INFINITUM ADs ∞ [O V E R D O S E] One Shot Productions

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[O V E R D O S E] One Shot Productions
by ftwexo, shinyuhan, tofubunny, kimchispaGHEltti, and Oyechi

Story Link: Click here.

All genres are allowed.
for EXO members only

Description: Ever had ideas about your favorite EXO pairings but doesn't have the time to write it? Well, through this shop, you will be able to request different one shots according to your liking, and of course, EXO pairings. You will be the one to give us different prompts to accommodate your request and we will give it our best to write the one shot you requested from us!

A/N: Please do request~ You can request as many as you want, and it's free! EXO pairings only please! No, OC's or Exo partnered with a girl or an EXO member partnered with a MALE from another group. Only EXO members as the main characters.


Do check it out! :)


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That is a really cool idea !!
Gonna try it soon ! Good luck