Well hello guys

Wow, I haven't been on in foreeeeeeever!!! I miss being here lol

The reason I've been gone for so long is that my laptop has no hard drive..... yeah I've had it for about 9 months now and just now found that out.... not happy.

I kept trying to order a new hard drive but they kept messing up the order and wouldn't help so I put it off for a while. But now my laptop is laggy and super super slow and I'm trying to go through all my files to put on flash drives so I don't lose anything. I DID HOWEVER SOMEHOW LOSE MY I SPY FOLDER UGHUGHUGUHGUHGU AND I JUST STARTED WRITING MORE TO IT

So I'm going through all my music, videos, pictures etc. and moving them to my flash drive since I finally ordered a new hard drive. When I replace the hard drive I may lose everything so that's why I'm moving all my stuff.


I already have a plot ready for my third Neverland story and I know what I want to work on and things that I didn't do to well on in the first two. But I'm scared to start writing it until I get my laptop fixed. I usually type it all up and save the chapters before even posting them to AFF. With my luck I would start the story and my laptop would really freak out and I would finally lose all my files. I promise I didn't forget about you guys or my stories. I really do miss writing them and updating them for you lovely subscribers. Just wait a few more days for me to comeback. They said it takes 2-3 days for the hard drive to be sent to me so hopefully by the end of this week my laptop will be fixed and I'll finally be able to start writing again!!! But until then~ SARANGHAE ^^


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