I mean it's always a cool thing to have one and I frequently have them in mine. But I don't necessarily think all stories need them.

10. What do you usually write in your foreword?
An excerpt or prologue, depending on the story.

11. What font do you use? Font size?
New Times Roman because it's the easiest font to read and I like its crispness lol Font size is usually 16 - 18.

12. Do you write stories about your bias?
Yeah, but I'll often write about whomever strikes my attention the most. Lately, it's been people who aren't even my bias and just need to STAHP.

13. Which of your fictional characters can you relate to the most? Why?
All of the redheads are my persona in the fics. Mainly because idgaf and want to have myself in them (Who doesn't like to fantasize about their bias with them?)

14. Have you requested reviews for your stories?
Nope, but I don't think I need one with my Waifu being the Gramming and Spellar genius she is.

15. What are your weaknesses when it comes to writing?
Writing itself. And I'm serious, it's freaking hard to just sit down and write.

16. Why do you write fanfics?
I started because I was too afraid to write an original story and get judged for my terrible character making skills, but then I realized how fun it was and let go of my fears so I could just have fun and write about all the crazy things I'd like to do/have done with my biases.

17. Any advice/tips about writing?
Hum...This is a tough one because I'm terrible about giving advice no matter the subject. But honestly? I'd just say to sit down and think about that one crazy dream you had that you just couldn't stop laughing at and write it out, because no matter how crazy it seemed, it'll always be uniquely yours and no one can hate you for it. (Unless they're haters, and in that case just point me towards them and I'll whoop their asses faster than you can Canoe down a waterfall)


And yes, I'm aware that that made no sense but yet all the sense.





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Thank you for the advise I'll keep that in mind. : )
cool! can i borrow this?