Sept. 30th

Today marks one of the saddest days of our whole life. Of our fandom life.

the whole thing felt so abrupt, but then, we also expected that'll happen even if we tried to ignore it.

ignorance is bliss, yeah?

ya. Jsyj. Come back and be stronger.

if it was indeed parsons that you got into in ny, then i applaud you. Been dreaming to go there other than yale or brown. 

Thanks for being who you are. Trying to stop things or actions that werent to be seen. I mean like, so most people wont get hurt. Ya. That. 

It just really sunk in that youre let go. It felt like, that feeling that you did your best in an exam—then you didnt really get the mark that you wanted. That feeling.

i still like you, yknow. Tho itll just hurt seeing everything for now. Ill try. Ill do it. Be stronger like you guys did. 


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