Nobody's Perfect, So Stop Blaming

I just recently read this article:

No, not that the fact that Zico was homophobic or that Kyung used very vulgar words in his lyrics that seemed ist.

It was those people who posted it up with mean comments.

Look, I may not know Block B well, but please, please don't call them an . I felt really really hurt.

Maybe it's because my perfect image of them is ruined but I already knew Zico was homophobic but Kyung I didn't know but it really hurt to see them getting bashed like that.

No one is perfect. They have their flaws too so why can't you accept them? So maybe the flaws are quite big...but I really can't stand these mean comments.

You think Zico wanted to be homophobic? And how do you know if Kyung is really ist? And who are you to be calling him an ? I don't know.

I know I'm being a complete bi_ach now but I'm sorry. If these people can express their thoughts then so can I. Their words really hurt me a lot.

Why do they even start these kind of sick websites? I mean sure, maybe you find it fun but still...

You know what, actually if I were to really argue, guess what, I'm guessing it would be my fault in the end. Why? Cuz they'll say I was the one who went to look at the website and if I'm butthurt I should get lost.

But I really can't stand it. I really don't want to take the blame and anymore. And who knows, Kyung wrote those sick lyrics before he debuted with Block B. Maybe he have changed, maybe he have not, you never know

And you know what? Just call me butthurt fan cuz I am. Call me delusional but it really pisses me off. People can't have emotions? People can't express their feelings? I'm hella pissed and hella hurt.

Nobody's perfect. I realise that. And I know those people who wrote the articles may not be perfect. But when can they realise that nobody's perfect? I effing sound like a hypocrite but if really wanna argue till the end, then when it all sums up, there will be no answer. I'm sorry for my ridiculous deep thinking. Maybe to some people it's all bull but it makes sense to me.

I really feel like crying and swearing the hell at those people now.


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