Being Sick

Yo Star's back~~~

So, I've been sick for like 4 days now I'm much better but I still have the cough *cough cough* sorry very sick. But, when one is sick, they stay at home. So i stayed home and literally did nothing. Nothing. My parents kept telling me to sleep and they were out of the house most of the time during the weekend. So I was on my own, sleep not coming. I was REALLY bored. And I can't belive I didn't think to write on m-*cough*-sorry. didn't think to write on my blog until now. Because of this, I also haven't been able to update any of my stories, and if you're wondering how i'm writing on my blog is cus i'm much better now which actually explains why i didn't write on my blog before. I'm so stupid *shakes head* Well, thought some of my readers deserved to know why I haven't been updating. Thanks for being patient! I should be able to update by next week. I know, i'm sorry, that is a long time but I do have a schedule and ya... well, ya!

Luv ya'll



P.S. omg it's a star


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