My Opinion on SM

I know people probably won't bother reading this, because really who likes to think about other people's opinions? However, I am beyond furious. And it might come as a surprise to a lot people but I am not against SM because people are leaving their respective groups. In fact the thing that infuriates me is what so called fans are doing. There is this thing going around saying they have to stop SM by boycotting all of the artists. That is beyond. and I mean beyond agrivating. Why are we going to punish the artists who have done nothing wrong? 

I will never, and I mean never stop supporting my favorite groups because some people have the audocity to suggest that one person makes up the whole group and that the rest of the members don't matter (12-1=0, 9-1=0). I have stayed silent for a really long time, not liking to voice my opinions because i believe everyone is entitled to their own but it amazes me how insensitive some people can be!!! How can you degrade the years of efforts of someone because someone else decided that it wasn't what they wanted to do? How just how?

As i've mentioned i hate sharing my opinions but that's because mine are my own. No I don't support Kris after he left Exo, because I think Exo can still be great without him! He left that's on him. I don't care at all that Taeyeon and Baekyun are dating because hey it's their life. Jessica leaving SM and blaming the members is a real move, and I think she plays the victim card so well i'm surprised she doesn't carry around her own body chalk! Sulli causing F(X) to go on hiatus was selfish and inconsiderate of her, F(X) was doing great and she ruined everything they might have obtained. Sungmin dating is the best thing that has ever happened! I hope all the Suju guys start dating soon because I hope to see them all with kids!

So now everyone knows my opinions, and as i've said they are mine! And no i am not trying to get you to think the way I do so stop trying to get me to think the way you do!


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I totally agree with you, even though I never heard of the boycotting, the 'fans' shouldn't ever go blaming on the artists. it's their life, they caan do whatever they want with it. the fans' jobs are to just accept how things are, not to start going crazy and boycotting; that's stupid.